Dennis Noel Kavanagh Profile picture
Director at Gay Men’s Network (@MensNetwork1) , garrulous male homosexual. Lawyer.
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Jun 15 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ This is progress apparently. The naïve utopia of gender's answer to Rumpelstiltskin in which we can breezily theorise away the cold hard realities of crime statistics or the reality of what really happens when you put a male rapist in a woman's prison. She'll never face such 2/ In a sentence, Butler casually advocates for abolishing single sex spaces and patronisingly urges Amanda to think more. This is pretty seismic of course, Butler is literally arguing against female and homosexual political assembly or demarcated social or political spaces.
Jun 11 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Screaming Lord Cashman, senior gendocrat among Vichy gays and not a man troubled with a restless intellect goes for James. It's all faux concern with a sting in the tail and a swipe at talent. This is rich coming from someone who played "the acceptable gay" on EastEnders 2/ Apart from crimes against poetry and mindlessly repeating crap slogans that never catch on other than by us mocking them ("together, only together" anyone?), Cashman's contributions to the gender wars have been to be the anti-gay forces most bovine and moderately useful peer
Jun 11 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ It's the height of luxury to write off perfectly legitimate and fundamental policy concerns as a "culture war". Whether a child has their puberty blocked or Helen Webberley gives them a potentially fatal dose of testosterone is not a culture war.… 2/ It's a desperately serious matter. The sitting President of the Family Division certainly thought so in Re J. He's not a man given to hyperbole and his view was this "culture war" could easy accrue a teenage girl into its no doubt growing body count.

Jun 1 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ The former Gay Rights movement has nothing to be proud of. In this country and globally it's wrought a terrible schism in it's own community, it's poisoned the next generation of gays with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones and it's morphed into an authoritarian cult. 2/ There can't be many political movements who have so decisively turned on their own. Most egregiously, warnings of homophobia in gender medicine were not just completely ignored, the former gay rights movement has tried to silence and cancel those doing the job it should have.
May 15 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ It's not my intention to be harsh on John or anyone else taking up a rainbow lanyards after Esther McVey is getting rid of them, but I do want to make some points about how some of us gay people feel about them which I hope will be given a hearing. 2/ First I say this. Particularly in an NHS context a rainbow lanyard would have had some use circa 1984. Back when no one was game to wear them or even touch some of us on AIDS wards, they could have been a great sign of support in a tough world. But they weren't worn.
May 8 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ Quite a thing is it not? The greatest enemy gay rights ever really had was the gay rights movement. What plastic phalanxes these were, those who cowered in the shadow of the rainbow, their greatest enemy themselves, but so cowardly they visited their hate on others. 2/ This is the bitter harvest of gay rights. At some point we'll have to set our mind to why lesbians called other lesbians "sexual racists" or why gay men called other gay men "genital fetishists" and promised they would hypothetically sleep with a trans man, which was not true
Apr 29 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ Well. I did try to tell you Humza. Gender did for Sturgeon and now it's finally done for you. You wouldn't be warned of course, too busy calling your opponents bigots and far right, a terrible habit you both picked up from the Greens. Yet it was the Greens who did for you both
2/ A government falls when it slides into absurdity. Now for Sturgeon this was the famous interview over Adam the meaty rapist where she, so blinded by gender, couldn't bring herself to say he was a man, we were told instead of a new third sex of "rapist"

Apr 25 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Dear Trans Rights movement,

I have decided, on balance, not to sleep with women. Whether such women have undergone various surgeries, taken hormones or genuinely believe themselves to be men, their belief is no match for my reality. I require a male body in a partner 2/ I don’t wish to be unkind to such women but I must introduce you to a concept. I am what is known as a “homosexual”, this word in my case connotes a male who only experiences attraction to other males. As such your demands are unreasonable.
Apr 16 12 tweets 3 min read

On puberty blockers, the FM's first thought is the failing child sex change outfit @stonewalluk

""I believe that er, as Stonewall has said, if there are some recommendations that are implemented properly that this could make a difference to young people’s healthcare" 2/ This is a disaster for Scottish gay/autistic youth. While Hunt begs forgiveness in the Times as she rewrites her part in this scandal, he invokes the Stonewall she created. The Stonewall that ushered in the chemical and surgical correction of kids.

Apr 14 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ @PeterTatchell, I want to address some comments to you and shall do so as politely as the circumstances that obtain now permit me.

What you are doing here is advocating for chemical homophobic violence by gender medicine to be visited on the weakest there are you stupid fool. 2/ Let's see if we can get facts through your stupid thick head shall we? Recent research indicates "puberty blockers" cause testicular atrophy and increased cancer risk in boys

Understand Peter? Defenceless boys with avoidable cancer in their balls

Apr 13 24 tweets 7 min read
1/ When gay children abandoned to gender needed Stonewall to stand up for them, Ruth Hunt wasn't even absent from her post, it was worse than that. She conspired against them, joined and led enemy forces and today she sets out her defence. But this prosecution is overwhelming. Image 2/ I remark in passing Stonewall could have stopped the Tavistock scandal at any time. At the height of its power, had Stonewall agreed with Dr Bell, Sue Evans, Marcus Evans, Sonia Appleby it would have ended. These heroes stood up for gay youth, Ruth Hunt stood against them.
Apr 9 16 tweets 3 min read
1/ Dr Cass’s review leaves no room for doubt that Tavistock clinicians were correct when they said “it feels like a new form of gay conversion therapy” and the joked “soon there will be no gay people left”. Children thought to be gay were subject to medical experiments. 2/ Dr Cass’ report is of global significance and it makes clear that gender medicine is built on a false consensus. From the “Dutch protocol” to the “eunuch archive” castration fetishists connected to WPATH revealed by G. Gluck, this was not medicine, it was something darker
Apr 8 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ There is an obnoxious and laughably false SNP defence line doing the rounds suggesting the Scottish Hate Crime mess is merely bringing Scotland "into line" with laws in England and Wales. I want to dispatch this falsehood in this thread with reference to the text of the acts Image 2/ The first thing to say about the Scottish Act is that is has no direct parallel to an English & Welsh statute in respect of the list of protected characteristics it covers. In England the equivalent offences are available only for race, religion, sexual orientation. Image
Apr 6 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ I should like to ask @stonewalluk how they reconcile their statement on the left with the predictable, horrifying emerging truth Christina describes on the right and I should like to ask that on behalf of the generation of defenceless boys now grotesquely damaged by this cult
2/ Christina's entire thread on the matter here. I wish to make clear to Stonewall that they better well have an answer to my question because I mean to keep asking it and soon I suspect it will be a matter of pressing legal concern for many.

Apr 3 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ Let's examine this statement shall we member of the jury and see just how much the twisting snake that is Stonewall will contort itself in its final fatal battle against inevitable and deserved irrelevance.

Well. You can now misgender with impunity says the snake it seems. Image 2/ Look at paragraph 3. Here the organisation formally led by Nancy Kelley, a woman who calls lesbians "sexual racists" accidentally gives the game away.

For it says biological truth is the just "no more" than as criticising religion.

Consider this hand shown on two counts.
Apr 2 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Where are you now gender Borg? Now your hate crime act in Scotland is defanged? Now your WPATH files show you for the reckless perverts playing with the bodies of children like meat? Now your conversion bans look like gay conversion 2.0? Where is your rainbow now? 2/ it was a corrupted rainbow, a chevron from the left that no sky ever saw and no citizen wanted to walk over at a crossing, in all things it was top down artifice and your be kind collection of frauds look like the tricksters they are
Mar 29 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ @sueevansprotect's important CF is now up so may I ask that everyone considers a donation. Sue has been working with gender distress for almost 40 years and she is judicially reviewing private providers of hormones on the basis it's unsafe.… 2/ As Sue says "I want the court to set aside the registration by the CQC of Gender Plus Hormone Clinic to provide hormone treatment for teenagers. I also hope that this litigation will prevent the registration of other private clinics providing this controversial treatment...
Mar 23 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ Violence, intimidation and anarchy are encoded deep in the DNA of gender borg's philosophy whether it's surgical violence against homosexuals, intimidation of women out of jobs or the anarchy of medication on demand. This is how predators prosper and this is what they are. 2/ This movement is imploding so it clutches tight to it's bosom the atavistic behaviour that always defined it, it descends to the level of animal instinct, the chanting thugs, the baying mob, the unironic but telling use of smoke bombs and the chaos of the smoke screen.
Mar 18 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ In the new civic religion of gender grown in the shadows of the old ones with their dead gods, the same instinct for infallible papal pronouncements of doctrine obtains, today, the demand is that the word "homosexual" not be said. Strange times indeed these are. 2/ You'll note it's not (and never) "heterosexual", it's not (and never) "man", because we've seen "woman" reduced to a dirty word by the same sorts of outfits who tell us what to say, what to think and what words must be expunged from public discourse. Always the same targets.
Feb 23 13 tweets 3 min read
1/ Peter with his new, corrupted rainbow might give away gay spaces easily now he has no need of them, but I beg to differ and make the case that that @dnalerinrehtron does. I want to make the emotional case for a single sex gay space and I shall do so in the following terms. 2/ When you've grown up different, other, not fitting in and not what you see on TV or not what your family particularly wanted or liked a gay space for a homosexual is a decompression. It's a space other than the real world, when you are young, it's the first space ever.
Feb 23 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ I've completed a legal analysis of the Commons Private Member's Bill I did for GMN from the perspective of how the legislation works (or doesn't) as a criminal statute. You can read the somewhat detailed analysis here on my substack.…
Image 2/ The final draft of the bill (version 7) is available here and there's a copy of the text of the bill as Annex A to the substack piece.