Jen Frederick ⁷ Profile picture
Coauthor of #1NYT Bestselling Novels Paper Princess/Broken Prince. Author of Heart & Seoul / Seoulmates Agent: Steven Alexrod. Editor: Cindy Hwang
Apr 25, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
I slept it on this but I’m still bothered today so I’m going to speak on it. Recently I’ve read several articles / posts / tweets about western songwriters’ contributions to the latest BTS album & a lot of it amounts to erasure/dismissal of POCs’ work. BTS composes,creates, produces, writes lyrics for all their songs. Like Drake/Kendrick/Beyonce/Adele, there are others who contribute, but BTS’ album is their own creation. Some of these interviews/tweets reduce BTS to translators or only excuting someone else’s vision