Jessica Meigs Profile picture
Editor. Published novelist. Visit the link below for my editing/proofreading services and to check out my SF&F books!
Mar 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I know I have a lot of new followers here. 👋, everyone! I just wanted to say that pontificating about the effects of the ABC test on my livelihood isn't the only thing I do. 😂 I also write books! And two of them are free if you'd like to check them out. (See below!) Both freebies are first in series. The first free book is The Unnaturals. It's like if the TV show Supernatural got slapped in the face with Mission: Impossible, with a biblical apocalypse thrown in for good measure. (Just came out in audiobook, too!)…
Mar 5, 2021 28 tweets 4 min read
There seems to be a dramatic misunderstanding of what exactly an independent contractor is among the set promoting the PRO Act and its ABC Test. They seem to think ICs are actually employees being hired to do a job and are being misclassified by the employer at the IC’s expense. Allow me to explain what an independent contractor IS and what an independent contractor is NOT and why misinterpreting the contractor/client relationship as an employer/employee relationship is incorrect.
Mar 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I just saw where someone wholeheartedly believed that independent contractors don't pay taxes.

If that's the case, why have I been handing the IRS 30% of everything I make every quarter?

ICs pay taxes just like everyone else. We just pay them ourselves, not through an employer. And if you really think about it, with approximately $1.2T of the US economy being generated by independent contractors, that's a LOT of tax dollars the PRO Act will be flushing down the toilet if it passes. It's going to put all those ICs paying 30% in taxes out of work.
Mar 3, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I rediscovered this old blog post review of The Becoming Series from 2017 that I just adore.

Choice quote: "What does Jessica give that many do not? Swearing! By the bucket load!" 🤣🤣🤣… Look, as an explainer: During the initial writing of this series, I worked two different jobs (not at the same time): I worked in retail, and I worked in EMS.

Both of them have a habit of inducing swearing. LOTS of swearing.
Mar 3, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I realize I've tweeted and retweeted more in the past twenty-four hours than I probably have in a year. But that's how important my opposition to the PRO Act's ABC Test is. We're talking about the destruction of my livelihood. But it's not just about me. It's about all freelancers. It's about that mom who has to take care of her kids and her aging, bedridden mother while freelancing because it's the only thing that offers her the flexibility to do everything she needs to do.
Mar 2, 2021 41 tweets 5 min read
Oh, it's thread time. And this is one that everyone should read. And share. Because EVERYONE should know this information that's being buried in the news cycle. The PRO Act, or HR 842, is a bill currently getting ready to be voted on in the House of Representatives. Last I heard, the date for voting is on 3/8.