Jennifer Litton Tidd Âû Profile picture
Neurospicy AuDHD, dyslexic, disability rights advocate, founder: Neurodivergent Liberation Coalition. Respect autistic existence or expect our #RESISTANCE
Oct 12, 2024 37 tweets 13 min read
🧵 I’ve wanted to talk about funeral services at Arlington cemetery for some time, since we had a politician behave so disrespectfully at these hallowed grounds, but it’s a painful topic, as my own father is buried there in Section 61. Arlington is a place of unity & tradition. My father was a naval officer & veteran & had what’s called a full honor guard service for commissioned, warrant & senior non-commissioned officers. First, a video of a service for a marine general, then I’ll explain components of the ceremony
Aug 29, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵 What the hell are we doing to teenagers who are struggling most? Let’s talk about the troubled teen industry. These are for-profit camps & residential homes for struggling teens, often bc they are neurodivergent or abused. TTI exists under the hospices of saving wild teens Image I want to share some data from the Troubled Teen Industry in the US, all based in the “tough love” a cruel & misguided theory from the 90s, wherein we don’t need to treat distress, trauma, or disability, but to punish it out of children and teens.…
Aug 6, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵 About attacks on Tim & Gwenn Walz being public educators, RW concerns they’s expand Dept of Education. Let’s talk about the Dept of Education. Yes, let’s go there & why. Let’s talk about being afraid of teachers, which is absurd frankly, but here goes…
#ResistanceRoots Image The Dept of Education pays public schools about 8% of their budgets, while 92% is locally funded. 1 of the main functions of ED is enforcement of federal civil rights laws. After Tinker v DeMoines established children don’t shed their civil liberties “at the schoolhouse gate..” Image
Jun 2, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
⚠️ woke content ⚠️
🧵 In the years since MLK lived, so many have sanitized his message by intentionally omitting the most important pieces of his speeches, or context of his most famous quotes. “A riot is the language of the unheard….”
#ResistanceRoots This speech on 9/27/1966 also gives the only solutions to guarantee peace and end “riotous actions.”MLK: “What has America failed to hear? That the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the years. It has failed to hear that the promise of freedom & justice have not been met” Image
May 13, 2024 27 tweets 13 min read
I’ve been contacted by 3 who claim to be descendants of dead racist, Confederate traitors I posted about. They tell me I should respect their family’s homage to their forebears. Their ancestors were cruel traitorous buffoons. Honoring their memory causes harm NOW
#ResistanceRoots Image I will respect memory of your dead racist ancestors if you can produce 2 things:
1. Proof anything I’ve said about them is historically false.
2. Proof that anyone now living personally knew them, that the pain truth causes is worse than the pain of honoring dead racists causes
May 10, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/11 #WarOnWoke
Virginia school board votes to restore names of dead Confederate traitors to schools.… 2/11 In the wake of George Floyd, a school board in VA stripped names of Confederate racist traitors from 2 schools. 4 years later, the board approved a motion to restore the names. As Capitol of the Confederacy, VA has been removing Jim Crow era homages to Confederate traitors
May 5, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Why the Victoria Nuland phone call taped on 1/25/2014 doesn’t mean what many insist it means. First off, it doesn’t prove US/EU coordinating to topple kremlin-backed Yanukovych’s regime, it actually proves the opposite. #ResistanceRoots… “Klitch” to whom Nuland refers in the Russian leaked call was a Ukrainian famous athlete whom Putin-stooge Yanukovych was pushing to take over as PM, not to placate Maidan revolutionaries, but someone he and Putin could continue to control.
May 3, 2024 28 tweets 11 min read
🧵 It’s time to debunk Putin’s propaganda spreading to justify his invading & annexing Ukraine.
FALSEHOOD: NATO nations promised Russia they’d never expand east. Original NATO: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, UK & US FACT: There has never been a treaty signed or assurance that gives Russia any guarantee that NATO would not expand eastward. Gorbachev in 2014: “The topic of 'NATO expansion' was not discussed at all, and it wasn't brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility..
Apr 5, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
⚠️Woke Content ⚠️
Anita Hill became a national figure in 1991 when she accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, her supervisor at the US Dept of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, of sexual harassment.
#ResistanceRoots Image Hill graduated from Morris HS in Oklahoma in 1973, where she was class valedictorian. Hill received her bachelor's degree in psychology in 1977 from Oklahoma State University. In 1980, she earned her Juris Doctor from Yale. She was and remains a brilliant and accomplished woman
Mar 28, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵 I’m getting DMs from RFK supporters who don’t hear the autistic hate speech in @NicoleShanahan’s acceptance speech. Let me explain why her rhetoric is problematic & dangerous for autistic people & neurodivergents writ large. First, just running w/RFK is neurophobic 1/14 2/14 RFK Jr has a long & storied history of autistic ignorance & hate speech & grifting from his insisting vaccines cause autism, despite all the science debunking that nonsense decades ago. Second, Nicole referred to her daughter’s autism by how it harms HER Image
Mar 22, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
1/10 🧵
Gov @GlennYoungkin you called my autistic ID son a “criminal” from whom you have to protect others when you vetoed SB357 in the night under 21 other vetoes. I want you to meet my son and #TellMeToMyFace that you still feel he’s a criminal 2/10 @GlennYoungkin as your wife posted only hours after your veto & calling my son & thousands like him “criminals,” your wife was over on Instagram talking about ending stereotypes about people like my son. You can see why I found that enraging frankly, the blinding hypocrisy
Mar 6, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1 story out of Super Tue were northern VA suburbs breaking for Haley. Many women in the burbs decided to vote for her bc they’re GOP & can’t stand Trump, or Dems like me making sure we’re seen. I’ll vote for Biden in Nov, but I was happy to stick it to Trump yesterday. 🖕

I share exactly zero policy positions with Nikki Haley, but Virginia is an open primary state, left over from when GOP controlled every lever of power, so they could muck up Dem primaries. Now Dems I know routinely vote in GOP primaries, so that was a big backfire on Rs.
Mar 1, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
⚠️ woke content ⚠️
1/11 Right wingers have long used fear of locker rooms or bathrooms against their target of hatred. To fight racial integration of sports or the military, it was always the racists didn’t want to shower w/Black people
#ResistanceRoots 2) In fact, they were so disgusted by the thought of sharing anything with Black people, they even segregated water fountains. The thought of touching something a filthy Black person touched in the Jim Crow south was unimaginable to racists.

Feb 26, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1/9
Republicans trying to pretend they’re moderate about reproductive choice are claiming now they have always supported IVF, and that they are okay w/terminating a pregnancy for rape/incest, or life of the mother. This is scientifically inconsistent and impractical. 2/9 First, in IVF, rape, and life of a mother, there are fertilized eggs, which they insist are human with precisely the same value as humans who’ve been born. So why would circumstances like infertility, violent acts, or life of the mother change the value of a fertilized egg?
Feb 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1/3 Republicans are now scrambling after the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade was the impetus behind the Alabama decision which essentially makes IVF illegal in Alabama. Look at them all posting talking points from this document.
#ResistanceRoots Image As one who had 3 cycles of IVF & 2 IVF kids, pro-lifers were out front of the IVF clinic daily harassing me walking in. If you believe life begins at conception, it’s consistent to also be anti-IVF. Dobbs did this; you supported overturning Roe v Wade #OwnIt
Meet my IVF babies
Oct 30, 2023 26 tweets 11 min read
🧵 1/26
A disability rights movement timeline from 1776-1964

1776- Act to Provide for the Settlement: After the Revolution War, soldiers who suffered significant injuries were financially subsidized by first pension law which paid half pay.
#ResistanceRoots Image 1817- American School for the Deaf: Founded in Hartford, CT, this was the first school for children with disabilities anywhere in the western hemisphere.
(ID: above is injured in revolutionary war, and school for deaf building) 2/26 Image
Oct 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My yearly appeal to your humanity w/Halloween coming. Realize that all who come to your door to trick or treat aren’t too old/too big. My 17 year old autistic intellectually disabled son is 6’ tall and lives to trick or treat. Just give out candy w/no judgement #ResistanceRoots He’s nonspeaking & uses sign language to say, thank you. Please don’t start into how kids used to show gratitude in the old days. He is grateful, just uses ASL. Please don’t force me into teachable moments or ask me to explain his existence. We just want to have fun too.
Sep 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

The Christiana Riot was successful armed resistance by freedmen & escaped slaves to a raid led by a fed marshal to recover 4 escaped slaves. The raid took place early morning hours of 9/11, 1851, at the house of William Parker, an escaped slave
#ResistanceRoots Image This rebellion against a slave capturing unit took place after the federal Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 increased penalties for assisting escaped slaves and required state government officials, even in free states such as Pennsylvania, to assist in the recapture of slaves. Image
Sep 8, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Moms 4 Liberty have spent 3 years working to erase all racial history from schools that makes them uncomfortable, (ie: truth) carry on the work of Daughters of Confederacy, who brainwashed millions of US school children w/the Lost Cause #ResistanceRoots We can learn from the past on how to respond to modern historical revisionists. These parents rights folks want to not just ignore uncomfortable history, but to replace it w/lies. They must be given no quarter, fought & defeated on every front. #ResistanceRoots
Sep 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
On 9/8/2021, Richmond VA, removed 12 ton, 21’ tall statue of dead racist, Robert E Lee built to prop up Jim Crow & kill a bi-racial labor movement gaining political strength in former Capitol of Confederate insurrection… ⚠️ WOKE content ⚠️
Over 2 years ago, Richmond was home to more confederate statues than any city in US. Collectively, we have closed that chapter. We continue work of being a more inclusive & welcoming place where ALL belong.”
Richmond Mayor Lavar Stoney…
Sep 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 I was on YouTube and found part of Asra Nomani’s multi media vicious attacks on Pride Liberation Project, a teen LGBTQ student org in Fairfax county. After her smear campaign, PLP teens were getting death threats. I left this article & she removed it.… Anyone in our county who defends any of our children from the exploitation of right wing attacks on kids who dare to disagree with these adults, she claims we’re using children as “human shields,” implying parents who protect children from political attacks are terrorists. Image