Joey Ickes Profile picture
Husband, Father, MBA, Finance, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Football Geek. Live everyday like it's 3rd & 8...
Feb 11 15 tweets 3 min read
Yall want a “fun” philosophical takeaway I learned from Sahil Bloom on Modern Wisdom that applies to the Cowboys and a lot of the “old guard” NFL in general?

It’s the Losers game vs Winners game dichotomy.

Let’s take a dive…

🗣️ Thread Me!!! First of all, what is a Losers game vs a Winners game?

Let’s use tennis as Sahil did as an example…

Amateur tennis matches are not often won by the person who hits the BEST shots… they’re won by the person who avoids the unforced BAD shots.

This is a losers game
Mar 22, 2024 41 tweets 7 min read

Why are they one of the lowest cash spending teams in the league despite being the most valuable??

It's time to put our tin foil hats on and go for a ride through the world of the N. Texas ultra wealthy

BIG TIme THREAD ME Before we get into the football payroll side of things, let's talk about a concept called the "Family Office" the family office is a tool used by the ultra wealthy to make significant investments into private companies.

These are fully incorp'd investment businesses...
Jul 18, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
The Power Ball is over $1B, and the Mega Millions isn’t far behind… you are buying tickets, and you just won!

What do you do now??

I’ve got 15 years in combined banking/personal finance and corporate finance experience…

Here’s what you do…

Thread me: The first few steps are about protecting yourself and your anonymity

Step 1:
Don’t tell ANYONE… except your spouse if you have one…

Step 2: Make 3 photocopies of your ticket, put the original in a safe deposit box at a bank, keep the copies in a safe place at home.
Apr 21, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
In honor of my friends who work in higher ed. I feel its time for a full refresher on the "Runningbacks Don't Matter 101" course as teams ready for their next big exam next week.

The data is overwhelming.

Thread Me: The studies on the running game go back to as early as 2011 when Brian Burke clarified just how inefficient running the ball was compared to passing.…
Jan 24, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
NBD… just a guard filling in at tackle, blocking 2 guys on the front side of an OZ play… Hi Kenyon…
Oct 27, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
I did this exercise in the #groupchat last week...

Let’s rebuild this DAL roster...

🗣 Longest Thread EVER me! Let’s look at the offense first bc this is easy..

For 2021 at positions that contribute you will have returning players at:

OT3 - 69 (nice)
iOL3 - 66
X - 13
Z - 19
F - 88
WR4 - 11
TE1 -89
TE2 - 86
Feb 19, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
The thing that absolutely too few people understand regarding the Dak situation right now, is that Dak literally has ALL the leverage.

Let’s talk about why...

Thread Me #afterdark First of all, Dak knows that barring an absolutely catastrophic injury, he is guaranteed between $60-70M over the next two years just by playing on the tag 2x.
Aug 21, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Thoughts on the Jaylon contract, and the press conference etc...

🗣Thread me!!!! First of all, and we’ve known this for a long time, Jaylon is a cat who just “gets it”. From a long term value stand point, and from a time value of money stand point, as he said in the presser “Cash is King”.

He views himself as a business man and he’s incredibly smart.
Feb 11, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Alright let’s dive into this and break this down...

You know where this is headed...

🗣THREAD ME!!!! Ok so Todd projected a 6-year $168M extension with $68M gtd...

Dak basically has a $2M cap # in 2019.

For the sake of our analysis we’ll assume a $45M signing bonus which will be the ball park amount.

So effectively we have a 7 year $170M contract with $70M gtd.
Jan 18, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
By the way, we have already seen the beginnings of the groundwork being laid for the Cowboys to stand pat on a terrible offensive scheme going into 2019....

Thread me for how it goes down... First we hear about how they don’t know for sure if there are any real “upgrades” available, and how they “don’t want to make change for the sake of change bc we did some good things on offense in 2018”
Oct 23, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Re : Amari...

I don’t love giving up a 1st rd pick ever, but I am extremely happy with the fact that they deviated from a nearly decade long trend of over valuing their draft picks in relation to active NFL players. Also this represents a departure from their philosophy of leaning too heavily on only one leg of the roster building stool, which has often left them unbalanced and hanging on for dear life to stay competitive.