Jess Walton Profile picture
Writer (TV GET KRACKIN ep2.3 / books STARS IN THEIR EYES, INTRODUCING TEDDY), Speaker @BkdOut. Pronouns are they/she.
Aug 4 11 tweets 3 min read
Trans people warned everyone that anti trans bigots like Rowling will throw anyone under the bus, including women they claim to care about. I saw it first hand when my wife (c1s lesbian) was thrown out of a women’s toilet because of her appearance. What did anti trans bigots say? They said she looked like a man, or that she should dress more femininely, or that she was an unfortunate victim and should put up with it for the benefit of other c1s women. Some of them stopped engaging because they knew how bad they sounded.
Jul 12 202 tweets >60 min read
After typing up my extensive notes from the State Library Victoria's Duty of Care review meeting with me and other authors a few days ago, I'm here to write a long thread on what was said. I've come off private so this thread can be shared, but I will go back on to private soon. I am not going to identify the other authors and creatives at the meeting, but I have been talking to some of them since that afternoon about what was an incredibly infuriating discussion.
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My nonbinary kiddo this morning: You know how some people hate trans people...
Me: yep
Kiddo: will the future be better?
Me: If we all stand up and fight back, yes. Like we did at the rally.
Kiddo: Promise?
Me (hoping like hell it's okay to promise this): Promise. I have been thinking about this promise and whether it was okay to promise this all morning.

Like, fuck. What if it doesn't get better?

But kiddo needs hope.
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A terf I asked these questions ran to a terf reddit to ask how she could say she wants women kept out of womens spaces based on appearance, without saying it was okay for my cis wife to be harassed in women’s spaces based on appearance and clothing. TERFs have strategies including aligning with Nazis and right wing christofascists to destroy trans people. Working out how to collectively shut down fascist talking points is a good idea, Raw Fish Salad. You into fascists?
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Shirley wants to see me argue with some cis men about toilets on Twitter. Anyone want to go a few rounds? I didn’t take a video of the conversation with my cis male relative about this, I was too busy dealing with his physical intimidation. During the same convo he said scary stuff about my trans family members, but you want them in a toilet together, Shirley? Who is the threat to someone’s safety, my trans family members who want to pee in peace, or my cis male family member who wants us to stop existing?
Apr 3, 2023 34 tweets 6 min read
Cis folks, if people try to "gotcha" you with 'how do you define a woman', just ask them how they define a woman and then ask if they truly believe women are defined by their reproductive ability and genitalia. So far this response has worked well for me. Of course I define a woman as 'an adult that tells me they are a woman', but I think putting the ball in their court is helpful, as they have to immediately make clear that they are anti trans for the conversation to continue.