Fitness Junkie & PT until #ME Jan 2012 #LongCovid Dec 2021.
Blood tests normal until SARS-CoV-2 infection. All abnormal now. Unvaxxed. The End is Nigh.
Sep 7, 2024 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
SARS: Why Was The 2003 Coronavirus Outbreak Less Deadly? In 2003, a coronavirus that killed one in every 10 people it infected emerged from China & spread through several countries. Then, within eight months of being detected, it seemingly vanished. 🧵
In November 2002, doctors in Guangdong, China, began to see the first cases of what would become known as SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Over the next several months, 8,096 people in 26 countries contracted the new viral illness, leading to 774 deaths.
Aug 29, 2024 • 24 tweets • 9 min read
When SARS-CoV-2 started infecting the world.
Some of the iconic pictures captured in 2020.
The body of a suspected SARS-CoV-2 victim is wrapped in plastic in an Indonesian hospital. The government's protocols were to wrap patients in plastic & bury them quickly. "Many who saw the image initially declared it a set-up to promote fear". Joshua Irwandi, photographer.
Aug 26, 2024 • 25 tweets • 9 min read
A Pictorial Timeline of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic.
1981: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) reports 26 cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), a rare cancer, in homosexual men in both New York & California. The same day, the New York Times published the first mainstream news article about the mysterious new disease.
Aug 22, 2024 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
In 1918, an estimated one-third of the world's population contracted the H1N1 "Spanish flu" influenza virus.
Deaths are estimated to have topped 50m worldwide.
Their solution against getting sick & dying?
Wearing masks & cleaning the air!
A story in pictures. 🧵
During the 1918 pandemic, the New York Health Board's stance regarding wearing masks was: "Better be ridiculous than dead."
Jun 25, 2024 • 50 tweets • 15 min read
Nutrition Suggestions for Chronic Illness. #LongCovid 1: I have 12 ½ years of chronic illness experience. I was also a semi-pro athlete, personal trainer & nutritionist before becoming unwell. I am not a medical professional. Just some guy that can’t sleep. Thread 🧵
2: Make nutrition your No.1 health priority. It provides the body with essential nutrients required for growth, repair & function. A balanced diet rich in macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates & fats) and micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) is crucial for well-being in this chronic illness shit show.
Jun 10, 2024 • 174 tweets • 36 min read
A friend in the community saw a GIF & hoped we could change a word to get the message out that people may have Long Covid without realising it.
I changed it & then went further & created a few more on COVID-19 as I've been suffering from insomnia & completely bedridden for 48 hrs.
I hope you like some, I hope some make you laugh & sorry if any offend you.
Please use them to post or reply to posts if you wish.
#LongCovid #ME