Post-moral. Anti-sentimental. Gender is a technological construct. You're not free, you're comfortable.
5 subscribers
Feb 14 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
“The American right has no coherent message or ideology”.
Why does it need one? Right-wing means authority, which doesn’t necessarily mean top-down authority but rather the conditions to institute authoritative standards or boundaries.
The objective of left-wing politics is to negate every natural or hierarchical value. This only becomes possible when technology facilitates collectivism via mass communication.
Intellectualism is primarily the remit of the left because it’s about defying natural order.
Jul 24, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
There are no books without the printing press, there is no feminism without books, there are no feminists without books about feminism.
Q. What caused feminism?
Westerners: "feminists".
The origins of social authority are remarkably easy to detect yet universally misunderstood because of learned stupidity.
Natural authority is subverted by participation. The mobility and viability of authority is determined by the number of participants in a conversation.
Sep 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
@seerutkchawla That's the contradiction inherent to their worldview: they believe white Europeans are a *uniquely* malevolent influence, yet their conception of history begins and ends with the presence of white Europeans.
Ultimately, they believe the gravest sin is accurate record keeping.
@seerutkchawla In other words, every "wrongdoing" which precedes a civilisation's proficiency to record it is whitewashed or purified by default because we know nothing or very little about it.