Jesse Kelly Profile picture
Host of the nationally syndicated Jesse Kelly Show. Host of ‘I’m Right’ on The First. Anti-Communist. World Famous Author.
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Nov 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
The legitimacy you give to corrupt institutions is the weapon they use to hurt you.

One of their main weapons is pedo/hooker stuff.

This is kind of about Gaetz but not really. It’s about more than that.

Let me explain: The System knows your values and knows how to use them against you. (This isn’t unique. Evil systems have operated like this forever.)

One consistent value in good people is their natural revulsion to anything harming a child. That’s good.
Sep 10, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
What you’re seeing right now from the communists is the difference between the two sides. And it’s why the culture has only moved Left for my entire 43 years on this planet.

Let me explain: The “Haitians are eating house cats” thing is an op. It’s an op from the Right. Doesn’t mean it’s inaccurate. Firsthand accounts from places like Springfield and Queens back up these stories. But it’s an op. It’s being used by the Right to attack the Left about the border.
Sep 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the benefits of citizenship is protection.

As an American citizen, you should know with 100% certainty that your government has your back when abroad.

Time and time again in recent years we’ve seen Americans harmed abroad without fear.

Unacceptable. Your entire bloodline should be wiped from the planet if you harm an American citizen.

Do this a few times and watch it stop.
Aug 5, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Let me explain something about patriotism, duty, and how it (kind of) explains what’s happening in the markets today. And why their “solution” is going to make everything worse: Patriotism is talked about a lot. But often it’s mocked, sneered at, or at best it’s turned into some kind of mascot people pull out on Independence Day.

“Look at my fireworks and guns!” (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

But patriotism is more than that. Much more.
May 6, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
It’s wild how that October 7th raid has turned into a proxy war for so many factions here in America who have so many different motivations. From what I can tell, here they are. You probably fit into one of these. And you’ll probably deny it. But you do.

Here they are: On the Right:

-People who just hate Jews for one reason or another.
-People who don’t love or hate Jews, but think Israel has too much say in American foreign policy.
-People who don’t care what’s happening in Israel because we’re too broke to do anything about it anyway.
Apr 25, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
This is absurd but people will believe mass deportation can happen because they still don’t understand that “majority” and “power” are two very different things. Often, they have NOTHING to do with each other. Let me explain: Let’s just say I believe those numbers (I don’t. Most people have no stomach for arresting whole families.)

But let’s say I do. More than half of America supports Trump’s plan to deport millions of people. Woohoo! Great news, right?!

Yeah, no.
Apr 16, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Wanna know why “red” towns across America have child drag shows and muddy buddy parades?

Walk with me and I’ll tell you why. And how to stop it: First, you need to set aside Nursery Rhyme Conservative notions like “majority”. The Right loves cope like that.

“We’re the silent majority!”

Yeah, dork. Thinking like that is why you lose.
Mar 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Elite Communist Scum and Street Communist Scum are two different groups. Occasionally, a Street like @AOC can make the transition from Street to Elite. But she has to give up some of her street animal ways if she wants to stay there.

Then the Street animals will turn on her. It’s been fascinating watching the AOC story arc and how’s it’s differed from other squad members who were too barbarian to civilize. Ilhan for example is facing an establishment-backed primary cause she couldn’t give up her animal ways.

AOC though, she’s headed for leadership.
Jan 29, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I’ve uncovered some shocking information about the GOP amnesty deal being worked on. I’m confirming something as we speak. But I think I’ve identified the people behind this treason.

Standby… Yep. Just confirmed it. Always pay attention to the man behind the man. It’s not just that we have some traitorous GOP senators. We have to expose the people who put them in office. Here we go:
May 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I think the trans movement has a chance of saving The United States of America. I’m not even kidding. 1/ The communist thrives on two things: deception and the apathy of his opponents.

He must lie at all times about his plans. They’ve written about this many times. Today, it takes the form of teachers saying, “We can’t let them know what we’re doing.”
May 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Social media is the worst thing that could have happened to American corporations. The communists were simply more ready than the corporate world for social media. It’s like putting a toddler just learning to walk in the ring to box Mike Tyson. 1/ Communists organize and organize well. It fits right in with their hive-mind nature. Got a problem with some entity? Let’s organize a protest. Got a cause you want to agitate for? Let’s organize a group.
May 12, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The right fails to fight back correctly because it fails to get the right mindset and it fails to get the right mindset because it fails on language.

I still see a lot of “soft on crime DA” talk when I see them talk about Soros DAs.
Let’s say I told you we’re going on a hike. But I told you we’re only going 50 yards and it’s all downhill. No big deal, right? You don’t even have to drink water or get the right shoes for that.
May 8, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The American Right will have to decide whether it wants a big federal government doing unconstitutional things to stop blue states from turning into Gomorrah or just let them burn in their own depravity.

Sadly, there isn’t a third choice. Understand that everything Right and Left accelerates from here as normal people flee blue states and get to red ones. Red will get a lot redder. With red states using their power. Blue will get a lot bluer.
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Here’s why you shouldn’t protest in blue cities and why you should DEFINITELY stay out of NYC tomorrow.

Remember Mike Tyson? We all watched him knock people’s heads off for a living. But you know what we didn’t watch? The work. The road miles. The sparring. The bag work. Years and years. Hours and hours of work turned him into that knockout beast we saw on TV.

Know why you should stay out of NYC with your protest?
Mar 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The Right struggles with how the Left handles things because the Right still puts its values on the Left. But the Left doesn’t share your values at all.

Everything, even death, is simply an opportunity to take power and hurt your enemies. That’s how they think. It’s that simple. “But look at the crime stats in gun control places like Chicago!”

Yeah. They know. They can read. They know all the numbers.
Mar 27, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Just paid quarterly taxes and let me tell you, I’m expecting a ‘Thank You’ card from some “green energy” companies and Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Occurs to me that every fourth day I go to work, I go to work to fund transgender surgeries for African kids.
Mar 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Trump is the Michael Jordan of politics. And I don’t mean that the way you think. Here’s why: Jordan was a phenom and because of his talent (and hard work), he could get away with things on the court that other players couldn’t. Jordan wants to take 40 shots a game as a 2 guard? Go ahead. He’ll win in the end.
Feb 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Since “national divorce” is in the conversation again, lemme share a few thoughts on it.

1. I support it and I have for a long time. The REASON I support it is I don’t want any bloodshed and we’re heading for a lot of it if we keep living together. 2. The arguments against it, many made by friends, are almost all valid. All of them. They’re good arguments and they make good points. Divorce would be terrible. Maybe even suicidal. But for me it’s a preferable alternative to where we are going.
Feb 7, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Watching how uncomfortable 99.9% of the Right is with primary brawling might be the thing that disheartens me the most. The communists live for it. They love to fight. The second things get a little icky on the Right, they’re whining about rules and norms. Barf. Do understand that the communists are not going to surrender their gains. They have taken over every cultural institution. They will have to be uprooted. It will not be clean. It will not be nice. It will be ugly and loud and vicious.
Feb 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
People keep saying they “want answers” for why the Chinese are allowed to fly a spy balloon in our airspace.

You sure you want those answers? Cause I’m not so sure the average American wants to know how much their leaders have sold them out for thirty pieces of silver. You look at the sky and see an enemy encroaching on your country. And you should. But do keep in mind that not a single leader of our cultural institutions thinks about America at all. Some of them hate it. But most, simply pay it no mind. There’s no patriotism there to stir.