Jay Healey Profile picture
Personal account - he/him. @ColumbiaSIPA. @Jason_Healey@infosec.exchange. Founder of Cyber 9/12 student competition. Review board @BlackHatEvent @defcon
Nov 23, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Sen Romney: "only effective way to stop [cyber attacks] is to attack back ... the best defense is a good offense"

It's been 1739 days since @US_CYBERCOM announced "defend forward." Time for DoD to produce unclas evidence that offense is a good defense

thehill.com/policy/cyberse… Revisiting this thread b/c of great @MorningCybersec @johnnysaks130 convo @NSA_CSDirector

Despite committing "substantial resources" ransomware "as much or more than historical norm"

Offense has a role in defense, but hard to argue "the BEST defense"

Mar 2, 2022 32 tweets 8 min read
Why no major Russia cyber onslaught? Here’s a thread on various reasons we’ve heard

Not sure if this list by @VirpratapVS & me improves on the four in excellent article @ciaranmartinoxf (ease, effectiveness, escalation, ethics) but just in case...

lawfareblog.com/cyber-realism-… 1) Cyber is hard and RU wasn’t ready
To be precise & militarily effective, needs long lead times, precise intel as per @eborghard @Shawn_Lonergan & others
Feb 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Less reflexively against this Ukraine outsourcing hacking than others but...

This is an incredibly dangerous moment for Europe. De-escalation and peace will be hard enough on their own without outsourced hacking to worry about. Just possible that outsourced hacking seizes up unclassified logistics networks or releasing damaging information on Putin’s cronies
Feb 12, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
As important as @CISAgov is, we can't forget other USG agencies w/ unique perspectives & authorities.

Great read from @BrookingsInst @tewheels on role of FCC in advancing cybersecurity:

brookings.edu/blog/techtank/… Incredibly damning list of how Trump administration neglected & undermined the FCC over the past four years:

Stopped the Commission order to address known security flaws in the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The result left EAS vulnerable to DDOS attacks
Oct 5, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Whenever I hear "adversaries will back down in the face of US (counter) offensive cyber operations" some part of me sees the same confidence of a three-star general telling us "we're turning the corner in Afghanistan" Sometimes more firepower and applying overmatch wins. Sometimes it can make the problem worse especially when there's a lot of civilians in the way & people are likely to be outrage. Sometimes there is not a path to military victory.