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💍 ❤️ @SlowPitchBitch| Bisexual Sapphic| Fashionista| Film Fan| Go Cougs!!| Guitarist| Leftist AF| Mariners, Seahawks, Storm| | Rave Girl| 🌒🌕🌘
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Jan 30 7 tweets 2 min read
dear white trans people

do not compare a racist white trans girl having her receding hairline mocked to anti-Black racism

i’m a Black trans woman. i suffer racism, transphobia, misogyny, and misogynoir

separately and simultaneously

so unkindly stfu about Black people Image and i’m not saying there are no overlaps between the experience of anti-Black racism and transphobia

both are manifestations of white supremacy, and both are formed around slurs, dehumanization, and the use of the law to oppress
Nov 3, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
passing shouldn’t be required to be gendered correctly, but ideals don’t negate pragmatism

Black people modulate ourselves to minimize racist encounters, but white people aren’t used to minority survival, which is why white trans women struggle like this
i speak in AAVE when around other Black folks, because that’s part of how i grew up

but i don’t speak AAVE at work, or in my college classes, because even though i shouldn’t have to code switch, i still do to survive, and avoid being stereotyped
Jun 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
now i’m happy that Shazam: Fury of the Gods was a box office flop

Zachary Levi’s whole social media persona has been appearing to be this empathetic guy that wants to uplift everyone. turns out he’s just another anti-vaxx, anti-trans bigot also, Chris Pratt is exactly who we all think he is. he attended a christian church that is anti-LGBT

Chris Pratt also made an unsubtle, ableist comment about his son with Anna Farris by praising his current wife for giving him a healthy daughter

he’s also misogynistic af
Jun 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
random things about me

- i hold a Guinness World Record

- i once did a stage show for a major publisher at E3

- i’ve been a speaker and moderator for celebrity panels at SDCC and WonderCon

- i’ve starred in an commercial

- i’m friends with a Wonder Woman voice actress - i used to be a tech journalist, and once got to do a phone interview with the CEO of Unity Technologies

- i used to be a pop culture reporter, and during my tenure in that role i got to interview the casts of Sleepy Hollow, Prison Break, Gotham, and the Ratchet and Clank movie
May 11, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
an unspoken truth that needs to be shared is that many of the terf accounts that exist on social media are just cis men pretending to be cis women so they can accuse trans women of pretending to be women

here’s an infamous example from Reddit where the man got caught lying Image Graham Linehan, a vocal supporter of anti-trans bigotry, specifically transmisogyny, infamously joined the queer women dating app, HER, and pretended to be a trans woman so he could take screenshots of real trans women’s profiles to target them for harassment ImageImage
May 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
terfs generally ignore Black trans women because our existence contradicts their false narratives that frames all trans women as “privileged white men”

it’d be impossible for a cis white woman to justify calling a Black trans woman privileged without exposing herself as a racist i point this out because terfs are strategic, by which i mean highly intentional in their bigotry

they aren’t misunderstood, or reacting emotionally: they are bigots by choice, and part of that choice is choosing lies they feel will win people over to their awful views
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
what makes “Genie in the Bottle” such an iconic piece of pop music is not just the fact that it was a chart topping song, but a song about the importance of consent

it’s a song about women saying no

i love that Christina Aguilera was brave enough to choose it as a single ImageImage and i’m not saying Christina Aguilera is the first woman to ever have a song about consent. i just don’t recall any woman getting a chart topper with a song about consent

like, 7 Year Bitch had a song back in 1992 called “Dead Men Don’t Rape” but it wasn’t exactly top 40 music ImageImage
May 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
the traumatic encounter i had yesterday had me thinking a lot about the “i did not scream” discourse

i did scream, at a sleepover

he did it to me and his sister. his parents knew and tried to bribe me with McDonalds to not tell anyone

i refused the food, but still didn’t tell i just begged to go home, so his parents took me, reluctantly

my mother recalls that morning, because i came home sobbing, but she never knew why until two years ago when i revealed to her why i was so emotionally wrecked that day
May 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
if you keep sending “thoughts and prayers” after every mass shooting, the fact that mass shootings keep happening should be your clue that either your god doesn’t give a shit about people being slaughtered, or that your god doesn’t exist

either way, your prayers are useless and if your god is real, and supposedly all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, then his silence when petitioned for intervention to stop mass shootings should make you wonder why you bother to worship that god


the blitheness of tradition?
May 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Garcia is a name of Spanish origin

Mauricio is a name of Spanish origin

Spain is a European country

hispanic = from a Spanish speaking country. it isn’t a synonym for Mexican or Latino

how y’all loudly have opinions about everything but never seem to read a goddamn book and even if that asshole isn’t white, that doesn’t preclude him from holding or perpetuating white supremacist rhetoric and violence

many non-white people internalize white supremacy in the hopes that they can be “one of the good ones”

there is no shortage of sellouts
May 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1) no such thing as “womanface”

2) white women co-opting the oppression of Black people is an act of anti-Black racism

3) trans women live our daily lives as the women we are. Blackface is a costume meant to dehumanize

that racist white man didn’t live his life as a Black man i’m tired of the anti-Black racism transphobes invoke to push transphobic narratives

white folks out here subjecting Black cis women athletes to transphobia for being better athletes

now y’all want to creating sloppy juxtapositions between trans women and Blackface

May 2, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
it’s wild how transphobes tell fictions for why trans women exist rather than believe us about why we exist

prior to going into deep depression from my gender dysphoria, i worked out DAILY. i was thin, muscular, had girlfriends, had lots of sex

it didn’t matter ImageImage like, all these assumptions that trans women transition to “get girls” or to “trick guys” is all lies

i didn’t have problems attracting men or women. i wasn’t always a schlub, or suffered from low testosterone

i transitioned because i was NEVER a man. it’s that fucking simple
Mar 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
this isn’t a new discourse

Eve Ensler raised similar concerns in The Vagina Monologues, calling men’s desire for women to be free of body hair a perverted fetish for pre-pubescence

men wanting women to be virgins also reads as pedophilic. why else desire sexually naive women? like, there is an entire category of porn devoted to the “catholic school girl” aesthetic. why would a grown man want to fantasize about women dressed like teenage girls?

straight men need to have this conversation with one another, and reassess their behavior
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
cishet people who call being gay or trans a “lifestyle” use that term as euphemism for sex because they reduce being gay or trans to who we have sex with and how we have sex

but being gay or trans isn’t about sex: “it’s the way that we live and love” gay and trans people’s lives don’t revolve around sex

we have a history, culture, language, traditions, and all the characteristics that define other people groups

but what make us the same as others is ignored because cishet people obsess over how gay and trans people have sex
Mar 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
community talk time 🏳️‍⚧️

a year ago, Lauren Witzke told Blaire White to “grow out your mustache and tell people to not live like you”

Blaire didn’t renounce her views then: she won’t renounce them now

just because a person shares your intersections doesn’t make them community that sharing an identity doesn’t automatically make someone community is a lesson Black folks learned centuries ago

it’s why Zora Neale Hurston said “all my skinfolk ain’t my kinfolk”

white trans people need to learn this lesson about other trans people
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
speaking of Magneto was right

Tennessee banned gender affirming care for trans kids. Texas seeks to ban gender affirming care for all trans people

we are living the early stages of a trans genocide, so as a trans woman, Magneto’s speech from X-Men: The Last Stand hits home honestly, X-Men: The Last Stand is a better movie than folks remember

X-Men: The Last Stand is intentionally about being a gay or trans person

the scene where Warren’s father tries to force the mutant cure on him? it’s an allegory for conversion therapy and forced detransition
Mar 6, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
DIY hrt is one of those manifestations of white privilege that white people are often blind to

when my wife and i were first dating, we took a vacation and bought beer for our hotel room. she put the beer in the back seat of our car. i told her put it in the trunk for my safety to her, a sealed 12 pack was no big deal because if a cop asked her about the beer, she’d say “it’s sealed”

to me, beer in the backseat meant a cop lying about me drinking and driving

Black people can’t get away with the same things that white people do
Mar 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
whenever people ask me and @SlowpitchBitch how can have a third come play with us without it affecting our relationship, this is why

sex can be about love, intimacy and connection, but can also be about the pleasure of the act separate from attachment to a person not even sex for me and Brittney is always about love. sometimes we fuck, because it’s pleasurable, and other times we make love

some sessions are both

and similarly, when we share a third partner, it’s all about the pleasure of the act, like sharing a meal
Mar 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
i’m exhausted by transphobic cis people thinking people either have “boy genes” or “girl genes”

humans have the genetic code for both male and female development

e.g., everyone has the code for ovaries

Forrest Valkai, an evolutionary biologist, explains this fact well and just like with ovaries, all humans have the genetic code not only to develop breasts, but mammary glands

which characteristics we develop depends upon our hormones

taking estrogen wouldn’t have allowed me to grow breasts if my genes didn’t contain the code to build them Image
Mar 3, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
@OT7Bear when gay sex was ruled legal because of the SCOTUS ruling on Lawerence v Texas, you were 4 years old

please explain to me how at 4 years old, laws about consensual gay sex between adults affected you?

clarify for me how aware you were of those laws when you were 4 years old @OT7Bear you were 16 when gay marriage became legal. the legal age for marriage in America is generally 18 years old

so for all 7 years of your adult life, and marriage eligibility, you’ve had the right to gay marriage

for the first 12 years of my adult life, i never had that right
Mar 2, 2023 30 tweets 9 min read

i’ve gotten quite a few replies to this threads from Gen Z queers asking “how could they enforce gay sex being illegal?”

so let’s talk about it, and go over a little of the history of sodomy laws in the United States and how they were used to target the LGBT+ community sodomy laws in America date back to the 17th century, and were derived from christian law which deemed non-procreative sex (oral and anal) regardless of gender or sexuality, as a “crime against god/nature”

the laws were mostly applied as secondary charges for other sex crimes