Now the grown ups are back in charge let's look forward to a bright future π
Jun 5, 2024 β’ 7 tweets β’ 2 min read
When Starmer challenged him by saying about this made up tax that Starmer is going to bring in Sunak had nothing to say.he didn't deny it though.
You've raised our taxes 26 times
Imagine trying to win by giving false amounts.( they're not happy by the way) to try and win.
As for saying it's about the future you're right Sunak it is about the future, our children and grandchildren future you've ruined it for so many (no wonder you don't want to talk about the past)
Bold seems to have been Sunak's word of the evening it must be nice to be BOLD with
May 21, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈππΈ
Your daily reminder why you must never ever support or vote for the Toriesπ
Maybe a few more if you're confused π
May 13, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈππΈ
A frenzy is now happening because Angela is going to be interviewed under police caution I hate to burst their bubble she hasn't been charged.
If I can figure out how to do it I'm going to start a petition for the four Tories to publish whether they
Paid capital gains tax on the houses the poor in this country paid for.
I'm sick of the hypocrisy,they latch on to any morsel to deflect away from all the rotten things they have done and are doing.
#EnoughIsEnough #GeneralElectionNow
May 5, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
In the last 4 plus years we've been lied to again and again.
The pandemic handed Johnson an ace card on a plate.
he could party away saying things like "let the bodies pile high"
"they're old anyway"
We had the care home scandal
the PPE scandal
while children go hungry and the
Vulnerable are attacked again and again Sunak flies around the country on his helicopter.
There is too much to list, this thread would go on forever.
This country has sent a very clear message
You can't gaslight us anymore.
We don't believe your lies .
Do the right thing and
Apr 29, 2024 β’ 7 tweets β’ 2 min read
I want to tell you a story if I may
A girl I know was brought up in a family where sexual,verbal and physical abuse was the norm.
She grew up and did her best to lead a good life but I can tell you it wasn't easy.
Damaging a child's safety and trust
Changes them.
It changes their brain,memories are erased because they are too painful.
Life goes on,she was diagnosed with EUBPD,that impacts every aspect of her life
It impacted her relationships, her children her marriage,even family and friends.
The point of this story!.
Apr 22, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
I've mulled this over the weekend
I'm so disturbed by Sunak disrespecting people with serious mental health problems.
I can't emphasise enough how much damage he is doing
"words hurt"
I've sat with people who are suicidal my brother and my sister
Took their own lives.
They lived with a system who couldn't or wouldn't support them.
In the end they made the choice.
If you destroy a system through lack of funds these are the results.
To now attack these vulnerable people even more is inhumane.
Shame on the Tories!.
Apr 14, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
Happy Sunday.
It looks like the rain is back today but I'm grateful for the two days of sun,I've done loads in the garden.
I'm also grateful that the Tories bots supporters of whoever they are are incensed that Angela rayner did nothing wrong.
I do think Angela should give them some rent money though for occupying all that space in their heads π€£
I'm patiently waiting for the police to find nothing!.
Have the best day everyone β€οΈ
Apr 13, 2024 β’ 5 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈππΈ
I thought I could leave this subject alone but it would appear that we are supposed to accept bullying and if we don't then we can expect to be bullied ourselves.
I'm sick of the hypocrisy coming out of the Conservative party supported by the MSM
I'm asking the police no actually I'm demanding! that the police investigate how @Matt_VickersMP is allowed to encourage harassment of someone along with an investigation into how these people are able to wear vests stating they
Apr 7, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈππΈ
As if you couldn't get anymore furious at this government they've now invented a bogus story about @AngelaRayner tax affairs.
I would say they are scraping the barrel but this is convenient for them when they know the local elections are coming up
My advice to the @NastyParty is people in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.
Never has there been a more corrupt, dishonest, money grabbing government in the history of this country.
#EnoughIsEnough call a #GeneralElection let the people decide.
We've had enough of being
Mar 18, 2024 β’ 6 tweets β’ 1 min read
When your life is dictated by having a child with significant disabilities life is hard, really hard.
There are good magical moments but there are lots of really difficult ones along the way.
When their young it's about learning,learning everything you can to make theirs and your
Life as special as it can be.
So you start,changing your life to give them the very best so their quality of life can be as good as it can be.
You have to make sacrifices,you lose friends,your old life,family can be critical (like they could do any better).
And life goes on.
Jan 11, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ ππΈ
Just when you think this government can't sink any lower they do just that.
For anyone to suggest that Keir was being racist in PMQT yesterday is beyond disgusting.
Sunak doesn't "Get Britain" Everyday there are more examples of just how out
Of touch this government is.
It has nothing to do with racism, the suggestion is abhorrent.
When will they stop and listen really listen to what the people want.
It's not to listen to their never ending drivel of lies,finger pointing and stinking rotten language.
It's when is the
Jan 7, 2024 β’ 5 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ ππΈ
Happy Sunday β€οΈ
We are living in exciting times
The NI tax cuts, a whole 2%
Apparently the average wage in the UK is Β£38,000 a year
Teachers Β£30,00
Bartender Β£24,542
Shop assistant Β£22,397
Bus driver Β£ 30,407
Carer Β£24,449
Police officer Β£27,661
Nurse Β£25,655
Security guardΒ£19,820
These people will save between Β£229 - Β£349 a year
That's between Β£2.48-Β£6.31 a week.
Is this government seriously saying
This will make a difference to people's lives?.
Jan 4, 2024 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈππΈ
One of the biggest scandals affecting families is going on that no-ones talking about.
Tax credits are ending.
Everyone with children are being forced onto universal credit where they are losing £££ every month.
Universal credit is paid monthly not
Four weekly so if you get two payments in a month you get no universal credit that month.
No tax credits,no universal credit no support for families already struggling and using food banks,struggling to buy baby formula.
According to the government
Dec 15, 2023 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
@garylinekar11 @carolvorders will always be attacked by the Tories ,that's not difficult to understand, they speak for so many in the country who don't feel we have a voice,well not one the government can hear because if they did they would call #GeneralElectionNow
Every decent caring Compassionate person in this country have had enough of #TheNastyParty its time for change it's time for the UK we all used to know and love to come back.
Gary and Carol are just clockbait to keep us away from the real issues in government
Dec 8, 2023 β’ 5 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
I'm feeling so deflated today,two days of listening to that monster has had me crying and feeling physically sick.
I'm taking the day to just hide in a duvet on the sofa.
I'm So sick of listening and watching all the rotten things going on in this
Country .
It's always someone else's fault the legal migrants, strikers, the old, the disabled, keir starmer.
the Rwanda deal is the biggest dead cat, 100 legal migrants a year why can't people understand that's not going to fix the asylum system.
When will people wake up!.
Dec 6, 2023 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
Today is going to be such a difficult day for so many when that monster goes in front of the covid enquiry.
It doesn't matter what he says we all know that people died because of his incompetence.
"Let the bodies pile high"
"Be prepared to lose your relatives before their time"
What kind of monster is he.
#PartyGate #EatOutToHelpOut
Following the science one of the biggest lies ever told.
Our mother's father's brother's sister's friend's were lambs to the slaughter.
I'm sorry for anyone who lost
Nov 5, 2023 β’ 6 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
Just popping on to say what the actual fuck.
This government is now saying if you don't have a home then you can't even have a tent,it's a lifestyle choice,and they don't want tent city's.
How about this rotten government do something about the
Housing crisis they caused through lack of funds,care and compassion.
As is the way with this government.
Blame everyone else.
I've been homeless it wasn't a lifestyle choice and no I wasn't an alcoholic or drug user I just had selfish parents who didn't care about me ,I suppose
Nov 1, 2023 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
As the covid enquiry continues I'm reminded of the heart break that so many of us endured during the beginning of covid.
Its heartbreaking to be reminded that human life has no value to this government π
We have to stay strong ,it's only one more
Year that we have to endure this atrocious,offensive,odious,
repugnant, vulgar,heinous, monstrous,vomitous vile, disgusting reprobates who pretend to be putting the country first.
No honour, no compassion, no care,no integrity.
The Nasty Party can't remember, can't recall.
Sep 11, 2023 β’ 5 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
Reading a story today of a young mum asking @Depheruk for help because she has been sanctioned by the job centre for being 10 minutes late because her child was ill is heartbreaking,how did this country end up with people working in the job centre
Who have no empathy, no sympathy or compassion.
Having to rely on public transport can in itself cause problems so many services are running on a poor service,@Depheruk will of course help her they are super hero's especially James who works tirelessly to help again and again.
Sep 5, 2023 β’ 4 tweets β’ 1 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
Is anyone shocked by @GillianKeegan foul language I'm not ,she is just another MP with no class,it seems to be accepted in the @Conservatives that the fouler you are the more you fit in,thankyou for doing her job!, that's arrogance for you.
@RishiSunak is never far away from the reason our children are in unsafe building's
.children suffer because of @Conservatives negligence again and again.@RishiSunak is at fault again!.they've known for
Sep 2, 2023 β’ 9 tweets β’ 2 min read
Good morning everyone πΈ π πΈ
I think my time on Twitter is coming to an end so I thought I might as well go ot with a bang, as soon as Twitter ( yes I still call it Twitter) start again suppressing my account I'm out of here.
Any government in the world is
Supposed to protect their citizens,
From the cradle to the grave ,what's it called when people are responsible for the death of their people?.isn't it Democide.
Babies dying because maternity services are so underfunded.
children hungry day and night.
Children educated in unsafe