Director of Games at Paizo | Creator of the Pathfinder RPG | Publisher at Minotaur Games | Pathfinder | Hopefinder | He/Him | Opinions are my own
Jan 18, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
I can teach you the core concepts and how to play Pathfinder 2E in one thread... so if you are new or curious about the game, pull up a chair and I will give you the basics... 🧵1/12
Character creation is as easy as ABC... just pick your Ancestry, Background, and Class. Each one of these choices will have a few other choices to go with it. What is your elven heritage? Pick a feat to represent a special trick you learned as a fighter. 🧵2/12
May 24, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Just to give you all some insight on how thin things are in the RPG business, in 2 days, I am going to release the PDF and PoD version of a 32 page #Pathfinder2E adventure that I wrote, set in my own personal setting of Eventide! I am not sure this product will break even. 🧵
I have cut just about every corner that I can. I wrote it and I did the maps and layout. Between new, original art and hiring an experienced editor, I spent $2,500. I make about $6.50 per PDF or PoD that I sell (roughly). To break even, I will need to sell 384 copies.
Feb 8, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Alright, let me break it down here into a few very simple steps.
Pathfinder 2E Character Creation in 7 simple tweets! #Pathfinder2E
Step 1: Envision your character!
Flip through the books, looking at the ancestries and classes. Imagine how they might come together to create your PC! Alternatively, draw from fiction or your imagination to get started.
Chat with the group about your idea to make a fun party.
Jan 24, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Let me talk for a minute about a difficult time I had about 15 years ago, when I realized I had to stop identifying myself with D&D. I suspect many of you are, in some way, feeling some of the same things.
I grew up playing D&D. I went to my first Gen Con at age 11. I spent my teens playing with friends, evangelizing to draw in new players, and working on my own campaigns. It was a core of my teen experience and as I grew up, it became something I used to identify myself.
Jan 14, 2023 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
So, there are a lot of folks out there looking to give #Pathfinder2E a try, and I've been seeing this question quite a bit
Where do I start?
Well, let me help you on your quest, and please feel free to share this far and wide! 🧵1/12
If you're experienced with RPGs pick up the Pathfinder Core Rulebook! It has all the rules for players and GMs to get started, including character creation, playing the game, designing adventures, and even a primer on the World of Lost Omens (our setting)! 🧵2/12
Apr 10, 2018 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
One of the things I loved about last night's #TalesFromTheLoop game, was that all of the following scenes were added to the plot, but were just as important to the narrative as the main story...
1. Two of the teens went to Echo Base, the local comic book shop, to check out the owner's preview of the brand new Nintendo Entertainment System, and after playing for several hours, they ended up missing their curfew and getting into trouble.