Jenna Profile picture
Patient Advocate, USAF brat, GenX, GNiece of Army JAG Nazi prosecutor/Dachau trials, and I’m a hopeful realist.
Scott Phillips Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 8, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
The retreats are “largely funded” by The Timothy Plan founder,
Art Ally, Maitland Florida,
who is a CNP gold circle member

They’re recruiting pastors for the “modern day Black Robe Regiment”

Here’s the CNP Vision Statment sourced by @BrentAllpress

All roads lead to the CNP


The link to the CNP mbr list sourced by @BrentAllpress

Read any article about any radical RW movement & plug individual & Org names in the search bar & see most of them tied to the CNP, in service of the CNP Vision…

a “Judeo-Christian Constitution”
