Jas Johal Profile picture
CKNW Radio Host, Jas Johal Show - 3-6pm. Former Global National China Bureau Chief (Beijing), South Asia Bureau Chief (New Delhi), and former MLA
Sep 24 25 tweets 8 min read
1.  Hang on to your soon to be recycled BC United merch, it’s time for another edition of Monday musings! Here we go…. #bcpoli #cdnpoli Image 2.  Interesting rebate announcement from John Rustad today. It’s policy that gets people talking. Pity, for him his COVID comments caught up with him. Here’s my full interview with him on the rebate, safe injection sites, bill 44, and his covid comments.
Sep 16 27 tweets 5 min read
1.  Time now for another edition of Monday musings. It may be water under the bridge but the demise of BC United, and what transpired behind the scenes still remains of interest. #bcpoli #vanpoli 2.  I’ve made calls to party officials, BC United execs, and staff trying to understand the dynamics of what happened. Here’s what I’ve learned…
Jun 10 20 tweets 5 min read
much of what comes across my desk, never makes it to air. So I’m beginning, MONDAY MUSINGS, an occasional Twitter thread of things I’m hearing and seeing in the current affairs sphere. #bcpoli #vanpoli1.So 2. A former South of the Fraser mayor is seriously contemplating a run for provincial office as a BC Conservative. And no, I’m not talking about Doug McCallum. #bcpoli #vanpoli
May 7 14 tweets 5 min read
Breaking News!

a public meeting today, Delta Council introduced two motions that radically changed Mayor George Harvie’s responsibilities. When it comes to politics it’s a tectonic shift for Delta. #bcpoli #vanpoli #deltabc @cknw @GlobalBC1.In 2.Council voted to remove Mayor Harvie as a director at Metro Vancouver. This will also mean he will lose his Chairmanship of the Metro Vancouver Board as well. #bcpoli #vanpoli
Apr 4 7 tweets 1 min read
1. Public safety remains front and center in our city for a reason. Last night I met friends at The Magnet (great place) for dinner. When I walked out there was police tape everywhere. Here’s what I’ve learned from that shooting and other recent serious crimes. #bcpoli #vanpoli 2. Last night there was dispute between drug dealers in the Homer and West Pender area. The argument escalated to shots being fired. An errant round hit an innocent bystander. #bcpoli #vanpoli