Dennis Noel Kavanagh Profile picture
Director at Gay Men’s Network (@MensNetwork1) , garrulous male homosexual. Lawyer.
16 subscribers
Feb 17 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ NHS Fife demonstrates the vast & enduring institutional power of political travestitism, you cross this force, and it's doesn't matter if you're a nurse with decades and decades of unblemished public service, you will face confected hurts and institutional wrath like no other. 2/ Political tranvestitism is an inorganic, top/down force well used to power and influence, so it luxuriates (often absurdly) when on public show, for it has no sense whatsoever of how absurd it is. This is a movement characterised by boys no one ever said the word "no" to.
Feb 15 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ The modern body politic lies at the end of the long road to solipsism, if you want to understand the present moment, you have to understand principally that Western societies endlessly meditate on the self and the only political unit in town is the individual. And it's lonely. 2/ This all started a long time ago. Fad diets. Gym memberships to achieve bodies measured against pornographic aesthetics. The normalisation of the therapist. The primacy of individual lived experience. And then the information revolution that catalysed it all into outright war.
Feb 1 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ The gender borg have every right to be furious with @stonewalluk for sneakily ditching their belief in gender identity in their new definition of transphobia. Political transvestitism holds that men in dresses have soul-like female gender identities - Stonewall now denies this Image
2/ Stonewall used to believe gender identity existed and that enforcing the reassessment of Allison Bailey, the cancellation of any number of women, the harassment of James Dreyfus was justified in the name of the new religion of gender identity. Yet now they abandon it. Image
Feb 1 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ I welcome extreme trans activist charity @stonewalluk backing away from the absurd position they used to hold until a month ago when they deprecated the use of the word "homosexual" as a "medical term". They have now U-Turned on this in a blow to political transvestitism. Image
2/ "Homosexual" was always offensive to political transvestitism because it implied there was such a thing as sex and that two people of the same sex might be involved. Now, it's not perfect because it says "or gender" in the new version. But it's progress of a kind.
Feb 1 17 tweets 6 min read
1/ "The unserious grappling with the serious" is a fair summary of the kid's table antics of the assisted suicide committee this week. Where there should have been discourse and information, there was instead wordplay and sophistry worthy of Lewis Caroll.
2/ Where there should have been courtesy and open minds to critical voices, there were specious points of order, MPs playing on their phones, yawning, or witnesses writing off concerns around easting disorders as a "red herring" and just one or two cases

Jan 28 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ This is breath taking. One of the responsibilities of the assisted suicide committee is to consider safeguards against domestic abuse and exploitation of the elderly. Diane Abbot's reasonable amendment asking for this has just been voted down. This is outrageous. 2/ Earlier today the committee heard worrying evidence from the President of the Association for Palliative Medicine, Dr Sarah Cox, she said ""You can't always identify coercion", Dr Rachel Clarke said similar and said realities should not be ignored.

Jan 26 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ There's a link in the next tweet to my long read piece on why the Private Member's Bill on Assisted Suicide is a manifestly dangerous piece of legislation. In this article I consider clauses 1-18 which regulate the process and purported "safeguards" the bill proposes. Image 2/ My conclusion is that this bill is fit for utopia but dangerous in the reality we fallible inhabit where undue influence, controlling coercive behaviour and fraud by abuse of position of trust actually happen.…
Jan 25 14 tweets 6 min read
1/ Gender ideology was indeed a "shameful catastrophe", but it was Sajid Javid who ordered the Cass review, it was Badenoch who defended gay/autistic youth long before you took to twitter with your cowardly, opportunistic attack on the leadership of this decent and brave woman. Image 2/ It was Badenoch, (and not you or your reform friends) who stood in the commons and said:

‘We are seeing… almost an epidemic of young gay children being told they are trans and being put on a medical pathway’

She was pilloried and castigated.…
Jan 20 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ The Australian Human Rights Commission has ruled that a public meeting which is lesbian only amounts to "gender identity discrimination" against transvestites and assorted men who claim to be women. I want to explain, beyond the glaringly obvious, just how bad the situation is 2/ In the first place, the LAG were forced by law to apply for an "exemption" to the AHRC. In the past a lesbian only event would be an unremarkable feature of gay rights freedom of association. Now, lesbians must plead with a state body to meet in a public building.
Jan 18 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ There is no "moderate" trans position, what there is instead is a cynical political repositioning forced on TRAs by reason of complete political defeat. As ever, it is really a demand, a demand we all forget the worst excesses of this dangerous, intolerant movement. It's a con 2/ There is no reasonable middle ground in the number of autistic/effeminate boys to be castrated. There is no half way point in the number of female prisoners you are prepared to put at risk of state approved rape. There is no percentage of acceptable cancellations.
Jan 5 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ The modern, identitarian, chemically castrate your child type "left wingers" are in fact a consumerist schism in right wing politics, the only real dispute is whether you have a body as commodity or you believe in a body politic. There's nothing authentically left wing here 2/ Modern "left wingers" seem to care more for the identity de jour and the maintenance of their social media status than they do for the hard work of classic Marxism or making a moral case for the evils of poverty and the reality of class exploitation.
Dec 21, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ An AGP who seeks out disgust as part of his fetish can hardly complain when he meets it. This is the paraphilic panopticon I'm afraid, your disgust is actually what he wants and your manifestation of it part of his enjoyment. Humiliation fetish is an essential part of gender. 2/ I'm afraid this means to some extent there is no way out other that return to a Dr Hakeem sensible analysis of the role of post-mass consumption of pornography paraphilias. Dr. Hakeem asked whether a paraphilic nudist would be permitted to cross dress at work and our reaction
Aug 22, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ If you want to understand the modern day you have to understand the primacy of aesthetics, or more accurately visuals over the word.

The modern child has seen a million more images than his parents, the modern world is visual and relies on porn as a dominant aesthetic. Image 2/ It should be enough in the puberty blockers debate to say "Don't give those to your child, they harm bone density, cognitive function and social ability"

The compelling answer politically has been "But he'll look more like a woman" - an aesthetic / cosmetic response.
Aug 22, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ The Secretary of State for Health Wes Streeting MP has extended his predecessor's ban on the private provision of puberty blockers and has worked with Northern Irish Authorities to ensure Ulster cannot be used as a backdoor to poisoning children. This is a hopeful moment. Image 2/ Victoria Atkins properly introduced this ban in the teeth of fierce opposition and a judicial review threat from the Good Laugh Project. It is to her credit she did so and to Wes Streeting's credit he supported it. This is sensible governance.

Jul 25, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ In a era where you watch a remake of a remake of a superhero movie, it's apt the gender emerges as the ultimate empty political recursion, it claims to be a repeat of gay rights because repeat is what it does, whether that's memes, mantras or downloaded identities. It's empty. 2/ This is why it has to backwards engineer itself into existence, it's why the very much intact AGP implausibly insists he would have had puberty blockers and that gay (mainly girls) must take them, it's why they say gays didn't win gay rights robbing us of history.
Jul 16, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Allow me to introduce you to the "Forstater Paradox" which is what I call a profound legal problem with any conversion legislation. It works like this. Following the case of her name, you have a civil right to not believe in gender identity ideology. 2/ Your expressions of that belief, in law, are a "protected characteristic" under the Equality Act 2010. There's some debate about what sort of expressions cross the line into unacceptable, but the basic point is you have a right to disbelief.
Jul 3, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ Change indeed. Well. That's the end of the gender wars. Or at least the most important part of it. Cass happened and a man who once promised Pink News he would introduce self-ID has now bothered to read the policy and realised it's isn't just a bolt on gay rights photo op. Image 2/ Here be dragons huh. So where are you now? Is this Canada mark 2 and gendergeddon on the horizon, or is the ground shifting, are we the lucky nation who will avoid the worst of gender madness as political happenstance and healthy British discord mitigate against disaster?
Jun 15, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ This is progress apparently. The naïve utopia of gender's answer to Rumpelstiltskin in which we can breezily theorise away the cold hard realities of crime statistics or the reality of what really happens when you put a male rapist in a woman's prison. She'll never face such 2/ In a sentence, Butler casually advocates for abolishing single sex spaces and patronisingly urges Amanda to think more. This is pretty seismic of course, Butler is literally arguing against female and homosexual political assembly or demarcated social or political spaces.
Jun 11, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Screaming Lord Cashman, senior gendocrat among Vichy gays and not a man troubled with a restless intellect goes for James. It's all faux concern with a sting in the tail and a swipe at talent. This is rich coming from someone who played "the acceptable gay" on EastEnders 2/ Apart from crimes against poetry and mindlessly repeating crap slogans that never catch on other than by us mocking them ("together, only together" anyone?), Cashman's contributions to the gender wars have been to be the anti-gay forces most bovine and moderately useful peer
Jun 11, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ It's the height of luxury to write off perfectly legitimate and fundamental policy concerns as a "culture war". Whether a child has their puberty blocked or Helen Webberley gives them a potentially fatal dose of testosterone is not a culture war.… 2/ It's a desperately serious matter. The sitting President of the Family Division certainly thought so in Re J. He's not a man given to hyperbole and his view was this "culture war" could easy accrue a teenage girl into its no doubt growing body count.

Jun 1, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ The former Gay Rights movement has nothing to be proud of. In this country and globally it's wrought a terrible schism in it's own community, it's poisoned the next generation of gays with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones and it's morphed into an authoritarian cult. 2/ There can't be many political movements who have so decisively turned on their own. Most egregiously, warnings of homophobia in gender medicine were not just completely ignored, the former gay rights movement has tried to silence and cancel those doing the job it should have.