Jason To | 杜澤信 Profile picture
School streaming/tracking abolitionist. Mathematics coordinator @tdsbmath serving 240K @tdsb students. @OMCAmath Prez. @tdsbTLC lead. NHL94 World Champ. He/him.
Jan 23, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
.@tdsb presented an update on how destreaming — or "Academic Pathways K-12" — is going system-wide. The positive impact on students is due in large part to the thousands of educators who've committed to this endeavour 🙏🏽
While there's much to celebrate, the work is far from done. Over 7 years, enrolment of students into Academic courses has gone from 76% to 96% in Grade 9 and 94% in Grade 10. That the TDSB has moved significantly forward in providing access to Academic courses for a much broader population of students is a critical indicator of success.
Jun 9, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Okay let's explore the new Ontario Grade 9 Destreamed math curriculum (MTH1W), shall we?

Quick facts:
- the new curriculum has 3 more overall expectations but the same number of specific expectations compared to 2005
- the strands align with the 2020 Grades 1-8 curriculum

🧵 Strand A and AA
Glad that social-emotional learning won't be assessed because that would be hella biased. Good that the 7 mathematical processes and culturally responsive mathematics is explicitly an expectation.
Jun 23, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Some quick takes on the new Ontario Grade 1-8 Math Curriculum dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/

1. I’m noticing a lack of the word “investigate” anywhere in the document. Can’t say I’m surprised... 2. Having an explicit emphasis on mental math strategies is going to shift how teachers instruct, and they will need to be able to name and notice these mental strategies and move students along from less efficient to more efficient. That’s huge.