Jay Kapoor Profile picture
General Partner @VSCVentures | Founder @thegameplanshow | Past: @LaunchCapital @Techstars @NFL @CarnegieMellon | Content: Climate/Tech/VC | πŸ’: @prer_sing
Aug 23, 2020 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Here's a secret no one tells you β€” just getting an A-List athlete or celebrity to join your startup won't magically help your message resonate with your audience

Your messaging is likely flawed & celebrities can't solve that problem for you...

But you can, with this Thread πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡πŸ½ 1/ Whether bc of @thegameplanshow's content or bc I advise athletes, startups ask me how a famous cofounder can help amplify their brand

Getting noticed starts w/ messaging that resonates, with or without an A-Lister

Credit due: My techniques build off of @carynm650's framework
Jun 27, 2020 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 2 min read
This will be an unpopular opinion, but hey, let's get Spicy on Saturday 🌢πŸ₯΅:

I don't think you need to be "smart" to be a Consumer VC...

In fact, I'm not entirely sure it helps.

πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡πŸ½ 1/ Let's break this down a bit.

As you peruse the hellscape of VC Twitter, you'll hear plenty of consumer investors using words like "flywheel", "network effect", "zeitgeist", "vitality coefficient"

All of that is overintellectualized MBA jargon to answer two simple questions
Mar 26, 2020 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Really fortunate to tune into @ceonyc's "Veteran VCs Talk About Weathering Tough Times" panel today

Grateful to @bfeld (@foundrygroup) & @toddowl (@sparkcapital) for offering their insights to us youngins having successfully navigated several cycles.

Some takeaways below: Todd Dagres on this landscape:
1⃣"Unless you do at-home fitness or remote video technology, you're going to feel the pain right now"
2⃣"Hard to be prepared for this as a young founder, who are by nature fearless"
3⃣"Rounds are going to get done at valuations founders don't like"
Oct 16, 2019 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 5 min read
I spend my evenings watching live streams about scaling challenges early-stage startups face (so that you don't have to)πŸ€“

Last night, @annimaniac hosted an instructive live discussion defining her framework on Product-Market Fit &"core-beliefs" that I really loved

Thread 0/ πŸ‘‡πŸ½ @annimaniac Founder mistakenly believe PMF is "bag of features" & "a user" that loves elements of that bag.

Bad news: It's way more complex.
Good news: Ann has a framework.

1⃣ Product as value proposition
2⃣ User in an ecosystem
3⃣ Pricing structure & business model

Let's pull on each 1/
Dec 14, 2018 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 6 min read
1/ I know Ancestry.com and DNA family tracking like @23andMe are all the rage these days, but I need to share the CRAZIEST experience I have ever had pertaining to our family lineage. This place will be a future @VICE documentary, I'm sure of it. πŸ‘‡πŸ½Thread : 2/ As part of Hindu last rites for my Mom's passing, we drove to the holy city of Haridwar to bring her mortal remains to Ganges River. It is a solemn ritual meant to signify the soul moving on to the next world while the body returns to earth via the sacred Ganges