Jess Holien Profile picture
Researcher scientist she/her @RMITresearch #drugdesign #structualbioinformatics #compchem #proteinfunction. Science Advocate. Views are my own.
Mar 27, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
As a scientist, I started working from home when my now 11yo was 6wk old. For those who are struggling with this balance atm I thought I would share some insights. (1/7) #workingfromhometips @AcademicParents @FranklinWomen @WomenSciAUST Firstly, you are never going to work 9-5, don't beat yourself up about it! Secondly, each kid is different, what worked for me, may not work for you! Thirdly, there are days where you get nothing done, and days when you tick everything off your list. (2/7)