Jim Buhler Profile picture
Professor, Music Theory, University of Texas—Opinions expressed here are my own. Mastodon: @jimbuhler@federate.social
Sep 17, 2022 47 tweets 11 min read
Last weekend, I read @delong’s Slouching Toward Utopia, an economic history of what he calls the long twentieth century (1870-2010).

I liked the book and have thoughts.

A thread where I step even more outside my lane than usual. @delong It’s a long book but not a hard read even for someone like me who’s not at all an expert in the area. I am most interested in the period however, and I’ve done more than a little historical work on music and entertainment media from the period.
Sep 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
It's weird how syncing my iphone to my computer routinely fails in the same way every time. Fortunately, it always still works the second time. It's things like this that convince me that our technology overlords really haven't a clue what they are doing. I mean, this behavior has been persistent for several YEARS now.