Investigative journalist at @Reuters in Singapore. Ex-Johannesburg, Abuja and London. DM for signal/protonmail
Sep 21, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
The U.S. Navy is carrying out the biggest overhaul of its top-secret submarine spy network since the end of the Cold War as China's naval power surges and new technologies reshape maritime warfare. My @Reuters investigation just out @specialreports…
The revival of the multibillion-dollar spy network, known as the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System, includes upgrading and expanding a network of underwater acoustic spy cables which are hidden in secret locations on the ocean floor
Jul 6, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
A new @Reuters investigation reveals a hidden hand in the US-China gray zone conflict: a smalltown New Jersey firm born out of a Cold War spy project is secretly laying undersea surveillance and internet cables for the Pentagon 👇🧵…
SubCom, which once lay a network of undersea cables to spy on Soviet submarines, is boosting America’s economic and military might to counter China, including a clandestine mission to a remote island naval base, dubbed “Operation Big Wave”
Mar 24, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
I’ve been investigating a hidden corner of the US-China tech war: undersea cables. Washington and Beijing are secretly battling to control this vast network, which carries nearly all the world's data, from phone calls to military secrets. Story 👇🧵…
Washington, fretting about Beijing’s spies, has forced Chinese companies off international subsea cable contracts, and blocked cables between the U.S. and Hong Kong, scuppering the plans of Google, Meta and Amazon. @Reuters got inside the room details on these campaigns
Feb 25, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Last year we began investigating a shoe recycling project run by Dow and the Singapore government. We discovered that shoes they said would be turned into jogging tracks were exported to Indonesia. 🧵TV/story 👇…
We cut holes inside the soles of 11 shoes, placed a tracker inside, then concealed the devices with the insole. The trackers were synched to a smartphone app that showed where the shoes went. Some of shoes would travel hundreds of miles across air, land and sea
Feb 22, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
UN members meet this week to debate the first ever plastic treaty. Our global single-use system, nurtured for decades by Exxon, Dow, Coke, Pepsi et al, is choking the planet. The public wants structural change. Here's why that might not happen…
Big energy companies that make the world's plastic, including oil giants like Exxon and Shell, are relying on ever more single-use packaging being sold for future profits. They are having a big hand in treaty negotiations. See our story…