Johann Kurtz Profile picture
Friend to all on the true right. Author of Becoming Noble: build resources, family & security as the West declines. Follow my Substack for my best work.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture Rand Bleimeister Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 28, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Heaven vs. Valhalla: which is more exciting?

A defence of Heaven, drawing upon the work of exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger.

Heaven is neither a mere church service nor a peaceful village on a hill.

What does it mean to look upon the face of God?

Staggering intensity.

🧵 Image In Heaven we are given unfiltered access to God: we no longer look upon him as ‘through a glass, darkly’.

And yet we remain finite beings perceiving an infinite Being.

Although we can see Him perfectly we can never understand Him in totality.
Jun 10, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Too many analyses of the future of AI miss a key factor:

The regime forcing the tech to advance the grand progressive project.

This leads to tech-literate but politically naive predictions.

The reality will be neither utopian nor apocalyptic.

But it will be deranged. 🧵 Image The regime wants stable growth.

Thus it always attempts to shape the populations it controls to be more productive and manageable.

How the regime defines ‘productivity’ is determined by economic and ideological priorities at any point in time.
Jun 3, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
How many of us have been seduced by the Spengler passage on the Roman centurion who died at his post in Pompeii?

But isn't there something faintly horrifying in these lines, a touch of madness and despair?

🧵 on Spengler, Tolkien, hope, and Northern Courage. Image Spengler's lines are beautiful but horrifying.

Lurking behind them one finds a grotesque superimposition of an exquisite virtue - noble steadfastness in the face of death - and the madness of an ignoble vice - nihilistic despair.
May 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Since people enjoyed my conversation with @exit_org about life in woke big tech as a white guy, sharing some funny moments:

1) HR announces that 3% of workforce is now disabled - and they intend to increase those numbers. Worried looks from colleagues (what are they planning?) Image 2) Social organizer plans team social at some quite radical gay bar to be progressive. Small group of compliant normies attends and emerges looking shellshocked
May 27, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
The medieval Icelandic hymn 'Hear, Smith of the Heavens' is hauntingly beautiful.

Yet the vision of God as a smith seems conflicted, echoing an ancient pagan understanding.

🧵 on Catholic 'inculturation' in a strange time of kings, demons, myths, miracles, and warring faiths: Image "Heyr himna smiður" (literally "Hear, smith of the heavens") is a medieval Icelandic hymn.

It written on his deathbed by chieftain and poet Kolbeinn Tumason in the 13th-century, as his head was caved in by a rock.
May 19, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Spengler’s body of work appears to be charged with a divine spark.

It imbues titanic vision on those that make contact with it.

Consider Asimov's magnum opus, Foundation.

Or author James Blish, who, writing in 1978, prophesized the next 50 years of history.


"In such a period, politics becomes an arena of competing generals and plutocrats, under a dummy ruler chosen for low intelligence and complete moral plasticity, who amuses himself and keeps the masses distracted from their troubles with bread, circuses and brushfire wars."
May 13, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
The healthy conservative instinct that is destroying conservatism:


In times of madness, the desire for respectability must be cast off.

On this, Christians and Nietzscheans align.

Why? THREAD: Image Respectability is derived from maximally embodying consensus morality.

It is the satisfaction of knowing that those around you admire you for who you choose to be.

In healthy times, it incentivizes men to act in unison with their brethren. Image
May 5, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
Sam Hyde’s (@wigger) attacks on Hassan Piker represent the next great artistic frontier:

Action art.

A return to the rawest forms - physicality, emotion, violence.

Captivating, undeniable, and breaking through cultural programming.

Why? THREAD: ImageImage Contemporary art’s connection to reality has been severed by over-intellectualization.

This decline is a symptom of a sterilized society, untethered to beauty and truth.

It is time for the Right to take up its rightful role as the true artistic avant-garde. Image
Apr 28, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
The right should not promote shows just because they are implicitly right-wing.

Subtext is wasted on normies, who need explicit instructions.

Take Harry Potter, which draws its seductive power from reactionary undercurrents, but spawned an army of ultra-lib fans.

Why? THREAD: ImageImage First we must clarify an important distinction, using terms that I’m going to bastardize from the philosophy of language:

Denotation vs. Connotation.