@QLDLabor candidate for #SouthernDowns in 2017 & 2020. Living in #Bigambul country. Authorised by J Richters, 4 Pratten Street, Goondiwindi. #qldpol.
Dec 23, 2019 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Common sense seems to have been totally lost on the #Morrison government. Who in their right mind sends a letter to a family 2 days before #Christmas to say your visa is denied? Morrison and Dutton just have to kick you when your down... to make sure you stay there! #auspol
A mother and her children have been told to go home, back to the US after making #Allora Queensland their home for 7 years... and the decision is based purely on an administrative matter... not because their found to be unfit for residency. #heartless#morrison#auspol