Comrade Olajide ikujenyo Profile picture
Aspirant LAHA 2019, Chairmanship Candidate 2021, Patriot, Oil and Gas Downstream Logistics Professional
Nov 18, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
My flight from Jos to Lagos was scheduled for 12pm but I got to the airport at about 11am only to be told the flight was rescheduled to 10am and it had left as at my arrival time at the airport. I didn’t want to spend an extra day in Jos #ThrowbackMiracles So I called the office to book a flight from Abuja to Lagos for me so I could travel by road to Abuja to connect with the flight to Lagos.
I took a cab from the park in Jos and we headed to Abuja as planned. We were about 35km into Abuja when all of a sudden, #ThrowbackMiracles
Mar 18, 2019 19 tweets 5 min read
As an addendum to my earlier post on the basics of politics, I think we need to discuss the team that make up each arm of the Government at the various tiers and what we should be demanding from them. t is important to remind us that Nigeria operates a bi-camera legislative system which implies that at the Federal Government tier, we have 2 houses that perform the legislative functions - Senate and the House of Representatives.
Mar 16, 2019 19 tweets 6 min read
Knowledge they say is power and from all indication, the Government have deliberately deprived the masses of the required information to enable them demand good governance through the right channel. No wonder the Bible says “my people people die for lack of Knowledge.” Since they have failed in educating us on the basics of politics, we would do well to educate ourselves.
Dec 16, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
The number one cause of unemployment in Nigeria is our Educational curriculum which in my opinion is designed to produce Job seekers as against Job creators the country earnestly requires and it is further worsened by the stereotype which suggests that students who are more vocationally inclined are academically deficient.

The long term plan to address this issue is to review our curriculum like i have always emphasized such that every student must learn a vocation/skill as a prerequisite to passing out from the secondary school.
Dec 7, 2018 8 tweets 5 min read
Can we really have a free and fair elections in 2019? One thing is certain: The electoral reform is expected to a large extent make the elections free and fair but why is the president refusing to assent to the bill? I would try and break it down as best as possible but like I Would always say, this is my opinion and you can always correct me where you think I’m wrong.
It is easy for a court of law to adjudge an election to be free but it is very difficult to prove that it is fair and that is the loophole election riggers are exploiting.
Dec 3, 2018 8 tweets 5 min read
Pictures of the Moribund skill acquisition centre in Ijegun Egba, Satellite Town area in Amuwo Odofin LGA Lagos state.
It’s bad enough that the Government have failed to realize that our current Educational curriculum in the country is designed to produce job seekers as against job creators which we are in dire need of but it’s more pathetic that a centre that is supposed to serve as an empowerment platform for the youths was neglected to this dilapidated state with no effort from the Government to revive it.
Dec 2, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
They claimed the Federal Government under the PDP regime was deliberately sabotaging their efforts on delivering good governance in Lagos State and in our usual fashion we believed them but report suggests that Lagos State is worse off under the three years of APC led Federal and State government than the 16 years of PDP Federal Government.

Deplorable state of major roads and the accompanying life-sapping traffic, Failed visionscape initiate(waste management),
Nov 30, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Students with low scores or those who failed to secure the cut off for their preferred choice of course are admitted into the Education faculty and these people make up almost 80% of the current crop of teaching staffs in the the country. Should we really be marveled by the decline in the quality of graduates we are producing now?
What do you expect when over 70% of our teaching staffs in the Education sector lack the requisite passion, competence and remuneration to produce the required results?
Nov 17, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
Dear Lagosians,
As the Gubernatorial election in Lagos draws near, Light and darkness have been presented before us. The choice is ours to make but I beseech us to choose light. In a sane society, APC wouldn’t stand a chance in the election judging by the fiasco of this regime but welcome to Nigeria where abnormality has become so normal that normalcy is now regarded as abnormal.
Nov 7, 2018 20 tweets 7 min read
Is Government still paying subsidy on Petroleum product? There are contrasting opinions on this subject matter but I would elucidate the scenario in the best way possible.
Let me put a caveat however that this is my opinion & you can educate me if I’m wrong.

It’s a thread Have you heard of the acronym PEF (Petroleum Equalization Fund)?
Government in its wisdom wanted to ensure uniformity of white products (PMS, AGO and HHK) across the nation by paying for cost of transportation from the loading point to the receiving