Jeffrey Howard 🐿️ Profile picture
Editor @Erraticusmag | Host of Damn the Absolute! podcast | philosophical pragmatism, pluralism, resilient communities, bioregionalism, and localism | zone 7b.
Nov 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Philosophy has so many uses.

But most philosophical arguments related to religious matters, such as for or against theism, seem utterly unrelated to religious experience for me.

I often struggle to care for most of these language games and theological argument craft.

In matters of religious import,

poetry, fiction, myths, art, and rituals

are far more relevant to me.

They seem to connect more meaningfully to religious experience.

In a word, move me and provide clarity on existential challenges that matter in the living of life. 2/
Apr 14, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
A pragmatist is MANY things but in this historical moment I take a pragmatist to be a person that puts the following orientations into daily practice:

Non-reductive naturalism

1/ There are MANY pragmatisms.

Aside from something like being a person who emphasizes "fruits over roots," I'm not sure what it would even mean to be a pragmatist "at the most fundamental level".

1 who uses "pragmatism" as a primary tool through which to experience the world?

Jan 11, 2021 36 tweets 14 min read
Happy William James Day, friends.

The great pragmatist philosopher and father of American psychology was born on this day in 1842. Midway through a re-reading of The Varieties of Religious Experience, I will also spend some time with his letters today.

A hagiographic thread. William was the 1st child of Henry and Mary Walsh James.

He is born at Astor House in NYC. Henry befriends the transcendentalist philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson around this time. Emerson soon visits their home and "blesses" the infant.
Sep 2, 2020 30 tweets 6 min read
Although I knew Richard Rorty was a "strict atheist," I was today years old when I learned that his 2nd wife was a practicing Mormon.

A short thread on Rorty & Mormonism, based on a few things I find fascinating from an interview with Mary Varney Rorty.… First off, I have to acknowledge the shock and joy it is seeing two of my worlds collide so wonderfully. Mormon heritage runs deep on both sides of my family (back to before the 1830s), and of course, there's my obnoxious interest in pragmatism.