Joanna Szostek 💙💛🦉 Profile picture
Senior lecturer in Political Communication @UofGlasgow & associate fellow @CHRussiaEurasia. I research & tweet mainly about media, politics, Ukraine & Russia.
Paul Schulte Profile picture beat regli Profile picture Howard Werten Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 6 12 tweets 3 min read
This story won't get enough attention because it's paywalled (although it can be accessed via Nexis, if your university library subscribes).
But @EdinburghUni, you really need to take more responsibility here.
A 🧵 with details follows...… The abovementioned professor has been writing about "propaganda" during the Russia-Ukraine war, having no research-based expertise at all in Russian or Ukrainian politics, or relevant language skills. This makes him very poorly qualified to judge what is or isn't "propaganda".
Mar 30, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
The infamous "ideologist of the Russian World" Aleksandr Dugin has given a long interview to the Russian tabloid MK.
If anyone in Russia has given up on capturing Kyiv, it is definitely not Dugin.
A 🧵, if you can stomach it. He says: Russia has been battling for Kyiv since the middle ages in a "conflict between Great Russians and the Galicians", so "Kyiv will be ours".
Mar 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Informative summary from @bbcrussian @skazal_on on what's happened so far to the Russian internet, and what's likely still to come.… Explains how Roskomnadzor has blocked the Western social media platforms with lower audiences first, leaving just YouTube - with its massive user base - still standing for now (but probably not for much longer).
Mar 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
A Russian colonel-general has given an interview to the tabloid KP. It's horrific, but gives insights on Russian goals.
Says police, FSB and prosecutors should follow troops into Ukrainian cities. And undertake "necessary" but "unpleasant" filtering to achieve "de-Nazification". As for negotiations he basically admits they are for appearances only.
"We can't not hold talks because we'd be accused of breaking diplomatic norms" he says.
"We are holding talks in the hope of peace on our terms. But Ukraine is holding talks to drag out the fighting".
Mar 9, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I'm regularly asked what Russian media are reporting about Ukraine, usually by people who don't speak Russian.
And I struggle to convey the **scale of lies and sheer depravity** of Russian state media content.
Words like "disinfo" aren't enough.
Here's a🧵trying to illustrate. There is an article on the website of Russian state news agency RIA Novosti. It is one of Russia's top news websites. Hundreds of thousands of people have already read the article. It is titled "Kiev has experienced an exodus" (Киев пережил исход). Here are some highlights.