John Beaudoin, Sr. aka, The Real CdC Profile picture
Vivamus moriendum est; Let us live since we must die BSEE MBA; books sold at TheRealCdC dot com; Articles found at TheRealCdC dot Substack dot com
6 subscribers
Dec 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Louisiana Sudden Kidney Failure

- Nearly 2,000 EXCESS kidney deaths
- From late 2020 thru 2024 - Louisiana deaths caused by acts of man

@JeffLandry within 2 weeks I can tell you what caused this and other causes in excess. Pro bono audit offeredImage 2/
Sudden kidney failure deaths by year
Huge excess
@JeffLandry who is looking at this. This is the biggest cause of Louisiana life-years-lost in 100 years except for WWII. Image
Dec 18, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Ages 5 to 44
I40 & I51.4 Myocarditis
I am not saying Myocarditis is not an issue

Many will die 40 years from now, 20 years earlier than they otherwise would have

My point = Win minds by focusing truth that AKI, PE, Stroke, Cancer killed > 500K ppl in USA by cvid vx's Image 2/
Ages 5 to 44
I40 & I51.4 Myocarditis
Excess deathsImage
Dec 18, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I40 & I51.4 Myocarditis (Now you will see why I critique certain big-name doctors for talking about myocarditis 99% of the time, which diminishes real cvid vx deaths by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. FOLLY)Image 2/
I40 & I51.4 Myocarditis
Excess deaths by year
All Ages
United StatesImage
Dec 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
D8 Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
United States
All Ages
How does the CDC miss these signals?
Answer: you don't find what you refuse to look for.

What is their mission? Image 2/
Prevalence of D8 as a percentage of All-Cause deaths to adjust for excess All-Cause
All Ages
2020, year of massive Covid wave, not a factor

2021 introduction of mRNA C19 jab messes with leukocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages et al

Good bye immune systemImage
Dec 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Texas - Ages 15-54 - N17 Sudden Kidney Failure
How can any health department look at 2021 and not ask questions. It's NOT Covid, obviously. Image 2/
Texas - Ages 15-54 - N17 Sudden Kidney Failure EXCESS deathsImage
Dec 5, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Sudden Kidney Failure
All Ages
Note the 2024 does not include December and much of November. It will be well above the dashed line when they're included. Image 2/
Sudden Kidney Failure
All Ages
Excess N17-involved deaths by year Image
Nov 30, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
USA D69.5 Secondary Thrombocytopenia All Ages
Annual bar graph

When I tell people that "yes" I agree that Covid-19 is prothrombotic, but the vax is 10X to 100X more prevalent for the same causes of death.

Isn't it sooooooooo obvious that people die MORE after the vax? Image 2/
USA D69.5 Secondary Thrombocytopenia All Ages Annual bar graph of EXCESS deaths involving D69.5Image
Nov 30, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ God bless Alexis Lorenze. I hope she can heal from thrombocytopenia purpura and necrosis of skin tissue.
I'm not sure of the diagnosis. That's just what it looks like to me.

California D69.5 Secondary Thrombocytopenia All Ages
Annual bar graphImage 2/
California All Ages Excess deaths involving D69.5 Secondary Thrombocytopenia
It's only 2022 -2024. Remember that 2024 is no complete yet. It will get bigger.
It's NOT Covid. Didn't happen in excess 2020-2021Image
Nov 30, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
California Ages 15-54
N17 Acute renal failure; Acute kidney injury Image 2/
California Ages 15-54
Excess deaths Image
Nov 29, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Ohio N17 Acute Kidney Injury involved deaths by year

Similar to all the states. Why is that?
Ohio had about 16,600 excess deaths in 2020. If Covid caused AKI, why only 625 excess? (see next post) Image 2/
Ohio Excess N17 Acute Renal Failure EXCESS by year

I'll show all cause & all-cause excess at the end.
It's insane to think Covid the disease did this.
It did happen with the second wave of covid after

CMS put a bounty on the heads of patients. Incentive to use killer drugsImage
Nov 29, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Indiana Acute Kidney Injury Excess Deaths

Corrected Indiana graphs. Only third graph had the y-axis numbers incorrect.
I'll add the table from which the graphs are derived.
And I'll put only one graph per post in a thread so people can see what's going on. The excess deaths in Indiana are very discouraging. 2020 covidImage 2/
Indiana AKI deaths by year Image
Nov 20, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
Expect ZERO graphs & stats from me tomorrow on VSRF.
CONCLUSIVE evidence of CDC and state health department felonies: FRAUD, MANSLAUGHTER, MURDER proven tomorrow

Because tomorrow will involve real people's deaths in the context of law, here is a thread of data.
N17 18-54yo 2/
New grouping 18-54yo

Been trying to get people on this for 2.5 years.

Greatest mass casualty mass murder in US history.

@ICANdecide @ChildrensHD @Honest_Medicine
I see you're beginning to address it.
Let's goooooo!!!!!!!

1. Hospital homicide
2. Vx Image
Nov 20, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
I was just testing out some theories and made some graphs. I figure I'll just dump them in here for people to peruse
These are All-Cause Excess deaths from a 3-state aggregate of MN MA CT

Notice volume of black over time.
For ages 85+, Covid ended Feb 2021, 3.5 yrs ago Image 2/
Notice this is 65+. There is extra excess in the third wave and no deficit to speak of.

Why is the 3rd wave as big as the first? Covid was over for 85+ by then and the vax was out for 9 months by then. Image
Nov 11, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
I have THOUSANDS of graphs from 1.4 MILLION death records
I show what scientists guess at

I can see the record of every single person that graphs represent

I can control variables, look by zip code, death certifier, type of body disposal
Wake up!!!
Govt hides this from you 2/
45 to 54 years old N17 sudden kidney failure excess deaths calculation

How many will missing having parents and grandparents and children?Image
Oct 9, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
This thread is
Vol. I
aka CT Memo Vol. IImage 2/ Image
Sep 3, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Civil Disobedience - INTRODUCTION

These were my first attempts at learning video production and editing.

The target was 2 minutes each. This introduction is a bit longer. 3mins 30secs 2/
Civil Disobedience - Defined - Module 1
1 min 29 secs
Jul 12, 2024 40 tweets 13 min read
1/ Short video links and graphs below


155,000 excess SUDDEN KIDNEY FAILURE deaths since 2020

Mass-Casualty Event


Rather from COVID treatment recommendations
And from COVID vx's

Equals Fentanyl OD Mass-Casualty Event

Both caused by government
Here's a teaser from ¶2 of THE CONNECTICUT MEMORANDA SERIES - Vol. IImage 2/
Why are Americans dying of sudden kidney failure at twice (2X) the normal rate since 2020?

Introductory video - serving NOTICE in Connecticut
May 15, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
From the First Amended Complaint of
Beaudoin v Baker et al (the MA govrnr, pub hlth commissioner, Chief ME, 4 MEs)
"This Am. Compl. would not have been filed but for Defendants’ fraudulent conduct. C19 vaccine mandates would not exist but for Defendants’ fraudulent conduct. Fear and societal devolution fostering crime, overdoses, and suicides would not have happened but for Defendants’ fraudulent conduct. Beaudoin would be graduating law school in two (2) months but for Defendants’ fraudulent conduct. Any reasonable person knows that reversal of the fraud will redress the injury in fact." 2/
The Amended complaint is at the bottom of this webpage…
May 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Is Turbo Cancer real? The full year of 2023 is here.
And it does not look good for the Death Lottery Cult.

Stay tuned for some serious developments by the end of May.
Multiple Findings:
Renal failure (hospital homicides)
Turbo cancer
Blood dysregulation

Example:Image 2/
Time for another before bed
Is Turbo Cander real?
You decide. There is no need for statistics. You get to look at raw numbers and make that decision.
Scientists have the raw numbers here and can do their statistical methods. But The People can use their own discernment on theseImage
Apr 16, 2024 11 tweets 22 min read
corrections in [backets]

John Paul Beaudoin, Sr., Plaintiff - Appellant,
CHARLES D. BAKER, JR. individually as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; MAURA T. HEALEY, in her Official Capacity as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; MARGARET R. COOKE, individually and in her Official Capacity as Commissioner of the Department of Public Health of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; MINDY HULL, individually and in her Official Capacity as Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; JANICE Y. GRIVETTI, individually and in her Official Capacity as Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; MICHELE N. MATTHEWS, individually and in her Official Capacity as Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; ROBERT M. WELTON, individually and in her Official Capacity as Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; JULIE HULL, individually and in her Official Capacity as Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Defendants - Appellees.

On Appeal from the United States District Court
for the District of Massachusetts

No. 1:22-cv-11356-NMG

Hon. Nathaniel M. Gorton

The plaintiff brought this entirely equitable action against the defendants because the plaintiff was deprived of the right to a legal education due to his refusal to show proof of covid “vaccination.” The law school requiring covid “vaccination” stated that they enacted the “vaccine” mandate because of the number of covid deaths claimed by the defendants and because the “vaccine” would somehow make everyone safe if everyone was injected with it as stated by the defendants.

The plaintiff received and analyzed nearly five hundred thousand (~500,000) un-redacted death records from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The plaintiff determined that numerous death records are false writings. The defendants have not corrected the false writings even after receiving notice derived from this lawsuit in September 2022. The defendants massively overcounted covid deaths through fraud on public records and hid covid “vaccine”- caused deaths from the public by intentional omission of the true causes of death. Since the cover-up of the “vaccine”- caused deaths, several thousand more people in Massachusetts died as a result of covid “vaccination.”

The law school that unenrolled the plaintiff and other law schools to which the plaintiff was interested in applying stated publicly that the reasons for the mandates are the covid death counts and stated that the “vaccine” is “safe and effective,” both of which are the responsibility of the defendants and both of which are false statements.

No reasonable person would conclude that law schools would have enacted “vaccine” mandates if they knew the TRUTH documented from the Commonwealth’s own official records in 123 pages in EXHIBIT F of this case. But for the fraudulent misrepresentations put forth by the defendants, law schools would not have enacted mandates. There is “no reasonable doubt” of traceability, a standard far beyond what is necessary to confer standing.

The plaintiff has another case in state court for a contract breach against the law school. That is a separate matter. The matter at hand is narrow and specific in order to stop the injury. The requested relief is to enjoin the defendants to publicly admit the TRUTH regarding the official records of Massachusetts. Tell the TRUTH to the people is all that is really necessary.

No reasonable person would believe that law schools would not immediately drop “vaccine” mandates if they were told the TRUTH that deaths caused by covid “vaccination” were labeled as “covid” deaths, that accidental deaths from fentanyl overdose, blunt force trauma to the head, blunt force trauma to the torso, and other hundreds of accidental deaths were labeled “covid” deaths, that the CARES Act is a behavior modification device that, through large financial incentives, changed the behavior of doctors to ventilate people who had oxygen saturation in the nineties percent. The massive fraud on The People is also a massive murder of The People. And this court and the prior court may misuse and abuse “standing doctrine” to flick this case away, but they cannot flick away their own and their family members’ heart attacks, strokes, turbo dementia, turbo cancers, acute renal failures, aortic dissections, and many other “vaccine”- caused injury[ies] and death[s].

There is no doubt whatsoever that if the law schools were told the TRUTH by the defendants, then the law schools would immediately end covid “vaccine” mandates.

Let’s stop pretending that Iqbal’s Revenge has not killed a million people in the United States in the past four (4) years and that it was enabled by the courts’ misuse of “standing doctrine” case law. 2/
The action arises under the United States Constitution, Amendment I right to petition a Court for a redress of grievances and under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil action for deprivation of rights.

This Court has jurisdiction over the plaintiff’s appeal from the final decision of the United States District Court for the District or Massachusetts under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.

Judgment was entered on October 27, 2023. This appeal is from a final judgment that disposed of all of [the plaintiff’s] Petitioner’s claims.

Whether the plaintiff has standing to sue the defendants, whose fraud caused “vaccine” mandates from law schools

Whether the plaintiff has an injury-in-fact.

Whether the plaintiff’s injury can be “fairly” traced to the conduct of the defendants.

Whether the plaintiff’s request for equitable relief, if ordered by the court, would redress the injury, ergo, cause the schools to drop the mandates.

The plaintiff, John Paul Beaudoin, Sr., is a systems engineer and has an MBA in Management.

The plaintiff investigated public health data put out to The People by the defendants and found massive amounts of fraud. The plaintiff further investigated by interviewing an agent from within a state organization and also correlated other databases such as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) against the Commonwealth’s databases. The plaintiff’s irrefutable evidence has been shown to millions of people around the world and several thousand doctors and scientists. No one has refuted the facts evinced by the plaintiff, whose two (2) publications will ship to the public within a few weeks.

The plaintiff sued the defendants in August 2022, with all defendants served by September 9, 202[2]3. The District Court dismissed the suit in equity pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12.(b)(6).
Mar 25, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
I've seen docs saying there's no evidence of increased cancers. They dismiss Phinance Technologies' data from Ed Dowd or The Ethical Skeptic's data.

I don't have time to find and post. So please feel free to repost these pages of THE CDC MEMORANDUM. Image 2/ Image