Johan Nohr Profile picture
I make art, graphic design and game stuff. @morkborg, CY_BORG, Barkhäxan. Into the Odd Remastered. Symbaroum. Oktoberlandet. Stockholm Kartell. Sweden. He/him.
Mar 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I read a post about someone being worried that their PCs in MÖRK BORG obtained a shit ton of silver and that it would trivialize the campaign, even ruining it. My answer is that money honestly doesn’t matter in a grim, dying world. If anything, it just means more problems. First of all, how do you handle the logistics of moving a literal ton of coins from the depths of the dungeon to the …safety(?) of a town? You’re expecting to just pile it on a cart and trod unbothered through the wilderness and past the city gates?
Jan 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Been thinking about this and want to elaborate. When systems make fights whiffy with lots of misses that, mechanically, doesn’t change anything (lower hit points or apply conditions etc), that’s your cue to improvise and escalate with dramatic rulings. Let me explain. In a fight, I try to make sure that -something- always happens every round, that something changes and that scales are tipped. The rules system might not support it but that doesn’t matter. As long as everyone at the table is fine with your rulings, you’re good to go.
Oct 24, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵 One thing we do a lot with the writing of MÖRK BORG is trying to add microdoses of flavor into as many places as we can; in particular the random tables. Entries that would normally be quite business-as-usual can help set the tone if you just add a word or two. Some examples: Image The first example from the core book is the weather table. It's kind of a joke that it only includes bad weather, but it helps paint the picture of the setting. And it's never just windy, it's -piercing- wind. It's not rain, it's -hammering- rain. Avoid adjectives? No way, sir. Image
Jun 26, 2020 28 tweets 9 min read
1/25 Okay, I’m gonna be all typography geeky again. This time I’ll walk you through how I personally go about setting a body text. There are probably plenty of other methods, but this one’s mine. A thread. And boy will it get nerdy. Image 2/25 Note: This method is tedious, inefficient and time-consuming. But thorough. I use it when I layout novels and other projects that depend a lot on body text. But you might find it interesting regardless. Skip some steps if you want.
Jun 24, 2020 22 tweets 7 min read
1/20 Choosing a typeface. A thread.
Allow me to geek out for a bit. 2/20 When choosing a typeface I use two parameters: Association and Purpose. What does the typeface tell me instinctively, and why was it made specifically?