Jenny Nicholson Profile picture
video maker • pro gamer • #1 avatarhead na'vi nation zola‘u nìprrte’ • sonic fans don't interact
Jun 23 4 tweets 1 min read
Youtubing is such an impossible job for people who rely on the adsense every single month like, because disney tried and failed to copyright claim the star wars hotel video I just have no idea how much money it's made or when I'll get it (in my experience usually 2 or 3 months) I basically just expect it to happen to all my videos at this point and I have patreon so it's nbd! I will get it eventually! But idk it's such a rough system for newer or smaller channels
May 24 8 tweets 2 min read
One thing I kind of think is interesting is a specific phrase starcruiser guests use a lot, which is that starcruiser had the "highest guest satisfaction ratings in the history of the company." I've seen this repeated a lot, usually as a handwaving final word on it. Which ignores that we don't know what number "highest" is (80%? 50%?) and obviously the selection bias of what kinds of people get off a whirlwind experience like this and decide to do the emailed survey.
Nov 22, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I thought Wish the movie was like a B-/C+ but here's my thread of thoughts: The weird shading looked good on the big screen, and in general I liked the directing/storyboarding, it was extremely pretty to look at, especially in all the musical sequences which had a lot of momentum
Apr 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Listen I'm not happy that disneyland's giant animatronic dragon exploded but it is kind of funny that there's so much video coverage of it on tiktok from literally every possible hypothetical perspective Like you see the video of the dragon on fire and you're like, "how did that start" Image
Mar 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This mean profile of a fantasy author is really interesting on a meta level because the writer tries so hard to make Sanderson a villain that he becomes the villain of the piece himself, but ironically doesn't have enough awareness of his own writing to see it happen Idk why he couldn't find a story from his trip, because the ways in which nothing met his expectations IS a story, you know? The books are crazy popular but written in a utilitarian way that entry-level and casual readers like.
Apr 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
You can tell that near the end of production for Fantastic Beasts 3 they did a bunch of reshoots where within ~10 minutes of screentime they perfunctorily wrap up every single dangling plot thread because they don't intend to make more films I obviously read the article about how the next 2 aren't greenlit "yet," but it goes beyond that. They literally tacked everything onto the end of this one and have nothing left. Duels are fought, family disputes are resolved, characters get married. It's extremely done
Apr 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm truly a little horrified by how many media outlets and influencers wholeheartedly recommended their audiences spend $6000 on the starcruiser after experiencing only a 4-hour abridged version where the imagineers told them what would happen and they took their word for it I thought the shortened preview was only for some media outlets but I recognize a couple of tiktokkers in this footage so that was their experience too. I really feel like that's an aspect people need to be transparent about before saying yeah, it's worth it
Mar 23, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm inside a video game that I don't know how to play The vibes are good but genuinely I think we're missing a massive part of the game and I have no idea how to get into it lol
Feb 24, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I just got through on the phone to Starcruiser and genuinely could cry at the answers I got lol. They don't have the answers yet to any of my questions. I don't even have any answer as to whether or not I can film on board The answer to whether the upcharged experiences are a necessary part of the experience is "maybe." They aren't allowed to say. Whether or not I've booked them ahead of time *might* impact whether or not I'm allowed to be set onto one of the storyline paths, but might not
Feb 23, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Ok I didn't realize because disney figuratively lost my number or something and never emails me any updates but apparently I can access my entire Galactic Starcruiser itinerary already on the app 👀 let's have a look shall we Wait did they really book me two separate card game lessons?? Is this a system error?? Neither overlaps with anything so I don't think it's to give me options Image
Oct 25, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread of all the weird inexplicable things Disney World did this year to make things worse while also raising prices: With Genie+ you have to pay $15 extra per person per day to access any form of fastpass, which used to be totally free. Bookings begin at 7am so if you want to get your money's worth you have to be up early and on the app in the morning, also the app is very buggy
Oct 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I still can't believe Disney World discontinued the citrus swirl 😢 I feel like if they told me churros don't exist anymore They still have The Pretender, orange swirl, which is all sweet ice cream and not remotely the same
Oct 25, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Ok I need to unpack the ending of Halloween Kills lol **SPOILERS** The angry mob story cul de sac was so stupid, like I was pretty on board for a hammy "these 8 scrappy old people are going to take down michael myers w baseball bats and halloween props"
Sep 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
It's really weird to me the degree to which JKR failed to make wizard adulthood appealing in any way. Every wizard adult you meet really obviously peaked in high school and still wistfully talks about it all the time The wizard adults are still preoccupied with their Hogwarts house, whether they were on the sports team and how good at it they were. Few of them seem to still be in touch with their school friends, but they haven't made new friends either.
Aug 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I've always felt a large part of the appeal of Disney vacations, especially for middle class families, is that the customer service has been tailored to make everybody feel like VIPs, a novel experience for many guests It's always been expensive for what it is, but for like a middle class family, they can either save up to go to hawaii and feel poor, or spend the same amount going to disney world and feel rich
Aug 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Sad I missed that hot theme park drama all day, love to slurp up some theme park drama Fwiw people are saying Disney should cut ties with the vlogger for lying about his vaccination status - fair - but looking at his channel I doubt he was actually sponsored in any official capacity. They could ban him from the parks for filming himself violating the rules tho
Jul 23, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I am begging people to call a therapist I'm not even talking just about the subject of the article I'm saying like the author, the guy they interview who made the program and thinks this use of it is extremely cool, just literally everybody involved
Jul 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
At this time I don't, another reason to never do parts lol. But I don't think Star Wars Land was made well at all if that resolves the cliffhanger; it's mostly gift shops & two of those are expensive experiences guests will only do once if at all There's so little reason to revisit, no places that encourage you to linger and relax, after opening month it became p deserted. The food isn't very good and its only real photo op is the Falcon which you can't approach/touch. There's no intimacy/connection to any of the fixtures
Jul 23, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
People ask this a lot and I know some channels do this but here are a few reasons I don't want to Firstly it's worse for views because the youtube algorithm likes long videos (as long as they have decent viewer retention). And people who aren't already subscribed are much less likely to click a video called Pt1, and then that drops off even more for something called Pt2
May 17, 2021 11 tweets 8 min read
Omega Mart was EVEN MORE amazing than I expected and the Additive S tastes great The store
Mar 11, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
This is such a bizarre take & imo exemplifies how literal pop culture discourse has gotten Like the impulse to point out that a comic book witch has violated the Geneva Conventions with her magic sitcom spell lmao. When it's left pretty ambiguous the degree to which Wanda had conscious agency in the spell or realized it was tormenting the other people at all