Jill Baguchinsky is on deadline Profile picture
Anxious author of SO WITCHES WE BECAME (LBYR), MAMMOTH, SPOOKYGIRL. Rep: @ericsmithrocks. Proplifting goblin fluent in darkness and Disney. HWA. 🏳️‍🌈
Nov 24, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
Not sure what’s up with the #NaNoWriMo hate/backlash/etc. lately, but I have some THOUGHTS. And now that I’ve finished my 2019 NaNo project, I have time to tweet. Thread incoming. I keep seeing complaints about NaNo stressing people out. Yeah, okay, NaNo is definitely not for everyone! It’s a ton of work in a short time period, and heck yeah, it can be stressful.