Dr Jocelyn Bosse Profile picture
Researching sui generis intellectual property rights and plants, food & agriculture. Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast 🏳️‍🌈 she/her
Jan 5, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
In cherry news, 🍒 the Canadian government will be able to pursue its allegations of plant patent infringement against two US fruit companies at trial.

The US District Court (E. Wash.) denied the motion for summary judgment on Monday.
worldipreview.com/news/canada-s-… The dispute concerns #PlantPatent 20,551 (granted Dec. 15, 2009) owned by @AAFC_Canada, for a cherry tree variety named "13S2009" and sold under the trademark STACCATO. Photo of the cherry fruit, sliced in half to show the fleshCherries on the treeThe cherry blossoms on the tree, with white petals
Dec 20, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
How did poinsettias become a symbol of the Christmas holiday in the United States?

It is a story that involves plant patents, trade secrets, and a broken monopoly. Colour image of a white poinsettia from Plant Patent 1,802 (Colour image of a red poinsettia from Plant Patent 1,779 (gr Poinsettias are famous for their brightly coloured leaves or “bracts” (not flowers!), which range from the popular red to pink, creamy-white, and variegated colours.

The plant is native to Mexico and Central America, where it is also known by the Aztec name, cuetlaxochitl. Pink poinsettiacreamy white poinsettia
Jul 8, 2021 25 tweets 12 min read
Get ready for a GIANT avocado plant patent thread…

The most famous is, of course, “Hass” (#PlantPatent 139)

Many say it was the first plant patent for an avocado tree

But that’s not true… Fruit store worker holding two avocados: one normal sized Ha The first patent for an avocado (#PlantPatent 100) was awarded to Mrs Jennie C. Gano, a year before the Hass patent.

Newspapers articles about the former seamstress described how she “found success with a little ranch and five dollars.” Extract from the Los Angeles Times, dated June 3, 1934. The
Jun 21, 2021 17 tweets 8 min read
Let's talk about the infamous plant patent for ayahuasca...

This is "DA VINE," a variety of Banisteriopsis caapi, or yagé (#PlantPatent 5,751)

Many thanks to @UMDLibraries for providing me with the colour images last week! Photo of the flowers on B. caapi vine, some with rose pink pPhotos of the B. caapi vine, mostly showing the very drak gr The patent raised concerns of “biopiracy”

The term was coined in the 1990s to describe how intellectual property (especially patents) is used to appropriate Indigenous knowledge and plants, without permission or compensation.