Dr Jaison Philip. M.S., MCh Profile picture
Urologist, Madras Medical College/DRAVIDIAN STOCK. Tweets strictly in personal capacity.
7 subscribers
Dec 14, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
“No Army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.”
Victor Hugo. A thread; Image At 9 AM, 16.12.1971, Manekshaw rang up Left. Gen Jacob. "Fly to Dacca & get a surrender document from Pak L.G. Niazi, to INDIAN forces."
Oct 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I don't understand what Ravi says. He says of 28 Indian states, only TN does not allow Hindi. I studied in a Tamil medium school,& today type in English in X. I also speak fluent Malayalam, Hindi & Telugu. I hv achieved MBBS,MS, MCh degrees, & hv performed 250 kidney Txs.(1/2) Please hv a look at what TN hs achieved with Perarignar Anna's 2- languages policy👇. TN's GDP is $280 billion(entire Pak GDP is $347 billion only), 2nd only to Maharashtra. GSDP growth is 14.16% at current prices. Best health/Roads/Tourist footfall in India. What more is needed? Image
Sep 29, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Translators fr statesmen hv an onerous job. They need to be very careful. Condoleeza Rice in hr book,'No higher honor', says that tho she spoke Russian, she ws wary of making a mistake, since Russian hs different meanings when emphases on syllables change. Sm famous Tr errors.A🧵 Image The most (in)famous translation error in history was made by Nikita Khruschev in 1956, at Poland, while taking to Western Ambassadors. Khruschev said,"My vas pokhoronim", which ws translated as "We will bury you." CIA officials present at the meeting, scurried back to report.
Aug 5, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Mujib-ur-Rahman's statue being defiled today. On 14.8.75, Tiger Siddiqui, worried that tanks were roaming on Dacca Roads, went to see the President of Bangladesh. It was 8.30 PM. Mujib, came out in a baniyan & lungi. Siddiqui conveyed his worries to Mujib. A thread🧵; Image Tiger Siddiqui asked Mujib, why should there be tanks on the streets? Mujib laughed it off. "I am to speak at Dacca University tmw. Perhaps they r for my security." At 1 a.m. on 15 August, Farooq Rahman, Khandaker Abdur Rashid and Shariful Haque Dalim called other junior officers
Jul 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read

On 30.3.1981, Ronald Reagan, US President, walked out of The Hotel, Washington Hilton, where he had delivered a speech. At 2.27 PM, he exited it thro the 'President's walk', on Florida Avenue, so-called bc it ws only 9M from the exit to his car. A thread🧵; 'The President's Walk' hd been specially modified after JFK's assassination, since many sitting presidents stayed there. The secret service had laid a 'foolproof' three-layer security around him. An insane man, Hinckley emerged from the crowd, & shot 6 bullets from his revolver. Image
Jul 7, 2024 37 tweets 5 min read
Whom does Kashmir belong to? As an Indian, I will say Kashmir (including POK), is an integral part of India. A Pakistani wd mumble the opposite. A European might say it is disputed territory. Whom does K belong to? Come, stay with me, as I journey back in time. KASHMIR - a long🧵 Image The earliest records of Kashmir, date from around 3500 yrs back.
1. 1450 B.C: Dharmasoka of the Gonanda dynasty ruled over K, for 50 yrs. He built Srinagar,& the habitations around the Dal Lake. Kings of this dynasty ruled 1176 yrs, till 272 B.C.
Jul 3, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
It all started at the small town of Thirukazhukundram, 80 kms off Chennai on the evening of 20.9. 2008. A.P. Hithendra ws a 15 yr old boy born to Drs Ashokan& Pushpanjali. Taking his father's bike, despite several prior warnings from his father not to do so, the boy took to NH 58 Image A major accident occurred and Hithendra lay unconscious on the highway fr 20 min. Tragically, passersby instead of helping him, stole his mobile & chain. A pt of father Dr. Ashokan, identified him & brought him home to the Dr parents. The parents immediately took him to hospital.
May 27, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
We will analyse the Indian economy from 1947 to 1991. Long thread 🧵alert:
India's GDP was 25% of d world GDP, when the British came in 1700. It was 4% by 1947, by brutal, ruthless looting by the colonisers. India accounted for 25% of the world's industrial(1/n) output in 1700. This reduced to 2% in 1900. How did the British ruin the industries/ economy of India?( 2/n)
May 13, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Need to get something of my chest. A relative was admitted throughout the last fortnight, at the ICU of a pvt costly Chennai Hospital.( I had pleaded with him to get admitted at a govt hospital). He died yesterday. The initial diagnosis was pneumonia. A 🧵 thread: First the charges. The ICU charge seemed exorbitant, it felt like daylight robbery, sans d knife. I usually don't introduce myself as a dr anywhere, but I did so here. I was permitted to go thro the case sheet. Nothing except a higher antibiotic/bronchodilator& Nasal O2 was given
Feb 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
U don't need to cheat all the ppl, all the time. Cheat some of the ppl, some of the time, & u cd hit jackpot. J, a nervous, jittery woman, who became the CM of TN just bc of the assassination of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi demonstrated this wonderfully well.(1/3) Image A nervous, jittery woman who begged for praise all her life, she looted Tamilnadu worse than Malik Kafur or the British in 200 yrs of colonization.(2/3) Image
Feb 11, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Toxicity in med colleges: A thread;
Junior residents accuse Jipmer HoD of harassment  - , For the best experience read this on The Hindu App. (1/n) 🧵thehindu.com/news/cities/pu…
bit.ly/THNewsApp I entered d Dept of Gen Surgery, as a blue eyed young boy, long back in my 20s, expecting to learn surgical skills. What awaited me was a nightmare. My Prof, a Sanghi, used to take me daily to his room& an hr of religious mental torture followed. My Christian name ws an irritant.
Feb 2, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨Trigger warning: Sex case study:

Vinod & Leela(names changed), two 14 yr olds, dressed in school uniforms, entered my clinic. I enquired what the problem was. A 🧵 thread; Leela narrated the big catastrophe. They both were children of IAS officers& were in love( Deiveega Kaadhal ws d description in Tamil). Being classmates at school, they hd been having near-daily sex, with 'appropriate protection'. She described their sexual activity in grt detail
Jan 27, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
🚨 sex case study:
" Sir, my husband has an erection." It is true that I run a sex clinic, but this was the first time, I had heard a lady barging into my room, screaming thus. Now, both u and I know that husbands can hv erections, but this is a slightly different story. A 🧵; Manju & Parth( names changed), had been my (MBBS) students. Today Manju is an anaesthetist,& Parth a leading cardiologist in India. It was Manju who had entered my room, anxious & sweating. Short story: Both were newly married& were having a fabulous sex life.
Jan 23, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Now the great ancient Buddha must hv smiled several times in his remarkable life. But, the date was 18.5.1974, a Buddha Purnima. PM Indira Gandhi took hr secret phone. Raja Ramanna spoke those code words. Indira smiled& sat back on the Sofa. India hd won. A 🧵; Image The Indian military nuclear program had several twists, turns, threats & several acts of bravery,patriotism. Let us go down memory lane.Sarvepalli Gopal, records in his book that it was Nehru who first contemplated an Indian atomic weapon, while publicly talking nuke disarmament.
Dec 31, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
It was 31.12.1989. I was reading the India Today( Tamil) special edition whose cover featured my former schoolmate drinking alcohol freely at a Pub. It summarised how both India & Chennai (Tamil edition) had changed in the previous decade. A thread🧵; Chennai attained a major metamorphosis in the 80s. Feeling Nostalgic, lazing in my Chair,I let myself look back at the Chennai of the 80s. My first memory was my father showing me paper-clips, carrying photos of the victory of the DMK-Indira alliance in the national elections.
Dec 3, 2023 26 tweets 7 min read
'If u know the enemy and know yourself, u need not fear the results of a 100 battles'.
General Manekshaw, looked puzzled at his file, the 100 th time. The date was December 3, as it is today, but the yr was 1971. A thread on India's finest moment.🧵 Image Kao, Indira's legendary spymaster, hd sent the file, a few days back. 'Expect Pak to attack on Dec 2." But, there had been NO ATTACK. What was wrong? Indira Gandhi had managed to plant a mole among the aides of Pak President, General Yahya Khan. The heavily encrypted msg,
R.N.Kao Image
Nov 3, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Why did not Indira Gandhi after comprehensively winning a war, not leverage 93,000 Pak POWs to
1. Obtain POK in return?
2. Atleast change the Kashmir ceasefire line into an International boundary? After all, India had obtained the largest troop surrender since WW2? A thread 🧵; Image When Indira left for Simla, she had a few objectives. They were:
1. Secure Pakistani recognition for Bangladesh, thus formally dividing & humiliating Pakistan.
2. Change the Ceasefire Line into a line of control in Kashmir, stabilizing it.
3. Obtain the return of Indian POWs. Image
Sep 21, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
The date was 23.6.1985. Emperor Kanishka, the majestic Air- India-182 flight, btw Montreal( Canada ) & Bombay was on air over the Atlantic Ocean at 10,000 m, over sea level. Children laughing, friends sharing jokes were having a good time. A thread: 🧵 Suddenly, a bomb ripped open the aircraft, killing all 329 ppl abroad, mostly Indians who had obtained Canadian citizenship. This is the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history. The worst aviation terrorist incident ever,till 9/11 happened. But, what was wrong with security?
Aug 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
This morning's post by @Sona_unplugged about her father's heart attack@Kochi brought back memories of my own experiences as a pt of 2 heart attacks at the same city. I own majority shares of a 'Sex Hospital' at Kochi& can be found there, whenever I hv a break at Chennai.A thread; So, here I was on a busy Monday morning, advising pts/admonishing some/reassuring others in chaste malayalam, when I suddenly vomited& collapsed in my consulting room. Luckily, our visiting cardiologist ws sitting next room, alerted & revived me. Our psychiatrist & cardiologist,
Aug 4, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
What is the root cause of toxicity during the period of CRRI/PG/SS student in Medicine? Solution? Having been a victim of toxicity, I hv tried to organize my thoughts. A thread🧵; I entered MBBS as a blue eyed boy at age 17. Became a CRRI at age 21. Here r some of my experiences;
1. Work was hectic. We were immediately(all) put on 36 hr duties once a week. You cdnt bathe/ change clothes. Just brush ur teeth & run to the ward. The next day had dawned!
Aug 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
In Tamilnadu, it is routine that PG residents are considered below CRRIs, nurses, nursing students and wardboys by everyone. A 25 yr old nurse, abusing a 50 yr old MCh resident is normal. When I did my MCh Urology in a Chennai govt med college, (1/n) though I was young, my senior was a 50 yr old gentleman. He was called by name( also verbally abused) by 25 yr old nurses, ward boys & pretty much everybody. To them, he was a servant. And to make the OT nurses& ward boys come for night Cadaver Kidney Transplants (2/n)