Jason Bedrick 🇺🇸🎗️🇮🇱 Profile picture
Research Fellow at @Heritage / @HeritageOnEd. The views expressed here are my own. #schoolchoice #edchoice #edfreedom Stiff-Necked Jew
Jun 21 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
There’s a long history of conspiracy theories in the Arab world re: animals that Israel has supposedly trained to spy on or attack Arabs.

In this 🧵 I’ll share several. Feel free to add more. What’s your favorite? Most famous is the Mossad’s spy dolphin, Lt. Col. Flipper. Image
Dec 19, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The new Harvard-Harris poll shows just how much CRT has rotted the brains of America's youth.

Universities and K­–12 schools are pushing a Marxist worldview that divides everyone into two categories: “oppressors” and the “oppressed.” 🧵 1/6

Image CRT primes its adherents to adopt antisemitic beliefs. Instead of celebrating the success of minority groups, CRT treats any success as inherently suspicious. If Jews are disproportionately successful, CRT says that they must be disproportionately oppressive. 2/ Image
Nov 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Students at @Princeton today were shouting “globalize the intifada” and “there is only one [final?] solution: intifada revolution!”

Hamas showed us what “intifada” means: mass murder, beheading children, gang rape, taking hostage babies, women, and the elderly. #TheWestIsNext They also shouted “by any means necessary” — again, Hamas showed us what “any means” means.

And they threw is false accusations that Jews are “settler-colonialists” on the Jewish homeland where Jews have lived continuously for 3,500+ years.
Nov 6, 2023 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
On Friday, @RashidaTlaib posted a video calling for the destruction of Israel. She implicitly endorses a second Holocaust. Congress should censure her. A 🧵 1/18

Image Tlaib's accusation that Israel is committing genocide is entirely projection.

Israel has taken every step possible to minimize Palestinian civilian casualties as it defends itself from the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists who massacred 1,400 Israelis. 2/
Oct 19, 2023 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
U.S. academics at top universities are serving as "useful idiots" for Hamas.

Even after it became clear that Islamic Jihad's errant rocket had hit a hospital parking lot, profs were still spreading the Hamas lie that Israel did it. Who are they? A 🧵 1/21
dailysignal.com/2023/10/19/ame… On Tuesday night, Western media outlets reported that Israeliair strikes had destroyed a Palestinian hospital, killing 471 innocent civilians. By morning, it was clear that every single part of that story was false. 2/

Oct 15, 2023 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
#Texas Rep. @jamestalarico claims that school choice is "an existential threat to public education and democracy."

In reality, school choice is better for democracy than government schooling. A 🧵 1/16

#txlege @KeriDIngraham dailysignal.com/2023/10/15/sch…
Image This talking point has long been a staple of the teachers’ unions, even though states that have adopted robust school-choice policies (like Arizona) have seen their district schools improve and still have democratic institutions. 2/

Oct 10, 2023 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
For those wondering how Jew-hatred has gotten so rampant in universities, a big part of the problem is federal funding of antisemitic programming. A 🧵 1/14

dailysignal.com/2023/01/27/her… Congress should investigate how federal funds are fueling the disturbing rise of antisemitism on college campuses. According to the ADL, anti-Jewish vandalism, threats, and slurs on college campuses nationwide have tripled since 2014. 2/ wsj.com/articles/fbi-s…
Oct 9, 2023 • 24 tweets • 7 min read
Iran is behind the worst attack on Israeli civilians in 50 years. A 🧵 1/24

“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep still.”—Isaiah 62:1

dailysignal.com/2023/10/09/ira… We've all seen reports of the carnage, but here's some context re: the timing: the terrorists chose to attack on Simchat Torah, the most joyous holy day in the Jewish calendar, when Jews celebrate the completion and renewal of the annual cycle of studying the Torah. 2/
Oct 4, 2023 • 19 tweets • 6 min read
All weekend, @Arizona_SOS hyped an “explosive” report from @abc15 re: the Empowerment Scholarship Account program. On Monday, we learned the shocking truth: parents are using ESAs to purchase—hold onto your seats!—educational products and services. A 🧵

Yes, you read that right. That’s the “scandal” that Save Our Schools Arizona (SOS) has been breathlessly touting. 2/

Aug 1, 2023 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Are you a hateful extremist?

You are if you hold mainstream views on hot-button issues in education--at least according to lefty pundits and their media enablers who have been smearing groups like @Moms4Liberty. A 🧵 1/15

Image Far-left groups like SPLC have been weaponizing the labels "extremist" and "hate group" to cast @Moms4Liberty as beyond the pale. But in fact, they stand for what a majority of Americans believe.

Jun 4, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Arizona Gov. @katiehobbs wants you to believe school choice is “bankrupting the state.” If anything, the Empowerment Scholarship Accounts policy saves money. A 🧵 Image With an ESA, parents can use a portion of their child’s state education funds—typically about $8,000 a year—to pay for private-school tuition, tutoring, textbooks, online courses, home-school curricula, special-needs therapy and other expenses.

Mar 21, 2023 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
As education choice policies sweep the nation, critics are raising concerns about the potential for waste, fraud, and abuse. Yet a closer look reveals that these policies offer a model for accountability. A 🧵 A dozen states now have K-12 education savings account (ESA) policies that allow families to customize their kids' education. ESAs can pay for private school tuition, tutoring, textbooks, homeschool curricula, special needs therapy, and more.
Mar 20, 2023 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Opponents of school choice claim that K-12 education savings accounts only benefit families whose kids were already in private schools, but their data is outdated and distorted.

The reality is that most school choice students would otherwise have been attending public school. 🧵 Image Choice opponents have claimed that 70% to 89% of school choice students were already in private school. That is completely false.

In fact, the majority of kids in school choice programs were not previously enrolled in a private school.

Mar 19, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
The @nytimes has taken a brake from bashing Jews to distort Judaism to push a radical ideology. But anyone who has a basic knowledge of Jewish law knows that this is absolutely false. 🧵 Image Judaism recognizes two sexes, period. "And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." - Genesis 1:27

Jewish law also recognizes the existence of several aberrations. All relate to physical traits that are not chosen.
Jan 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
BREAKING: Florida's House Bill 1 will expand K-12 education savings accounts to ALL Florida students. Florida's HB1 converts the state's Family Empowerment Scholarships into an ESA that all families could use for private school tuition, tutoring, textbooks, online learning, homeschool curricula, special-needs therapy, and more.

Jan 9, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Opponents of school choice claim that (1) it doesn't benefit rural kids b/c there are no alternatives to the district schools and that (2) it hurts district schools because so many kids would leave for those alternatives.

What's the truth? 🧵 1/11 These claims are mutually exclusive. They can't both be true simultaneously.

But as @matthewladner & I detail in a new @Heritage report, they both can be--and actually are--false. 2/

Sep 28, 2022 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
On Friday, @sos_arizona declared a “historic victory.”

But by Monday, SOS was conceding defeat.

What happened? The parent-led #DeclineToSign movement thwarted SOS's attempts to block the expansion of education choice, then SOS torched their credibility at a press conference. 1/ SOS claimed they handed in 142K signatures to put the Empowerment Scholarship Account expansion on the ballot. They needed 119K.

But according to a tally by @GoldwaterInst & @azpolicy, SOS actually turned in fewer than 90K. 2/

Sep 23, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Is Arizona's education choice policy in jeopardy?

So-called "Save Our Schools" declared victory today, but their victory is ringing hollow. A 🧵 1/7
dailysignal.com/2022/09/23/app… Beth Lewis, executive director of Save Our Schools Arizona put on her best game face today as she announced that SOS has gathered enough signatures to put the recent expansion of AZ’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program on the ballot. But she doesn't look happy. 2/7
Sep 16, 2022 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Earlier this week, the NY Times launched an assault on Hasidic yeshivas, claiming they leave students unprepared to earn a living.

They relied only on anecdote and innuendo to make their case but provided no data. That's because the data paint a very different story. A 🧵1/ Image The NYT piece was timed to influence a Board of Regents vote to regulate *all* NY private schools. Despite 350,000 public comments overwhelmingly opposed to the regulations, the Regents voted unanimously to adopt them. There was no debate. 2/
Jun 22, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Yesterday's SCOTUS decision in Carson v. Makin was rightly decided but not revolutionary. Indeed, the justices themselves emphasized how "unremarkable" it was, given that it flowed directly from the logic of the Trinity Lutheran and Espinoza decisions. 1/ The core of the decision was this line from Espinoza: "A State need not subsidize private education. But once a State decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious."

Yesterday, SCOTUS merely said, "Yes, we really meant that." 2/
Jul 21, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
This parental consent form from Scottsdale Unified School District is like something from a dystopian novel. FYI @DeAngelisCorey @exjon @robbysoave @RJRobb @SethAMandel @bethanyshondark @SethLeibsohn