I’m troubled by something happening in the #Episcopal Church that might interest followers of the #LambethConference hashtag. Our church is receiving clergy from ACNA and other breakaway churches back into our church as priests, and, well, it raises questions. 1/
My principal concern is that we seem to regard reception as a primarily canonical matter, and not giving sufficient consideration to the damage priests who have formerly worked against our church can do once they are received as clergy. 2/
Aug 2, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I share a measure of the generally positive response to @JustinWelby’s speech on human sexuality at the #LambethConference. It is enormously helpful to have him acknowledge that churches moving towards marriage equality do not regard scripture lightly. 1/
It is also an enormous relief to have him announce he does not seek to punish member churches in the #Anglican Communion, because his predecessor was inventive and persistent in trying to do so. #LambethConference 2/
Aug 1, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The longer I look at the #LambethCalls on Anglican identity, the less I like it. What we have is one instrument of communion, the #LambethConference, asking another instrument of communion, the Abp of Canterbury to charter a group to review the instruments of communion. 1/
When you consider that every member of a third instrument of communion, the Primates Meeting, is included in the #LambethConference and recall that @JustinWelby has given primates much more influence over the fourth instrument of communion, the Anglican Consultative Council 2/
Jul 30, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
News about how the #LambethCalls will be discussed and voted upon has finally been released. It would seem there is to be no floor debate, just small group conversation and report backs from some of the groups followed by voting yes, needs more work, or no. 1/ #LambethConference
The document contains no provision for offering amendments. So, without some kind of special provision, I don’t see how Lambeth 1.10 can be re-introduced. This is not to say shenanigans may not ensue. 2/ #LambethConference#LambethCalls
Jul 25, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
.@JustinWelby has some explaining to do. Bishop Kevin Robertson, was a member of the group that drafted the controversial #LambethCall on Human Dignity. It never included a call to reaffirm the homophobic Lambeth 1.10. He doesn’t recognize it. 1/ facebook.com/684821280/post…
He writes: “I never agreed to this Call in its current form. At no point in our meetings did we discuss the reaffirmation of Lambeth 1.10 at the Conference, and it never appeared in any of the early drafts of our work together.” 2/
The Lambeth Calls for Whom? conta.cc/3Pw5nVb
“Receiving this document so late means that many of us are already in Europe; many of us have not had the time to truly read and study the Lambeth Calls; and there is no opportunity for reflection—or much organizing—before the Conference begins.” 1/