Jessica Post Profile picture
Executive Director @theDLCC, flipping state legislative seats red to blue and winning Democratic majorities in state houses. Opinions are mine. #flipeverything
Dec 15, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
It’s my last day at @DLCC & I couldn’t be happier that @heather4dems is taking over this winning team. Leading DLCC has been the honor of my life & I’m so proud of all we’ve accomplished. This work means everything to me & I wanted to share some final thoughts on this journey.🧵 I started volunteering for state legislative candidates in college in rural Missouri. Those races impacted everything from funding for our college to abortion access, & the Dem governor’s agenda was on the line every election. Special shoutout to Molly Kottmeyer & @jimkottmeyer.
Nov 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
This year, @DLCC committed over $2.2 million to help Dems win the Virginia House & Senate, plus significant staff time & other resources – setting a record for the committee regarding direct investment in Virginia. With support, we can replicate these wins across the country. 🧵 First, @DLCC spent early in the cycle so that Democrats on the ground in Virginia could build a self-sustaining program – hiring staff and building critical infrastructure so that the caucuses and candidates were ready to take full advantage of late-cycle spending.
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
This year, I am grateful for Team @DLCC and our Democratic majorities! Democrats in state legislatures made history, holding all of our chambers and even flipping 4 blue. From day one, DLCC laid the groundwork for these victories. 🧵… @DLCC DLCC is an all-the-above committee. We:
💲Fund campaigns
📺Run independent advertising
📈Provide data, training, digital, comms & fundraising help
🙋Offer strategic expertise

Winning state legislatures is a multi-cycle game & we support in-state partners every step of the way.
Nov 15, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Well folks, @DLCC has defied the odds and made history! This is the first time in a midterm year that the president’s party has not lost a single state legislative chamber since at least 1934. Here’s where things stand:🧵 We’ve defended critical majorities in
✅New Mexico House
✅Minnesota House
These are all states where Dems lost their majorities in the last decade.
Nov 8, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Tomorrow is Election Day, and I need everyone to vote blue *all the way down the ballot*. You would be amazed by all of the progress that gets accomplished at the state level. Here are 7 major issues that every single Dem-controlled legislature has taken action on: 🧵 👩‍⚕️Every Dem-controlled state legislature has protected or expanded abortion rights!

Going to college in Missouri, I saw students who had to cross state lines to access reproductive health care. No one should be forced to give birth against their will.
Nov 7, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Well folks, this is it. Before the chaos of Election Day kicks off tomorrow, I want to use this final moment to thank all of the legislators, candidates, grassroots donors, organizers, volunteers, and @DLCC staffers who’ve worked their tails off for down-ballot Dems. 🧵 @DLCC If you’ve seen the polls, you know that tomorrow’s election is the definition of a toss-up – Democrats have been out there full force knocking doors, raising grassroots support, and talking to voters about the issues they care about.
Nov 16, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Despite the victory lap the GOP seems to be doing over the 2020 elections, here’s a fact: Democrats are winning the fight for fair maps. Stick with me here... Down-ballot Dems didn’t do great the other week, but in the context of redistricting, we’ve made HUGE progress in recent years. Our influence is much greater than it was a decade ago, & many voters will get fair, un-rigged districts for the 1st time in generations. Some examples:
Jan 17, 2019 20 tweets 5 min read
This is good. But not that good. In fact, it might be bad in the long run. But for now, we’ve dodged a bullet. Here’s why the ruling on the citizenship question on the census is good, and why our work isn’t done yet. 1/… Last year, the Trump Administration proposed adding a question to the census that would have forced every American household to record whether they and other members of their household were US citizens. 2/