How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App UN Security Council resolution 2231 from 2015, Iran is banned from exporting ballistic missiles until Oct/2023, but long-range drones such as the ones being transferred to Russia are the target of accusations that Iran is in violation of UNSCR 2231. US invasion of Iraq was an act of aggression: Baghdad posed no existential threat to the US & allies, its WMD programmes had been dead for over 10 years. Lack of cooperation with the UN didn't help but there was no solid case for war. The word was: No war in Iraq had 'don't believe anything until the Kremlin denies it'; we can add 'when Zhongnanhai says something, always believe its exact opposite'. da profª Mary Elise Sarotte sobre a sua obra Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate, acerca das negociações em torno da reunificação alemã e o papel da NATO na arquitectura de segurança europeia: coluna de @carmoafonso afirma que racionalizámos o papel das armas nucleares e a diabolização do outro. Discordo: são instrumentos políticos para a afirmação de potências.ós o 25 de Abril, o governo português manteve que Portugal iria continuar a cumprir as suas obrigações internacionais, incluindo os seus compromissos na Aliança Atlântica. Havia, contudo um problema: a presença de membros do PCP nos governos provisórios.'ve known for a long-time that fascists & nazis are easy to find in Russia, as well as plenty of examples of vile racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, you name it. video from Donetsk announcing today's evacuation was filmed 2 days ago as well. Russia lying is not news - it's only news that so many people still fall for it. acordo com as premissas do Realismo clássico, Marcelo encontrou-se com Lula porque este contacto está no interesse de 🇵🇹: Lula pode regressar à presidência do 🇧🇷 e nesse aspecto, é importante ter um contacto prévio para o futuro das nossas relações bilaterais. migration of Tibetan populations towards border areas is taking place under CCP (and ethnic Han) surveillance, and the new settlers are portrayed expressing their gratitude to the authorities for the incentives they receive. praises how the EU & more European countries - mentions Germany, France, UK, Netherlands - have Indo-Pacific strategies, defend freedom of navigation in the region, and take part in naval exercises w/ partners such as India, Japan, Australia, USA. report by @Crude_NGO on Turkmenistan's combination of isolationism, nepotism, totalitarianism, and kleptocracy: