Jehad Abusalim جهاد أبو سليم Profile picture
Writer. Co-editor of “Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire.” My opinions are my own.
4 subscribers
May 21, 2024 23 tweets 11 min read
في عام 1956، نشرت مجلة "كوليرز" الأميركية مقالة مصورة من 12 صفحة بعنوان "قطاع غزة: 12 صفحة من الصور الملونة الحصرية في صندوق الشرر في الشرق الأوسط" للصحفي ديفيد دوجلاس دانكن. انقسمت المقالة المصورة إلى خمسة أجزاء: الأرض، البحر، اللاجئين، الجبهة، والجيش. تقدم المقالة المصورة نافذة غير مسبوقة للحياة في قطاع غزة، وتناقش واقع ومستقبل قطاع غزة بمصطلحات وأطر لم تختلف كثيراً عن مصطلحات وأطر اليوم. في الثريد أدناه، وضعت المقالة كاملة، مع التركيز على بعض الصور منها، وقمت بترجمة النص كاملاً إلى العربية، عسى أن تكون هذه مساهمة صغيرة في صيانة ذاكرة لطالما تعرضت للتدمير والمحو والإبادة.Image ⚠️ ملاحظات هامة قبل قراءة النص أدناه:

- قمت بالترجمة بتصرف أحياناً مع المحافظة على النص الأصلي.
- لم أشتبك مع النص تعليقاً أو تحليلاً، وهذا لا يعني أني أتفق مع بعض التأطيرات والصور النمطية والتخيلات التي وردت في النص. في نهاية المطاف، تعكس هذه الكتابات فهم الكاتب لنا في مرحلة تاريخية معينة، ولكن يجب دائماً أن نقرأ هذه الأمور بعين ناقدة.
Mar 15, 2024 17 tweets 8 min read
Did you know that in the 1970s & 1980s, Israel looted one of the most important Canaanite sites in Gaza, which also was linked to ancient Egypt? The following thread tells the story of how Israeli archaeologists and military looted historical treasures from Deir el-Balah. 1/15 Image In 1982, National Geographic reported the uncovering of an ancient Canaanite settlement, fortress, and cemetery west of Deir el-Balah City, in the middle of the Gaza Strip. The site, which dates back to more than three millennia, was discovered by archaeologist Trude Dothan.2/15 Image
Dec 14, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
After Israel's occupation of Gaza in 1967, one of its initial actions was the destruction of the Gaza (Shuja’iyya) train station. This station connected Gaza to the broader Levant region, and after the 1948 Nakba, it still served as a link between Gaza and Egypt.

Israel dismantled the railway and repurposed its iron tracks in the construction of the Bar-Lev Line, a defense barrier on the eastern bank of the Suez, that the Egyptian army crushed during the Liberation War of October 6, 1973.

Oct 14, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Over the past decade, my wife and I, alongside family and friends, have devoted ourselves to discussing and writing about Gaza, in the United States and beyond. I've delved into topics like the wars, the blockade, and the daily experiences of Palestinians living there. Most of my time went into not just educating but also emphasizing how the situation was teetering on the edge, warning that a collapse was on the horizon, asserting that Gaza's current state was untenable, and highlighting that we were just moments away from an eruption.
May 15, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
The Nakba in photographs: a thread. After Zionist militias seized Palestinians' homes in al-Ramleh, they separated the men from women and children, and held men behind barbed wire detention camps without basic human rights. Government reports documented incidents of rape and looting in al-Ramleh.

📷Beno Rothenberg Image
May 12, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
In 2008, as I was returning home from college, I witnessed a brutal Israeli assault on Gaza. I wondered why the world ignores Palestinians & if our voice will ever be heard? 15 years later, I stood in the US Congress, to speak about the plight of Palestinians in Gaza and beyond. ImageImage I'm grateful to @RepRashida for sponsoring this historic event on Capitol Hill After decades of being silenced and erased, Palestinians finally had the opportunity to speak about their ongoing Nakba in a space that has historically disregarded their voices and suffering. Image
Apr 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Let's break down this repulsive message from Ursula von der Leyen, word by word. Israel did not achieve "independence" in 1948. What occurred was a deliberate campaign of ethnic cleansing and displacement of Palestinians, aimed at re-engineering the demographics and geography of Palestine from an Arab-majority nation to a Jewish-majority one.
Jan 29, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
It is crucial for everyone to understand the gravity of the current situation between the river and the sea.
We are on the brink of witnessing events that will be unparalleled in their magnitude and ferocity. This chapter will mark the end of the post-Second Intifada period characterized by the cynical management of the occupation, disregard for Palestinians' political rights and lives, and lack of accountability for Israel's actions.
Jan 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The start of 2023 has been deadly for Palestinians. Since the start of the year, at least 30 Palestinians—including five children—were killed by the Israeli military. In 2022, Israeli forces killed at least 155 Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including 36 children—more than any other year since 2005.
Dec 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
On this day fourteen years ago, I witnessed a massacre. On my way home from university, I saw the first bombing of Israel's 2008 attack on Gaza. Under this pillar of smoke, dozens lost their lives, and on that day, more than 155 people were murdered by Israeli bombs. The 2008 attack on Gaza marked the beginning of large-scale and intense bombardment campaigns against the Gaza Strip. It was the precedent for the 2012, 2014, and 2021 aggressions. To grasp the scale of 2008, watch this documentary:
Dec 2, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Today, an Israeli soldier executed a young Palestinian in broad daylight. Palestinians are sad and angry. These crimes happen daily, especially across cities and villages in the West Bank. As I warned, we're about to witness a new reality in the West Bank and beyond. Since the end of the Second Intifada and after the Palestinian political division of 2006/2007, the West Bank became a site of many experiments of pacification. The international community, the PA, regional forces, and Israel dedicated massive resources to pacify the West Bank.
Sep 23, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
I met with a member of Congress earlier this year. He asked me what I think of the "two-state solution" and the question of two-states vs. one-state. Here's what happened. I gave him a genuine answer, and I explained that honest Palestinian intellectuals and leaders will not hesitate to show the flaws of this solution. Palestinians reject it on moral and legal grounds and believe that the partition of historic Palestine doesn't guarantee justice.
May 20, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
A ceasefire is welcome, but it isn't enough. It is time to end the blockade. It is time to fully open all of Gaza's crossings. It is time to lift restrictions on imports and exports. It is time for Palestinians in Gaza to have more than 6 hours of electricity a day. It is time for people like me to be able to visit their families whenever they wish. I haven't been able to see my family in eight years. It is time for my family to enjoy clean and fresh water, health care, and freedom of movement.
Aug 27, 2020 25 tweets 9 min read
Gaza is on the verge of a wider COVID-19 outbreak. Cases are increasing by the hour. COVID-19 will be the final straw to an already aggravating situation. Here's why COVID-19 outbreak in Gaza is an exceptionally disastrous nightmare: 1/1 POPULATION DENSITY

The Gaza Strip is a very small geographic territory. The total area of the Strip is 140 mi². The Gaza Strip is just 24 miles long on the coastline, and at its narrowest is just 3 miles, an hour walk. Yet it's currently home to 2,200,000 Palestinians. Image
Nov 24, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Twenty one years ago, Palestinians in Gaza and around the world celebrated the opening of the Gaza International Airport (GZA). The airport was able to handle 700,000 travelers a year. Israel destroyed the airport in December 2001, shortly after it opened.

In March 1999, the first flight of the Palestinian Airlines, flown by Palestinian pilot Ibrahim Abu Ghulah. Image