Jamie Kinlochan Profile picture
Therapist and facilitator / Board member with @ammabirth and @ShelterScotland / Community Gardener / Your pal who helps get stuff done.
Apr 5, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read

The pond in my local park is being drained and cleaned and a big consideration for the council is what to do about any fish they might find.

And I'm like, how do you not know if there's fish in there?

The answer to that question has got me SPINNING... There are people who go to their local ponds and put carp in and leave them there to breed and get really big.

Then they fish them out in the middle of the night and sell them as giant carp for thousands of pounds.

Like, a whole underground market in fish IN YOUR LOCAL PARK.
Mar 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I don't understand The Promise to be about rapid adoption, or about celebrating the state's role in women being deprived of the opportunity to care for their own children.

Hopefully a great outcome for this specific family, I'm cautious about it being a replicable model. This is a complex and challenging circumstance and I am sure there's more to it than has been curated in this thread. I was a panel member for four years and I know in a small amount of cases, there's no more road.

I think that The Promise should lead to less adoption, not more.
Sep 11, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
If they knew what it was like to hide letters about school trips because you don’t want to stress out your mum.

If they knew what it was like to make a game out of turning everything off and hiding on the floor because the Provvy is at the door and you don’t have the money. If they knew what it was like to be met with security guards at the JobCentre because someone has decided that you are a threat.

If they knew what it was like to ask someone to put £6 in your bank so that you could take out a tenner because you don't have chip and pin.
Sep 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Another day, another story celebrating high volume foster care in the news. On the face of it, it's just an innocuous human interest story about care.

It's not though, and here's why stories like this are a #GoodFirstAttempt but miss the mark entirely.

bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan… First and foremost, there is no contribution from any of the children who were in their care.

So what happens is their stories get co-opted. Children's lives are reduced to one line anecdotes and reflections by adults who came and went from their lives. This is unfair.
Dec 31, 2019 25 tweets 5 min read
The end of the year. A time for reflection. Things that went great, things that could have gone better. Surprises and disappointments.

It's with that in mind that I want to tell you about how, in May 2019, I shat myself on the street in broad daylight. I mean instant, uncontrollable, catastrophic diarrhea. Not a wee whoopsie.

And I'm putting this on Twitter for three reasons:

1) It's really, really funny.
2) Whatever version of myself I'm creating online, it doesn't involve this.
3) You'll make a plan.