Jeff McFadden Profile picture
I am kin to all life. The faster you go, the more you miss. Living slow with donkeys in full public view, YouTube link below.
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Oct 11, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
When I post about my intention to vote for Vice President Harris for President this election, I get one of 3 basic packaged responses.
1: Don't you care about genocide?
2: Good work, so am I, For The Climate!
3: How can you support a Big Party Professional Politician candidate? 2. Yes, I care about genocide.
There is no remotely electable candidate who will do jack shit about it.
I regret that. Deeply.
I feel that we are currently supporting the most brutal, aggressive, murderous regime and nation, except maybe Russia, in the developed world. Israel.
Oct 5, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
So, on the one hand we've got this.
On the other hand we have demands to fix the roads.
Which takes, regardless of what somebody may have told you, lots of time, lots of fossil fuels, and lots of concrete. 2. It is a simple fact that building the interstate and other highways, building the cars which ran on them, and running said cars on said highways, were all major contributors to global heating and the resultant extreme weather events
Building them back will make it worse faster
Sep 29, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Leon wants me to get very fried.
Or berry dyed.
Or something. Comes with a blue dot with a white check in it, almost universally known as a "blue check."
Which when you think about how much more interested America is with speed than quality, makes sense. Image 2. I was verified for a year, not the old real verified, I asked but Twitter said I was a nobody and not worth verifying.
Which, to be fair, wasn't a view unique to them.
But Leon doesn't give two hoots about facts, in fact, facts fuck up his system and are to be deprecated.
Sep 26, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
1: Unlike most doomers, I believe that we could, if we chose, take specific actions which would reduce the level of ecosystem degradation we do, and in fact we could, over roughly a decade, move from degradation to improvement.
Sadly, this is a distinction without a difference, 2. because there is no societal interest in taking any productive actions.
If we want to reduce emissions, the way to do so is to burn less fossil fuels.
There is no other way.
If we want to reduce non-emissions ecosystem degradation, the way is to reduce mining, paving, cutting.
Aug 27, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
I used to write about climate change. I went about 5 years, writing a thread at least 5 days a week.
Although the global ecosystem is massively degraded and losing functions, I believe it still would act towards a restoration of a livable climate for the current biosphere if. 2. If, that is, we would let it.
If we would quit degrading it.
Yes, I am aware that there are over 8 billion of us. As it is today, roughly two billion of us extract and reduce to trash at least 8 to 10 times more resources per unit of time, per person, than the other 6 billion.
Aug 4, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read
So ...
What have I been doing in the earth shattered heat wave?
I bought a new guitar. New to me. Made in 1956. It's a ten string non-pedal steel guitar, and the most fascinating instrument I've ever encountered. 2. I'm consuming resources to operate it.
It's electric.
I have an 8 watt (maximum) Boss Katana Mini amplifier which runs on 6 AA batteries. My Peterson tuner is lithium ion rechargeable.
As kilowatts go it's a fairly low end consumer, but it's all energy.
Jul 16, 2024 34 tweets 7 min read
Good evening, my friends. Tonight, if you'll tolerate a garrulous old man, I'll tell you a story from my life.
As of today I have been drawing breath, air of Earth, for 77 years. As some of you know, I have spent the past 6 or so of those years writing about an alternative life, 2. a life in which humans, yes over 8 billion humans, could live reasonably comfortably, warm, dressed, well fed, hois d, and gainfully employing our hands and brains to making the ecosystem which supports us better, not better than we found it but better than we have made it.
Jul 10, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
I've met some of the best people in the world on here.
I met Cindy my wife on here. Susan, below, has been my friend over a decade.
I'm going to write a thread tonight. Here. I've been thinking it all day.
May take a while to get it done. 1. What I wish would happen, next, in the real world.
As always, I write from the perspective that there is no thing more important to humans than a living ecosystem able to support humans.
As it turns out, humans have the exact same requirements as a vast swath of the biosphere.
Jun 16, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
I posted this recently.
You can see from the comments how much people hate me for it.
I'm used to it.
I'm going to tell a story here, about my past.
I sincerely hope this will be my last ever Xcreet.
I keep checking back to suck up all the hate, but it's obviously stupid. I was born in Kansas City, MO, in 1947, to a WWII non-combat veteran and his wife.
My dad had an LLB, a type of law degree which no longer exists. Before the war he had been an attorney in private practice in Council Bluffs, IA. The war left him in KC.
Jun 12, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Much - probably most - of the increasing ecosystem catastrophe often referred to as climate change is a result of the exhaust gases which come from burning fossil fuels.
Talking about halting fossil fuels is the stupidest and most useless topic in the world.
I'll explain. 2. We do not have any means except fossil fuels to do most of the things we do.
We can do less than 20% of all our activities as developed societies, modern societies, first world societies, without fossil fuels.
This is an absolute fact.
That's why we burn them. To do things.
May 27, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
This quote is from an article about 3M and PFAS.
And he's right.
And this is our value system.
Poison every living human and other life form ON EARTH to make a product that we lived without until 1965.
Coz we want it.
That's one value system, not "human nature."
I despise it. Image 2. All of you - and I hear this thousands of times a year, so you are many - who insist that necro capitalism and plastic are "human nature" - you're all quite literally denying my personal humanity.
Meanin' no personal offense, but fuck you.
This is a perversion. Most people
May 13, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I appreciate all of you who encourage me in my threads. I write them in the hope of literally, as one man, changing the world. I understand that the odds aren't good, but it remains physically possible, not to end or reverse climate change in less than century or two, but to 2. Reduce the rate at which we do increasing damage. We could immediately reduce motor fuel consumption, immediately. Not in 2025 or 2030 but in May of 2024.
This is a physical possibility, a relatively easy and low hassle one.
We could literally save millions of gasoline a year,
May 12, 2024 21 tweets 5 min read
I know it's not worth writing this, but I'm going to anyway.
This (screenshot) came off a pissing contest thread.
Many people strongly believe that we can't do anything about the climate because we are so many.
Actually we can't do anything about it because we don't want to. Image 2. Here's a chart on global energy use from a very few years ago. The general ratios haven't changed, just all the numbers have gotten bigger.
All that matters for this discussion is the sizes of the demands relative to one another.
Over half is industrial use. Image
May 9, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
I despair when I read crap like this.
I despair when I see what climate professionals in the aggregate say. "The stakes could not be higher" is absolutely true. It's where the truth ends.
Their recommendations are pure, unadulterated bullshit.… 2. They quote this woman. Christiana Figueres, UN climate chief.
She presents herself in this article as either a liar or a fool. Image
May 6, 2024 29 tweets 6 min read
I'm going to try to explain myself to newer readers. I know my ideas are so far out there that I sound crazy.
I'm old, city born and raised, country since age 37. Couple months shy of 40 years out here.
But I earned my living with technology. All of my living. 2. I designed, installed, maintained electronic, and later digital, communication systems, starting in a telephone central office, where all the calls get placed, working on that machine.
It was a fabulous machine, all relays, older than me (I was 21) and did the same stuff
May 4, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
When I write threads about ecosystem collapse, about global heating, global excess energy accumulation, my (obviously carefully vetted) mostly assume that It Is Over and collapse is inevitable.
Talk about any other topic, and everyone unconsciously assumes all we have now goes on 2. Just as an example, people say it's appropriate to ignore the climate during this election because if this election goes wrong, it's the last one, and we must Save Democracy.
If I'm right - if the ecosystem emergency is upon us - the current organization of the United States
Apr 28, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
We - my brethren / sistren and myself - often speak of #collapse as though it were a foregone conclusion, and I guess to us it is.
But none of us can see the future, and exactly what form this collapse might take we have no way of knowing. 2. I have said, more than once, that possible routes to final irreparable collapse of high energy services, which will be one final step of our current ongoing collapse, include pandemic, international war, local high intensity guerilla war (we already have it at low intensity),
Apr 28, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
Just for fun I'm going to challenge one, no, two, fundamental assumptions which underlie global ecosystem catastrophe, commonly referred to by one of its symptoms, climate change.
And I'm going to lean on a third pretty hard.
First, we assume that row crop mechanised agriculture 2. both made possible, and is necessary for the continuance of, an 8 billion and increasing human population.
Only row crop agriculture. Only monocrops arranged so they can be managed mechanically. Only manufactured fertilizer. Without all those things, we are assured,
Apr 25, 2024 27 tweets 5 min read
I'm not going to get real heavily into this, but - and I speak here as a life-long Democratic voter, one who last missed an election in 1968.
In '68, home from Vietnam for 4 months, wounds not yet healed, I could not vote for LBJ's Veep, and I DAMN sure couldn't vote for Tricky. 2. There's not much I like about the Democratic party.
I despise their climate lies. Utterly fucking despise them.
I despise building highways.
I despise any new job powered by fossil fuels.
Which is 100% of Biden's.
Don't get me wrong - I'm going to vote for him, but I'd prefer
Apr 23, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
This thing everyone talks about called "transition" is, as far as I am able to understand, a point at which the three biggest color bands here, the brown, the black, and the light blue, shrink to nothing, and other bands replace them entirely. Image 2. We have been building the other bands as fast as we have the facilities and materials to build them, for over 40 years. Image
Apr 18, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
I'm going to start tonight's thread with an old joke.
Little David was sitting in his favorite place, in the shade of the Great Pyramid at high noon, playing his guitar.
Bong. Bong. Bong. Bong.
Pharaoh walked up and said,
"Little David, when Chuck Berry and Chet Atkins and 2. all them cats play guitar, they move their fingers around. I notice you never move yours, you just play that note. Bong, bong, bong."
"Oh Great Pharaoh," said Little David,
Bong, bong, bong,
"Chuck Berry and Chet Atkins and all them cats, they're looking for it.
Bong, bong, bo