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Biden or Bust🔅 Professional Media, Editorial, & Lifestyle Photographer, MumMum to my diabolical mini me, wife, & all around Sparky Spark.
Oct 28, 2020 21 tweets 11 min read
1. I wasn't impressed with the first episode of Seduced. The production lacked the luster of @TheVowHBO. India felt like the quintessential Cali girl, or lost little rich girl, who was too easily conned into a cult posing as a self help organization.
I was wrong. 2. #SeducedSTARZ might take a moment to warm up to but in the 2nd episode the viewers gain critical information completely excluded from @TheVowHBO.
#NXVIUM business model identically mimics @Scientology You cannot financially support yourself until the 2nd highest level.