Jeff Roush Profile picture
Attorney, Project Manager, Poet, Parent, and someone trying to figure out life as I go. 🧵as jeffroushwriting. he/him
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Feb 19 11 tweets 3 min read
I suspect part of why the implementation of Project 2025 has caught some off guard—despite its clearly being in play in the last election cycle—was disbelief that the nerds in the Heritage basement could push their dark D&D fantasy into reality. (Thread) Image So now, we once again have a goblin president, and those who wish to restore democracy need to both push back and plan ahead. This isn’t a single battle for that democracy; it’s a multi-front war to stop the worst; restore and protect our strengths; and build toward more.
Feb 18 6 tweets 1 min read
Democrats in the congressional minority have some power: delaying or stopping bad legislation, speaking out, etc. But if you’re angry that Congress isn’t doing anything to respond to unconstitutional Executive actions, anger at democrats is misplaced. (Thread)
#ResistanceUnited The Republican Party has enabled Trump for well over a decade. McCain and Romney—two decent men—failed to beat Obama in part because GOP ideas can’t carry the nation. The GOP chose to respond by leaning into racism and lies, tactics that fit Trump all too well.
Feb 6 10 tweets 3 min read
We currently have the least respected president in the history of our country: not just by the opposing party, but by the rest of the world and, it seems clear, his own party. (Thread)
#ResistanceUnited It’s bad enough that other world leaders mock his buffoonery, their fear only a result of his maniacal, demented, unhinged nature. They know they can’t trust his word, and as such can’t trust the United States to stand by an agreement.
Jan 30 8 tweets 2 min read
Don’t take too much joy from the OMB memo being rescinded. We’re looking essentially at four non-exclusive possibilities for what is going on, in ascending order of likelihood and importance. (Thread)
#ResistanceUnited Image 1. It’s possible this is mere incompetence, a desire to do a thing with no sense of its ham-fistedness or its illegality. While the alignment of stupid and cruel practically defines the current president, I don’t think dumbfuckery is the (sole) issue here.
Jan 19 10 tweets 3 min read
However you feel about TikTok and whether it represents a security threat, the way all of this has occurred should serve as a warning for what lies ahead. (Thread)
#ResistanceUnited Congress passed a law, signed by the president and affirmed by the Supreme Court as a non-violation of the First Amendment. This was based on an identified threat to national security. For what it’s worth, Trump had long pushed for this very thing. Image
Jan 18 8 tweets 3 min read
Tonight’s #FridayLimericks go to Megyn Kelly and her grotesque opportunism. #LimerickRhyme
Megyn Kelly is at her most proud
When belligerent, nasty, and loud.
So she’s stirred up a spate
Of misogynist hate
From her known to be horrible crowd. Image We remember the Santa Clause mess—
But forget the resulting distress.
There’s a writer she threw
To the right’s outrage crew.
Meg’s brand grew, so she couldn’t care less.…
Jan 17 8 tweets 2 min read
Over the next four years, we can—I would argue must—work for a better America. To do so, we need to avoid not only apathy, but impatience. Because this is going to be a grind. (Thread)
#ResistanceUnited Trump has always been good at sucking in attention. When you’re a wealthy, unintelligent, amoral fool who is all flash and no substance, it comes easily. And chasing every stupid thing he says may be exciting, but it won’t be productive.
Jan 1 9 tweets 3 min read
I believe in an intentional approach to politics—putting my support behind people and ideas. This, not the identity or label of the party, is why I’m a Democrat today. (Thread)
#ResistanceRoots Image There was a time, not long before my lifetime, that the Republican idea of conservatism included helping those who needed it most, expanding the social safety net, and promoting equality. I would have been a Republican then.…
Dec 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
In a civil lawsuit, courts should protect the rights of, and redress wrongs against, plaintiffs. But three Supreme Court justices wanted to treat standing as a nuisance technicality rather than the gateway issue it’s meant to be. (Thread)
#ResistanceUnited… The common argument from the right on gender identity is that parents have a right to know what’s going on with their kids. But this undermines the whole argument—because it isn’t about their kids. That’s what standing is: a demonstration that what you’re suing about impacts you.
Nov 23, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Tonight’s #FridayLimericks look at Trump’s Dumbasses Of Giant Ego. #LimerickRhyme
When a couple of non-confirmed jerks
Don’t at all understand how this works,
They will tinker with spreadsheets,
Then piss in their bedsheets
While sporting their ill-informed smirks. Image This department’s built mostly on gall;
Like its namesake, it’s nothing at all.
So as dumbasses strut
And give spending a tut,
Their ideas will never stand tall.…
Nov 16, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Tonight’s #FridayLimericks look at nominations made to fulfill obligations. #LimerickRhyme
If a fellow with skin orange and thin
Wants to weaken our gov from within,
Then the step he’ll take first
Is promoting the worst—
To repay Putin’s team for his win. Image First distract with a showing of force—
So he’ll scapegoat the brown folks, of course!
So he names Tom the lout
To kick all of them out,
Reaching back to his race-baiting source.…
Nov 14, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I get the outrage on wildly unqualified people being nominated to destroy the credibility of agencies from within. But outrage is only going to get us so far, and there are some ways to limit the damage. (Thread)
#DemVoice1 1. Put pressure on your Senators. Calls, emails, letters to the editor in local papers, and public outreach. This won’t shame the shameless, but it can at least remind fellow voters how their votes or non-votes have impacted the leaders we have.
Nov 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, the nation saluted our veterans, and rightly so. Those who choose to serve something greater than themselves, and those selected who answered the call without inventing health conditions to evade service, deserve our respect. (Thread)
#DemVoice1 With this in mind, it’s important to consider the position in which we are putting our current service men and women over the next four years. Because they are going to be serving under a Commander-in-Chief who does not respect them.…
Nov 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The role of advice and consent was written into the Constitution as a check against a President from appointing unqualified officials. Alexander Hamilton, the first confirmed cabinet member, helped write this clause. (Thread)
#DemVoice1… Now, the unofficial President-elect has already demanded that anyone seeking to be Senate majority leader must bypass this constitutional process by allowing recess appointments for cabinet officials.…
Nov 9, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I debated whether to do #FridayLimericks tonight, but Nick Fuentes… damn, kid. #LimerickRhyme
Little Nicky pretends he is tough
As he gives his concave chest a puff.
He’s a pussy-ass bitch
Whose misogynist itch
Comes from never quite being enough. Image After Charlottesville, Nick was upset
For the sympathy he couldn’t get.
So he cranked up his spite
As a poor, abused white:
His new media brand was now set.…
Nov 2, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Tonight’s #FridayLimericks look toward sweeping Trump into the unsavory part of history’s dustbin. #LimerickRhyme
As we’re nearing the end of the chase,
We see candidates making their case.
It’s clear quality’s not
Where repubs cast their lot:
The faux king of a dwindling base. Image Do you seek an economy jolt?
He has plans with the X-owning dolt.
He would make his big splash:
Bring it down with a crash—
And ignore the resulting revolt.…
Oct 20, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Being anti-abortion is a clean, simple, easy stance. And like so many clean, simple, easy stances, it avoids dealing with the real world. Because being pro-choice is not at all the same as being pro-abortion. (Thread)
#DemVoice1 I am staunchly pro-choice—which does not mean “pro-abortion.” For all the rhetoric, the difference between anti-abortion and pro-choice comes down to where you position women in the discussion. Are they people who can make decisions for themselves or not?
Oct 16, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Small-minded people throughout history have condemned as evil what is new, different, or misunderstood. This was even true—in Europe and the United States—of the fork. (Thread)
#DemVoice1… When a fork found its way to Venice at an event in 1004, it brought great consternation to some dinner attendees, who considered the fingers to be the fork God had provided, and thus the only one we need. Image
Oct 13, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
This Saturday edition of #FridayLimericks looks at faux moderate Larry Hogan. #LimerickRhyme
In the Senate majority fight,
Larry Hogan would like to take flight.
Does a moderate’s dance
From a MAGA-lite stance,
And he’s running to add to the blight. Larry claims that he won’t vote for Trump
(Since he thinks that will give him a bump).
If we follow the plan,
He’ll be Donald’s best man;
Hogan’s playing his state for a chump.…
Oct 12, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
@AshaRangappa_ calls out the threat of our time here. Unfortunately, lies get pretty broad First Amendment protection in the US. We should work to address what we can, but it can only be a supplement to active, engaged democratic efforts. (Thread)
#DemVoice1 We have tools to address some kinds of false speech. We should pursue valid civil (and sometimes criminal) defamation and fraud actions. But as we’ve seen from the Fox News continued lie factory, even a big number can’t stop the current disinformation ecosystem.
Oct 9, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I rarely bother to read anything from Marc Thiessen; I don’t care for his writing itself, and the ideas within tend to be laughably wrong. But this one gave me pause, because I couldn’t believe anyone could be this obtuse. (Spoiler alert: yep.)
#DemVoice1 Image To be clear, I get why, in a vacuum of strategerization, Marc would think this thought. A political frenemy of Trump, sloughing off all of her understanding of the man’s failings to sing his praises, could indeed prove politically helpful. Remove all context, and sure, it works.