jeremy poxon Profile picture
“welfare rights activist” // #RaiseTheRate // Abolish Work for the Dole // tell me your job agency horror stories:
Dingo.News Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 14, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
An Inquiry into the multi-billion dollar employment services system has been running since August last year. Curiously, not a single media outlet in the country is currently covering it.

But i am! Here's a master-thread of the Inquiry's greatest hits… 1) Most significantly so far, the Inquiry fast-tracked the abolition of ParentsNext. And again, huge props to @ellaNbuckland & @CSMCVIC

Ella asked the committee: if the government believes ParentsNext is so good, how did Albanese become Prime Minister without it? A great moment
May 25, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Good morning: I'll be following today's Inquiry into the Workforce Australia employment services system in this thread Image First up: DSS are here to spruik Disability Employment Services: a program that causes egregious harm to disabled job seekers.

Recently, the biggest DES provider in the country taunted a job seeker after learning he made a suicide attempt…
Feb 27, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: @AusUnemployment at today's #PovertyInquiry

First, @CatherineCaine reminds the government: "when you were in Opposition, many of your members, including the current PM, made clear...statements about the inadequacy of income support & the need to increase it immediately" Next, AUWU member Lee-Anne: "Long gone are the days when [Job Service providers] would do anything to assist"

"I still cannot scrape together just a couple of hundred dollars to access training I would dearly love to do" #PovertyInquiry
Jun 14, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
i've gotten into the special "stakeholder" webinar about Workforce Australia. Listening to government bureaucrats for the next hour about why they're thrusting this new system onto poor people. I'll try to thread some of my thoughts here there's already a bunch of talk about how this new system has been driven by research they've done into what job seekers want. have we been presented with the specific results of these surveys and how they arrived at the conclusions they're building into the system? no
May 27, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
'Workforce Australia' is gonna be fuuuuucked. Even if you do Work for the Dole full-time that still only leaves you with 80 'points' a month, scrambling for another pointless activity to make up the next 20. this is a totalitarian credit system for those unlucky enough to be poor they've managed to make the language and criteria even worse than jobactive. if you can't perform all your mutual obligations because you have family & caring responsibilities, a disability, or illness, you get awarded a "personal circumstances credit" of up to 40 points