Joe Keohane Profile picture
Coauthor of "The Lemon: A Novel." Author of "The Power of Strangers." Writer/editor: @Esquire @Medium, @Entrepreneur @Wired @NewYorker, etc. WGA member.
May 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1. As a member of the @WGAEast and a former magazine guy, I see nauseating similarities between what happened to mags and the situation in Hollywood. Magazines took a profitable business, and, confronted with the growth of digital newcomers, started producing way more content... 2. ... most of it low-cost junk thrown together on the fly by underpaid or unpaid contribs—in a panicked online arms race driven by the naïve/lunatic belief that if they only hit a certain traffic threshold, a viable business plan would reveal itself. (It didn't.)
Nov 3, 2022 33 tweets 6 min read
Hi everyone, though I recognize this is as futile a gesture as angrily shaking my fist at the sky, I'd like to share with you a story about the time this week I tried to get a living human being from the IRS on the telephone to get a simple form. A long, sad 🧵... 2/ Last Friday started like most days, with someone asking me for something, and me realizing I’d lost it, because the combination of work + parenting + residual effects of living in a plague in NYC for several years, have effectively destroyed any reliability I once possessed.