Jennie Worden (she/her) Profile picture
Former candidate for Ward 19 city council. Working to build the city we want and need. Cycle Holden. Unapologetically Torontonian.🏳️‍🌈 🚲 #J4BEY #TOPoli
Oct 13, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Since we've heard of Toronto shelters being shut down, I am going to share w/ permission a story of a refugee family now living in #BeachesEastYork. These are the stories of the people impacted by these decisions🧵 In Nov 2019, a Mexican non-governmental org supporting those escaping gender-based violence put a call-out in an international Facebook group asking for people in Toronto who could help a refugee family of two young children and their parents.
Sep 14, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@shawnmicallef @SaveWildBees I would not have supported an unelected city official taking the fall for John Tory’s utter disregard for both science and the advice of frontline city workers. @shawnmicallef @SaveWildBees I would not have supported removing people from encampments and sending them to contract a deadly airborne virus in overcrowded, understaffed, and under-resourced shelters against public health and WHO guidance.