Jerry Hinnen Profile picture
Auburn athletics fan. Occasional college football writer, @wareaglereader contributor. Formerly @CBSSports. Also tweetin' USMNT, Huddersfield Town, ATL Hawks
Aug 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read

TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN Not gonna pretend Town deserved all three points, but I also don't think it's a stretch to say that after Toffolo and Campbell came on, Town were at least as good and probably better
Aug 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Impressed by how well organized Town are for a Carlos Corberan side

Just as unimpressed by how dreadful Town are in attack for a Carlos Corberan side Would you need a second hand to count the number of _touches_ in the final third for Ward and Koroma? I'm skeptical

Just no ideas at all for how to get the ball from midfield into attack. Not sure how it's even possible to play central midfield and be anonymous as Scott High was
Aug 20, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Interested to see how Auburn fares this season under new head coach Quote from Man Stabbed: What Are You Going to Do, Stab Me? dot jpeg Why not, let me express how angry and embarrassed I remain that the most visible, public-facing employee of my beloved 30,000-student institution of higher learning made this the sum of his comments on vaccination at SECMD…
Mar 10, 2020 19 tweets 6 min read
Speaking as a sports fan, I think it's time sports fans talked more about what the hell is happening. So I'm going to do that for a minute. Here's a table looking at possible COVID outcomes from former CDC director Tom Frieden and Think Global Health. Frieden describes the possibility of a million US deaths as "a worst case scenario—but unfortunately one that’s not implausible."…