Jamilah Lemieux Profile picture
Writer+culture critic. Bylines: Vanity Fair, LA Times, the Cut, Playboy, the Nation, Essence, Slate. Amateur stand up. https://t.co/1ETeRAaH3B
Jun 13, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Comedians seem to agree that anything goes in comedy, which is pretty hilarious when you think about folks who write jokes for a living attempting to institute rules by which the people they seek to entertain have to abide by. “Hello, my job is to entertain the public. Here are the laws by which I will do so. Note that the public is not allowed to criticize.”
May 26, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
Maybe I would be a dog person if I hadn’t had to watch white folks value them more than they do the Black human beings over whom they have undue power. It may have been the 507th time that a dog violated my personal space, only for its white owner to say, “Hey, it’s totally cool, she’s friendly” that ruined doggos for me.
Jan 6, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
I’ve let some of you down. Not the first time and prob not the last time. Against my better judgment, I’m going to say more. Not just to clarify my initial intent, but because this stuff is on my heart. Mute or cancel me as you see fit. I was introduced to Chance in part because of his desire to do better by Black women and girls. Yes, I consider him a friend and I’m protective of him to some extent. I would prioritize neither of those things over the pain BW have endured bc of misogynoir.
Sep 22, 2018 25 tweets 5 min read
I was trying not to say anything because I rock with everyone involved (well, not that man with the suit vest, lol), but this has been one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever witnessed on this app. It’s worth thinking about what can/must be learned from it. Firstly, @DjChubbESwagg didn’t deserve this. Period. But I’ll get back to that.
Oct 2, 2017 7 tweets 1 min read
Now that we’ve established that the alleged gunman was white and non-Muslim, here’s a forecast for the week to come: 1)Thoughts and prayers from folks who could act to prevent this sort of thing but will instead work to ensure it happens again