james, the giant peach Profile picture
schelling pointillist • reality enjoyer • vitality shill • regeneration and biophilic infrastructure • Ted Nelson stuff ➡️ @TheTedNelswag
May 18, 2020 75 tweets 36 min read
Drawn out in a thread for ease of sharing :) "Learn how to learn from those you disagree with, or even offend you. See if you can find the truth in what they believe." - @kevin2kelly
Oct 10, 2019 182 tweets 13 min read
THE GAY SCIENCE "Neitzche also spoke of a 'Socrates who makes music' - a philosopher who is also an artist. But for Neitzche that never meant being a philosopher six days and a poet on the Sabbath, or writing a conventional philosophical book with some poetry at the beginning and the end...
May 2, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Cob Building:

Cob (or adobe or wichert or lots of other names) is a building material made from mixing mud, sand, and straw; cobbing is one of the oldest known building modalities thought to be used since prehistoric times.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cob_(mate… At Colab, we built a cob bench for seating around a cob oven that had been built previously. After slapping together a rough wooden frame to get started, half of the crew mixed mud and half applied it!
Dec 19, 2018 39 tweets 5 min read
“This paper address the threat of automated influence - purposeful use of AI to monitor specific audiences and produce and distribute misleading information to them over digital media networks for the purposes of foreign security objectives”