Jerrad Christian For Congress 2024 Profile picture
Running for US Congress (D) - OH12 Father, friend, veteran, American - ready to serve again. Help our campaign! ⬇️
LadyC- Profile picture Mike Stevens 🌊🐕 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 18 15 tweets 5 min read
I know National Voter Registration Day was yesterday, but I need to share some scary shit Republicans have been planning so you can’t vote this year.

Let’s talk about Cleta Mitchell, ALEC, the CNP, and why you need to check your voter registration RIGHT NOW. Please share! 🧵 /1 Cleta Mitchell is an attorney who has represented the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the proud sponsor of school shootings, i.e. the NRA.

She also represented “political outsider” Donald Trump way back in 2011. /2 Image
Sep 14 10 tweets 3 min read
Children locked inside homes, families terrified, teachers and city officials afraid to go to work.

This is what we might expect in a town taken hostage by terrorists, in another country.

But the country is ours, the town is my family’s, and the terrorists are American. /1 🧵 Image I have family in Springfield. It’s where my grandma spent her final years, and I still visit to see family members.

Before this past week, everyone was fine. Now people are living in fear. /2
Sep 9 5 tweets 2 min read
Donald Trump won’t talk about his agenda during tomorrow’s debate because most of it is #Project2025. Instead he'll focus on two things.

First, he’ll paint Kamala as radical. He knows she isn’t, but it’s his only strategy since he can’t attack her age (see clip below).🧵 When Trump isn’t attacking Kamala on the debate stage tomorrow, he’ll waste time lying about his first four years in office.

This was his strategy in June: lie about the last term to avoid talking about the next one.
Sep 3 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵I hate that I have to talk about this. I hate that this is where we’re at. But no one is raising the right alarm: not our leaders, not our media, and not enough people here on Twitter.

We are quickly approaching 1930s Germany, and I refuse to pretend we can’t see it. /1

After WWII, German pastor Martin Niemöller spoke about what he considered his complicity at the start of Hitler’s regime. You might have read this quote before…

In our case, first they came for women - and it’s not just abortion bans. /2 Image
Aug 23 15 tweets 5 min read
🧵Some people might think I’m anti-Republican because I call out Donald Trump, the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, the Council for National Policy, etc.

I’m NOT anti-Republican. I’m anti-corruption and anti-criminals, and it’s not MY fault they took over the GOP. /1 I'm not anti-Republican. I know most Republican voters aren’t bad people because I was raised by Republicans and started out Republican myself. I only abandoned the party because the party abandoned people like me.

I haven’t seen the Democrats do that in my lifetime. /2 Image
Aug 19 11 tweets 4 min read
After Trump told Elon that “nuclear warming” is a bigger threat than global warming, I asked my team to dig up Trump’s past comments on nuclear war. I was NOT prepared for what they found.

I’m convinced Donald Trump is a pathetic psychopath… Thread. 🧵 /1 In 1985, Trump claimed to be in talks with the Reagan White House on a plan to stop countries from developing or buying nuclear weapons. 

“The Trump Plan,” would see the U.S. combine forces with the Soviet Union and wipe out other countries’ economies. /2 Image
Aug 9 8 tweets 4 min read
If you haven’t figured this out already, I’m running for Congress because I care. I’m honestly not a fan of “party politics.” That includes backdoor deals, hidden agendas, and corruption of any kind – whether or not it threatens our democracy.

This kind of corruption does. 🧵 /1 Image While we were busy celebrating Kamala announcing Tim Walz as her running mate, the Georgia Election Board passed a new rule that could give Trump loyalists a free pass to reject the election results in November.

What does this mean? /2
Aug 6 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Remember when I said I’ve learned a lot about our country during my campaign, things I didn’t know as the average American voter?

One of the biggest takeaways is that Republicans DO NOT care about election security. Like… AT ALL. /1 Image In 2020, Democrats introduced bills to:

1. Require campaigns to alert the FBI & the FEC if a foreign gov't offered them assistance (Russia 👀)

2. Increase funding for election security.

3. Ban voting machines from connecting to the internet.

Republicans blocked ALL THREE. /2
Jul 31 13 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Let’s assume Donald Trump, the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025, or some other authoritarian freaks do have a plan to end free and fair elections so Republicans “won’t have to vote any more."

Here are five ways I could see them doing it, and they absolutely can. /1 1. Extreme voter suppression in GOP-controlled states. This could happen in a variety of ways. If you live in Georgia, the state just made it so that anyone with your driver’s license number can CANCEL your voter registration. /2…
Jul 25 22 tweets 8 min read
🧵We KNOW Donald Trump is a criminal. But not enough Americans know what happened to the criminals around him. You’re not going to like the answer.

What if I told you that the New York City mob never disappeared, and it’s alive and well in the GOP? /1 Image In the later half of the 1980s, U.S. District Attorney Rudy Giuliani… Yeah, that guy…managed to convict the heads of all five of New York City’s Italian mob, and it decimated their criminal empires. But contrary to popular belief, it didn’t end organized crime in the city. /2 Image
Jul 23 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵In 2016, the head of CBS explained why the media was normalizing Trump: “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS… The money’s rolling in… It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.” 1/9 Image Our media’s even worse now. I can’t be the only one who’s noticed it. They are acting like this man didn’t extort our allies, leave us to die from COVID, and try to overthrow the 2020 election. You might even forget he’s a convicted felon. 2/9
Jul 12 9 tweets 4 min read
🚨🧵 The ex-leader of a religious right group reveals he recruited wealthy volunteers, including a top Dayton, Ohio evangelical couple, to wine & dine conservative Supreme Court justices—while pushing their stance on abortion, homosexuality, gun laws, and more. 1/9 Rev. Schenck said that his group “would rehearse lines like, ‘We believe you are here for a time like this’” to flatter the Federalist Society’s Supreme Court justices and encourage them to kill Roe v. Wade. 2/9…
Jul 10 13 tweets 4 min read
🧵I wrote most of this thread last week, but I couldn’t post it. It was too fresh in my mind. Honestly, I was too uncomfortable. I know this is vulnerable, but I need to share it. Here goes... My employer gave me a choice: keep my income or keep running for Congress. What would you do? Image
Jul 7 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵There is a crisis that has killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans right here in our own neighborhoods, and the sad truth is U.S. policies are to blame. We have fueled the rise of Mexican cartels for decades. Let’s break it down. 1/12 Nixon launched the War on Drugs in the 1970s, shifting drug trafficking routes from the Caribbean to Mexico. This enhanced the cartels' control over cocaine trafficking by the 1980s and led to increased violence on a massive scale​. 2/12…
Jul 3 20 tweets 5 min read
🧵Forgive me if what I’m about to share with you is a hard pill to swallow, but avoiding hard truths helped get us where we are today. I’m not interested in being just like any other politician, and I think it’s time to be transparent about the threats we’re up against. 1/20 Since launching my campaign, I’ve learned a lot about what’s happening in our country from people who work in politics. Some stories are hard to believe. Some even keep me up at night, so I can understand why politicians don’t share them with the public. But I have to. 2/20