Jessica Anderson Profile picture
President, The Sentinel Action Fund. RTs not endorsements. @sentinelaction
3 subscribers
Jan 29, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Biden is in trouble with the border and he knows it. Now he's trying to save face with voters by making excuses and blaming Republicans in Congress for rejecting a bad border deal.

Here's why Biden's blame game won't work and what Republicans need to do next....🧵 First, the border crisis is the Left's fault. From day one, the Biden admin pushed open borders policies and ignored existing border security laws. In Jan 2021, Biden immediately ended construction of the border wall and halted Trump-era border policies.…
Feb 14, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
ESG isn’t an organic movement motivated by individuals who care about America.

It’s an organized INTERNATIONAL effort designed to weaken American infrastructure and economy.

Let’s look at “Climate Action 100+.”🧵 Climate Action 100+ (@ActOnClimate100) claims to be “an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.”

But who exactly are those investors?
Jan 25, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
In preparation for a big 2024, the RNC must revamp its grassroots ground game and build a real political operation.

Here are 7 reforms: 1⃣Election Integrity

Voters have confidence in election results. Lawsuits should be swift and based on hard evidence. Election operations should safeguard against any fraud or abuse…in other words, Easy to Vote & Hard to Cheat.
Jan 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Having pushed the national debt north of $31 trillion, President Biden is now demanding a debt limit increase to take more hard-earned dollars from each American family and fan the flames of inflation.… Worse, the federal budget has spun so far out of control that most federal agencies no longer address the needs of the American people.…
Apr 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Must-read exposé — Apple has been “quietly mobilizing” its lobbyists to coordinate a smear campaign against Florida’s parental rights bill. They’re working with dark money groups on the Left to take down pro-parent, pro-child bills in at least 9 states.… They’re bullying lawmakers into killing the bills: “The company has tried to leverage its greatest assets — the popularity of its products and the size of its employee base in the U.S. — to crush the legislation.”
Mar 31, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The Left has been on a tear spreading misinformation about Georgia’s new election integrity law. Here are the top myths and the facts about GA’s new bill: (1/8) MYTH: new GA law discourages/suppresses voting

FACT: This law expands ballot access in key ways:

-Requires more voting machines and personnel to locations with lines > 1 hr
-Increases weekend early voting
-Mandates drop boxes in elections
-Adds online absentee ballot requests
Jan 28, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In 2009, following President Obama’s election, Senate Republicans followed long-standing precedent by deferring to a new president’s cabinet picks and allowing them to be quickly confirmed despite serious policy differences. In 2017, Democrats chose to break that precedent. (1/6) Instead of working with the Republican majority on legislation, Senate Democrats chose to weaponize the confirmation process in order to slow down enactment of President Trump’s conservative agenda in the administration and in Congress. The numbers bear this out. (2/6)
Nov 5, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
While everyone is analyzing entire states, I think it worth dialing in on one county in particular: Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Why, because this is the location in 2020 that was most prominently affected by rioting, looting, AND is not a major urban area. Let's discuss. Kenosha's voter turnout increased by 16.6% over 4 years ago:
2016 - 74,569
2020 - 86,983

Wisconsin set a 40 year record for turnout, but 16.6% for Kenosha is still significantly higher than the 11-12% statewide increase in turnout.
Nov 4, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
My #Election2020 takeaways so far:

1. The demographic changes to the Republican Party are real and could be here to stay. Yes, the GOP is now firmly the party of the working class but that does not mean the GOP should look past the real gains with latino and black voters. 2. The clear winner is women IRT representation + votes. House GOP picked up 13 female Members. GOP turnout for black women is +4, latino women +3 & white women +2 since 2016.

Qs for 2022 and 2024 is whether the GOP can hold white college educated women w/ children.
Jul 2, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
I agree. And would add:

1. Elected officials need to support their citizens who are crying out for protection. @Heritage_Action Sentinels have been demanding mayors quell the violence, restore law & order, & support the police. Federal lawmakers need to back that up. Now. 2. Lawmakers need to go on offense legislatively w/ culture. @SenMikeLee rightly pointed out today that the revisionist history of the 1619 Project is being propped up by federal $$$. No more. No taxpayer dollars for any school district that adopts 1619 or Howard Zinn. Period.