Jan Brauner Profile picture
May 29, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
A🔥 indictment by @HMDatMI of the "grotesque parody of compassion that is conventional homeless policy; government’s elevation of the supposed interests of the anti-social & dysfunctional over those of the law-abiding & hard-working; anti-white race-baiting & racial bathos"
🧵1/ twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Jordan Neely was "was given a hero’s funeral in Harlem last Friday [&] eulogized by New York’s most prominent race activists before an audience of the city’s Democratic elite."

BIG fan of elder abuse, this "Hero"!
2/ Image
Oct 31, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
🧵Thoughts on *Let's go, Brandon"
It's a fascinating synecdoche.
a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa.

Even protesting Italians see something more [a commentary on elitist authoritarianism?]. The media is missing the MORE of it all.
Jul 6, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
"I met Khaled Abu Toameh in Jerusalem in 2007, when he worked as a reporter for the Jerusalem Post. He must be the bravest journalist I have ever met."
powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/… Excerpts from Toameh's column:

"These [Palestinian] leaders have turned the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of the West Bank into a police state where political opponents are beaten to death, arrested, tortured &intimidated."
May 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
On teachers👉I had ONE good teacher in 1-8. ONE in my 9-12 experimental ungraded fiasco that almost unglued me. SIX in college who were spectacular. Brilliant. Challenging. I've also known 2 of my kid's friends who were undoubtedly gifted as per observations. 1/2 My 5 kids have noted MORE than a few superb teachers in THEIR sojourns BUT they attended high-powered schools where every teacher had a Masters degree & 5 yrs. exp. They attended chi-chi boarding schools. Even then, most were simply shepherding the top 1% thru the system.
May 25, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
A provocative Freddie deBoer holds up an unsparing mirror to today's Big Ugly w/prose both Trenchant & True.

"This is [...] anti-white ideology - all of the bad stuff in the world happens as a direct result of white actions, white power."

freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/people-of-co… "I suspect that placing all of the blame for historical crimes on white people is strangely comforting for white leftists: it advances a vision of the world where only white people matter. It says that the sun rises and sets with white people."

Jan 22, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Excellent video on the use of race in college admissions. If you do not have time to watch the video, the screenshots set out the basic precepts along with the narrowly tailored cases in which race MAY be considered.
h/t: @ConceptualJames
Jul 9, 2020 21 tweets 5 min read
About that damn Letter:

1st, I salute this: “The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away.”
harpers.org/a-letter-on-ju… I even salute many of the lovely signers EVEN as WHO signs it is immaterial to the point.

Yep, tarring-by-association has become the province of lightweights. At THIS point, it’s ALL about the idea cuz Purist Piranhas have chewed away the nuance.
Apr 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
.@DouglasKMurray takes a scathing lens to the “sewer” of American media & highlights why trust in this institution has “plummeted” during the pandemic in contrast to most other institutions. 1/6
unherd.com/2020/04/can-br… He places the locus of blame on the “big guns” who showboat, play gotcha, indulge in sanctimonious preaching & selective political advocacy, wax sickeningly sycophantic, & stage *news* [aka Chris Cuomo-ing] that is both deceitful excruciatingly boring. 2/6
Aug 22, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
Lotsa truth-tellin' landed Lee Jussim in lotsa shit storms. In insider parlance, he got #TBOM [targeted by outrage mob] virtually a badge of honor for those who receive an UNDESERVED ass-kickin' for simply laying facts on the line or challenging grievance-infused pedagogy. 1/18 Yesterday, Lee posted his #3facts5scientists. His reality bites on any number of levels. Certainly, it merits a medal in the Victim Olympics should he elect to compete for its oily triumphs or desire to tangle in its slimy seductions.
Aug 16, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
Set aside previous rancorous ying-yanging w/@DavidAFrench or the National Review review and focus on his compelling piece about the whitewashing by the national media of the prickly duo’s vile associations. 1/11
nationalreview.com/2019/08/ilhan-… Not a big fan of condemnation by association but consistently wallowing in anti-Semitism and double standards doth an implicit statement make. One that would’ve condemned them to the hellfires of disgust if donned by others. 2/11
Aug 16, 2019 26 tweets 4 min read
Noah Smith’s excellent thread on why one should “BLOCK EARLY, BLOCK OFTEN” pastes a smile on my face. 1/25
He’s right that engaging w/those who “use twitter as a combat zone” fosters contempt for opposing views & is counter-productive to the goal of understanding those views. 2/25