Joe Truzman Profile picture
FDD senior research analyst, editor @LongWarJournal. Palestinian armed groups and Iranian proxy organizations are my focus.
Jun 19 4 tweets 1 min read
Hassan Nasrallah in a memorial speech for fallen Hezbollah fighters: The invasion of the Galilee (northern Israel) remains an option should war erupt. Image Nasrallah: We have a large number of new weapons and drones and we're manufacturing our drones and some types of rockets in Lebanon.
Apr 28 4 tweets 1 min read
How do we know that the Israeli military is doing an effective job at destroying Hamas' ability to fire rockets from Gaza? The last Hamas declaration of responsibility for firing rockets at Israel was over a month ago on March 25. On that day, they fired rockets at Ashdod. Sporadic rocket fire continues on southern Israel but it is being carried out by smaller Palestinian terrorist organizations. It's also noteworthy to mention the groups are not firing significant barrages. They are firing a handful at a time at best.
Apr 21 5 tweets 1 min read
President Biden and his national-security team watched with mounting alarm on April 13 as monitors in the White House Situation Room showed 30, then 60, then over 100 Iranian ballistic missiles streaking toward Israel.… Iranian cruise missiles and a swarm of drones were already in the air, timed to arrive at the same time as the missiles—a massive barrage that Biden and his aides feared could overwhelm the strengthened defenses they and Israel had spent more than a week preparing.
Apr 7 4 tweets 1 min read
The Israeli military released updated figures, including the number of rockets fired into Israeli territory and terrorists killed.
Rockets that crossed into Israel:
Gaza: ~ 9,100
Lebanon: ~3,100
Syria: ~35 Eliminations of terrorist.
12,000+ terrorists eliminated.
5 terrorist brigade commanders eliminated.
20+ terrorist battalion commanders eliminated.
100+ terrorist company commanders eliminated.
Mar 29 4 tweets 2 min read
The United Nations Human Rights Office in the Occupied Territories said (@OHCHR_Palestine) in a December statement that it verified Israel killed journalist, founder, and director of Gaza Now, Mustafa Ayyash. However, Gaza Now stated today he was arrested in Austria. Image Moreover, the journalist and his media organization were slapped with sanctions by the Treasury department for raising funds that went to terrorism a few days ago.…
Feb 5 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ Almost four months into the war Hamas started with Israel, Palestinian armed groups are showing signs of increased cooperation. Terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP, and others, are publishing statements and evidence claiming joint attacks against Israel. 2/ There are several possible reasons for this change. Rocket and mortar supply is finite, and 120 days of fighting has likely dwindled the ammunition of most, if not all, terror groups. By cooperating, groups can share resources and attack Israeli targets more effectively.
Jan 2 4 tweets 1 min read
From my conversations with folks here in Israel, a response is expected following the targeted killing of Saleh al-Arouri and company earlier tonight. However, Hamas is unlikely to have the capability to mount a large-scale, days long attack like it could have before October 7. Additionally, Hamas may mount attacks from southern Lebanon. Nevertheless, Hezbollah is the key factor. Despite Arouri being killed in Beirut, the operation was very clean. Little collateral damage occurred to Hezbollah.
Dec 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
IDF troops have secured Hamas' "Elite Quarter" in the center of Gaza City, including the area of Palestine Square, from where Hamas’ administrative & military leadership operated. The complex includes a large network of tunnels & apartments belonging to Hamas’ senior leadership. Shaldag forces operating in Gaza City locate a tunnel inside the home of Yahya Sinwar's military assistant.
Dec 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"Today, there were four attacks against three separate commercial vessels operating in international waters in the southern Red Sea." - CENTCOM "At approximately 12 p.m., and while in international waters, CARNEY engaged and shot down a UAV launched from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen. The drone was headed toward CARNEY although its specific target is not clear." - CENTCOM
Nov 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
IDF releases video of a hostage from Israel taken to Shifa Hospital during the terror attack in southern Israel on October 7. Additional video.
Nov 3, 2023 34 tweets 2 min read
Nasrallah's speech has started. Image He begins with honoring members of several armed groups who have died, including the families of martyrs.
Oct 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
As the ground invasion in Gaza continues to escalate, I'd like to share some key thoughts. Firstly, it's essential to note that Israel is not solely battling against Hamas, but also a range of approximately twelve other armed groups. Additionally, there are salafi-jihadist groups operating in Gaza that oppose both Hamas and Israel, but will likely join the fighting against Israeli soldiers. The majority of the groups engaged in the current conflict were also present during the 2014 ground invasion.
Oct 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
My Latest at FDD's Long War Journal discusses the Shadow Unit. A specialized Hamas unit that is in charge of prisoners of war. This group is likely holding Israeli, American and other nationalities hostage after the October 7 attack in southern Israel.…
Image "The number of hostages held by the group remains unknown, but there are growing concerns that the unit lacks the necessary resources to manage a significant number of captives."
Oct 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
This thread identifies and provides evidence demonstrating which Palestinian terrorist organizations are involved in the barbaric attack that occurred in Israel on October 7. Researchers, journalists, and government agencies are advised to refer to this supporting material. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades:
Sep 23, 2023 26 tweets 6 min read
🧵 Due to the ongoing Hamas-led border riots at the Gaza-Israel border, I will be routinely updating this thread with evidence happening on the ground. Palestinians affiliated with armed groups launch incendiary-laden balloons and condoms towards southern Israel. Don't ask me about the makeshift airplane, I've been trying to figure this out since 2018.
Jul 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
At @FDD, we put a visual together demonstrating 19 Iran-backed organizations operating on Israel's borders. Some of these actors are sanctioned by the U.S. & other Western nations. While others like the Popular Resistance Committees has yet to be designated. Image The Popular Resistance Committees is based in Gaza and was founded in 2000. The armed group is responsible for attacking American and Israeli citizens for over two decades. Image
Jul 6, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
🧵 Based on open source research, it appears that at least 10/12 Palestinians killed in the IDF operation in Jenin are either members of militant groups or were involved in clashes with Israeli troops. Samih Abu al-Wafa, claimed by Islamic Jihad.
May 10, 2023 90 tweets 23 min read
Two militants killed overnight in Qabatiya during an Israeli forces operation. ImageImage Islamic Jihad in Jenin releases a video showing recent clashes with Israeli forces. Civilians, including children place themselves in danger by standing beside gunmen firing at Israeli forces. Also, militants carrying fire extinguishers rigged to explode appear to be used.
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
CNN Arabiyeh did a segment about militants in Jenin. Some good Qs were asked, such as if weapons were stolen from the IDF. Though some crucial points were missed. The Jenin Brigade is made up of groups designated as terrorist orgs by several countries. Unlike what the introductory statement said, the violence is already here, it started around the middle of 2021. At least one of the men shown in the documentary wasn't killed, despite what the report said, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades commander Zakaria Zubeidi is alive and well.
Jan 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵A rocket targeting southern Israel was fired this evening, but fell short inside #Gaza. The launch followed Itamar Ben-Givr's visit to the grounds of al-Aqsa Mosque earlier today. Both events are related and follow a pattern that has slowly developed over the last 18 months.>> Specifically, one Palestinian faction stands out more than the rest and that's Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). PIJ has become pro-active in its responses to Israeli actions in the West Bank and Jerusalem since the May '21 conflict. For example, PIJ has expanded its presence >>
Aug 5, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
Due to the security events unfolding in Gaza and likely Israel, I'm starting a thread where all relevant information on the actions of Palestinian militant organizations & the IDF will be posted here. Academics, journalists & government officials are welcome to use this material. Hezbollah has issued a statement mourning the death of PIJ commander al-Jabari. The group extends its "deepest condolences and sympathy to the brothers in the Islamic Jihad movement." Hezbollah also expressed support for the actions PIJ will take in response to the killings.